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Everything posted by VAPRLIFE

  1. If an atomizer starts to taste funny, burned fiber taste it is not bad, just dirty. Then there a few things you can do: 1. Blow out from battery side hole. This gets rid of the excess old liquid that has been heated and reheated numerous times. You can use a air hose, or blow with your mouth, but not as effective. Then wipe liquid with paper towel, including up in the cartridge end. 2. The best method is to use a ultrasonic cleaner with Distilled water. you can use a jewel ultrasonic cleaner. Place in for 5 minutes, blow out, and repeat second time. I have used this method and still using the same atomizer for 2 months. A true bad atomizer is one that doesn't heat at all, the case of atomizer doesn't even get warm. I hope this helped! Jeso
  2. Bought politician Ellen Corbett submits SB400 Dark days follow! waiting....waiting....did Arnie get bought by big tobacco?????? Then: Terminator strikes after years of hiding!!!! Asta lavista baby Fungu Ellen Corbett Dang I wish he would do one more movie with a 510 in his mouth!!!!
  3. OK, I did some testing on that type of pass thru with the in line battery. They work by the battery supplies your e cigarette, and there is a recharging circuit, that then continues to keep the battery charged. So you will not damage your computer, because you are essentially using the battery that gets recharged continuously. That's why they are not popular because they do not supply any more voltage or current. But supply the standard amount of power as a e cig. I could be wrong, but that is what my tests have shown. Best Regards Jeso
  4. Hi Guys, I also was bewildered by the in line battery? So after limited information on line of why the battery, I had to take one apart. The 3.7v 360mAh 10440 battery is in parallel with the USB power. older computers with (USB 1.0) specs only allowed 500mAh devices to be hooked up to the port, and if you exceeded that you would get a warning of a USB power surge. The battery in parallel supplies 360 mAh extra power to your atomizer so the warning doesn't come up. Those pass thrus do not supply 1.2 to 1.5 Amps at 5 volts, ends up about 4 volts and 750 mAh . That is why they are not that popular. USB 2.0 or higher allows devices to take 1.2 to 1.8 amps from the USB ports to charge items, such as ipod, cell phones, etc I am by far not an expert, but this is some of the information I was able to round up. I hope this helped? Best Regards Jeso
  5. Hi Diggs, So how did you make out with the atomizers? Do you need anything, let me know! Jeso
  6. Hi, Everything came in earlier than expected. So VP1's And VP2's will be shipping 10/5 and 10/6 I have enough stock of machined parts, so I shouldn't run out again. Thanks for your support and patience! Jeso
  7. Great facts Chris, The problem with the other site is it loaded with self important members that feel they must stroke each others ego's. If a new member has something to ask or wants to contribute to a topic, they are pounced on. Your site doesn't make people feel that way, and if arrogant members start acting that way, they should be asked to show respect to others, regardless of there experience or knowledge. Just my 2 cents Jeso
  8. Hi Diggs, I think potentially the heater, 4 holes, and metal mesh on those atomizers are plugged up or gummed up with the primer they put on atomizers at the factory. I am very curious about the outcome, because these atomizers are great. Best Regards Jeso
  9. Hi Diggs, Thank you for spending the time to write your experiences. The atomizers are 4 holes, I removed the black sleeve and there are 4 slots The only explanation I can have on the atomizers is some were soaked in primer when I received them. So we wiped them off and packaged them. My guess is that they are excessively primed internally. I have had very good success with atomizers that start tasting funny after a few weeks. So I ultrasonically clean them in deionized water, blow them out, then do again. If you don't have a ultrasonic cleaner, What I would suggest is on a few bad ones is soak them in hot tap water for a while. Then let them dry overnight if you don't have access to shop air. I use the VP1 exclusively, even though I am surrounded by these things. I am using the same 801 atomizer as yours for over a month, I just cleaned it 3 days ago ultrasonically, and it creates plums of vapor with a great throat hit on menthol juice The VP1 and Vapre51 are similar and should perform identically. If the above still doesn't work, I will send another set of atomizers to you. The whole purpose of us doing business is to offer customers what a electronic cigarette is capable of. Keep me posted on your attempts and we will figure out why so many attys are not performing. Best Regards Jeso
  10. Sure, as long as the O.D. is at least 0.5" Also that it is already been fired, primer already hit I could use that end for the end cap. Send me one, and I will try to make it for you. Jeso
  11. Wow, that sounds like Sean, Dang too bad you didn't get it on video it would have been a classic! The two of yous are like abbot and Costello They are supposed to be loctite together, maybe that one got missed? Anyhow he should be able to fix it with them there 2 left hands (lol) Jeso
  12. The thing is The U.S. is not hungry to work, but today with China you ask and they will leap to make anything you ask for. That's where we lost it. For an example, I was looking for a part and emailed about 3 U.S. companies and 1 in China. I corresponded with the Chinese Manufacturer, ordered, and received parts from China, before the 3 U.S. Manufacturers even responded to my email? We lost how to fast track manufacturing, and our Corporate structures is so imperial that we just drop like flies. (IE. GM) in today's competitive climate. The customer asked for protected batteries for the VP1, and we did what it takes to satisfy the customer, that is what should be important. The new VP1 is designed, manufactured, and machined in the U.S. Of course some items are from China because they are not available in the States.
