So I have the crown 2,and a ton of coils,lol.what I was wondering was if any of you have both,and if so which do you prefer,and a couple of questions. Do the original crown coils last longer?does the original crown have leaking issues?I've had my crown 2 for two months and have had some slight a couple of months,I would like to purchase a tank that has nickel coils,just for convenience sake with my mods.if the crown is any good,I will definently snap one up asap.right now with my current situation,having another crown 2,that I can run one,a kanthal coil,and in the other a stainless caters best to what I need and can afford right now.but in a few months,I will be hunting a tank that supports nickel.any other tank suggestions are welcome too,as long as you don't tell me kangertech,haha I despise those tanks with a passion,and I have tried the nano,toptank mini,and subtank mini.I need something that can do at least 65 watts easy,I max out at about 50,and I would like for the coil to be able to handle it.thanks y'all! !