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  1. I will see about trying them...however, I am a bit partial...if you can't tell. Lol.
  2. To be honest its not about the cost...its about the quality...I prefer to pay for what is good then waste my money on crud...
  3. Try Holy Vanilla DIYFlavorShack...It really is delicious. If you want a lot of flavor you can always ask for it to be doubled.
  4. Spam? I'm confused...I am sorry that you got something that smelled like stale cigarettes but I have never had that experience...Interesting
  5. So if you are looking for awesome service on all avenues try DIYFlavorShack.com. I'm positive this wouldn't happen with them. I have issues with hardware in the past and she sends out the replacement with a smile. I hope this helps.
  6. Try DIYFlavorShack.com for your nic and other questions. Dawn is awesome and happy to answer any questions that you need. I like to mix my own liquids as well and find her site the most helpful. She has everything and anything you need and the ability to personally answer your questions.
  7. As an individual who has used the electronic cigarette to help beat a bad habit (e.g., smoking cigarettes), I have utilized the services of a few online stores and wound up disappointed. It wasn't until coming across a friend who introduced me to some e-liquids from DIYFlavorShack.com that I was convinced I would succeed. Dawn Marie is absolutely amazing...she makes the experience more personal and provides wonderful customer service. I would recommend at least trying some of her juices and making this decision for yourself. I have ordered all of my hardware from this site as well as tried many of her flavors (gooey butter cake being my favorite) and am yet to be let down. The quality of the product is top notch and everything is made to order and shipped one to two days after I have made my online purchase. The time it takes to get to me is quick and if there is anything wrong with the order or damage to the package I am able to let her know and she fixes it right away. Not to mention all the lovely and personalized free gifts she sends that help out so much during this time of need. So if you are looking for a supplier who takes time to ensure great quality in all areas please try DIYFlavorShack.com. You wont be disappointed.
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