This is a huge milestone in my life. As of today I have been smoke free for exactly two years!! I smoked analogs for 34+ years. I enjoyed smoking (or so I thought at the time) and didn't really want to quit. I thought I should quit and tried several times, but nothing worked. Then I found out about ecigs and just knew that was the answer for me. And it was. I walked away from the analogs with no problem whatsoever and never looked back. I have never had a craving for one, have not been tempted to pick one up, and know that I never will again. What a wonderful feeling!
I feel better. Things smell better and taste better. I can breath easier, climb stairs better and walk farther than I could before - even though when I was smoking, I didn't know those things were impaired for me. I never knew how I smelled when I was a smoker. I couldn't smell other smokers. I can now. I can walk through a store and point out every single smoker in there. And to think I used to smell like that - phew!
This has been a wonderful (continuing) journey and I've been blessed to share it with all of the good folks here at Vapor Talk. In one way or another you've all touched my life and made the journey a whole lot more fun. Thumbs up to all of you!
Happy vaping!!!!!