So I am a regular pipe smoker, and after seeing a friend's e-cig, I decided to give one of the pipes a try. I ordered one of the DME601 pipes from Focalpoint...
So a couple questions:
Does anyone know anything about that site? I leaped before I looked, so now I am just a little jittery.
Second - I imagine I have to buy some liquid now to put into the thing. I looked around, and there were a ton of bad looking sites. I finally ordered some from, but then I read some bad stuff about that site, so I cancelled the order.
Where is a good place to buy liquid?
Also - as a pipe smoker, I plan on trying to find a flavor that matches that. I am curious about some of the other flavors - are the different flavors off-putting to people who like the taste of tobacco?
I don't plan on quitting the pipe, but I do want to cut the real one down to a night or two a week. I currently smoke about every night for a couple hours (never during the day).