  13. Vaprlifes website has been updated with the newer look. All VP1's and VP2's come stock with a DSE801 battery fitting with an adjustable air flow system. We then have adapters: DSE801 to DSE901 adapters DSE801 to 510 adapters These adapters can use the air flow system with a hole drilled in the side of the adapter ***I would be interested if people would just rather have us at Vaprlife drilled the hole If the adapter has a hole in the side, you just raise the set screw to get the stock 510 or 901 amount of air flow. Let me know ? As a side note: People are doubting that we have protected 10440 batteries, but we do!!!!!. We have been working on it for a few months now, and we will have them in stock next week. Thanks again for the support
  14. Hi, VP1's will now be shipped with protected batteries because of the slight increase in length to the batteries, a new body was designed. There will be updated photos next week. Thanks to everyone for there kind words and support. Jeso
  15. I had a number of questions of the difference between a VP1 and VP2 Other than size, which is dictated by the battery, they are the same. Here is a answer to an email I received recently and he had some good questions: Using the same liquid, you can get more vapors by 2 things, increasing the voltage or type of atomizer/heater. A 801 atomizer will put out more vapor than an 901 because of the heating elements surface area, plus heat buildup is better on the 801 than the 901 or 510. The 901 and 510 are smaller so there casings heat up so fast which increases resistance and less power to the heater, and then you get lease vapor production. There are PV's that run at 5, 6, and 7 volts. The only problem there is they run too hot because the atomizers were not designed for that voltage. Running at 6 volts draw more current. These rechargeable batteries actually run at4.2 volts so both give the same amount of vapors. The only difference technically is that the endurance of the batteries. The VP1 has360mah (milli amp Hours) meaning if you press the button and don't letup, it will supply 360 ma per hour. Now the 801 atomizer is roughly 3ohms, after tests the atomizers draw 1.4 amps when in use. So 1.4 x 3 =4.2 volts. A 360 mah battery can supply a device for 1 hour with a360ma draw. With a draw of 1400ma draw on these atomizers you get:360/1400 = 0.26 hours of life for that charge. Its the same on theVP2, it has a mah rating of 900mah. So 900ma/1400 = 0.64 hours of life. So to summarize: VP1 with button on will last ( 60 min x .26) = 15.6 minutes or 936 seconds VP2 with button on will last ( 60 min x .64) = 38.4 minutes or 2304 seconds Of course you only press the button when you want a hit, right. If a hit is equal to 5 seconds to keep it simple. VP1 (360mah) will give (936 sec/ 5 sec hits) = 187 hits, before changing battery VP2 (900mah) will give (2304 sec/ 5 sec hits) = 460 hits, before changing battery A standard pen style e cig with 180 mah gives 180/1400 = 0.128 x 60 min = 7.68 min or 460 sec or 92 hits. I know this was long, but there has been a lot of confusion on batteries. I hope this helps with understanding batteries and their use with electronic cigarettes Best Regards Jeso
  16. Hi Chris, Congratulations on the wonderful news of the baby. If you handle the new baby as well as you handle your e-cigarettes, you'll do great:) Your next review get a booster chair and put in Sean's chair when he's not looking, just to prep the set for the new little guy. Also I expect baby bottles with Vaportalk juice flavors, of course no nicotine !! Best Wishes Jeso
  17. E cig Battery Voltage: The voltage need for a e cig to work is important but only half the story. The ma rating of the battery is just as important. The VP1 uses the e cigar AAA 3.7v battery. The e cigars atomizer is a higher rated (bigger) atomizer. Just like the pen style heater is bigger than the 901. Now a manufactured AAA sealed battery is not only more ma (360ma) vs 130-180ma, but of better quality (chemicals, construction, materials, etc). So it stores power better. So when a heater is powered by a quality battery it's reservoir of power (ma) is there and the voltage stays at 3.7v. when a heater is powered by a sub standard battery it's reservoir of power (ma) is there for a shorter period of time and the voltage will drop to less than 2v, this is load voltage. USB pass thru's work great because of the unlimited power (ma) from the computers power supply but we are all plugged in too much as it is! I hope this helped Jeso
  18. OK, I will try! A USB passthru will always outperform a battery it has a endless power source via your computer that is plug into the wall! so your computers power supply will supply 5vdc with 150ma (not sure) to your USB bus. If youy have too many devices on your USB outlets it can impact your passthru. Batteries are just storage devices of energy, the voltage is needed to create a potential difference between 2 points (+) (-) 3.7 works great for E cigs because they are just heaters. Current or ma is your real power. To help explain: a 12v car battery are categorized by cold cranking Amps, if you took a motorcycle 12v battery and put in a ford F250 truck, it would have a tough time starting, right. This is because the voltage even at 12volts couldn't flow enough current that was being demanding to start the truck. It is the same for e cigarettes, the batteries in the common models are not very good. They are exposed battery cells wrapped in foil under the tubing. So there chemical energy eventually becomes less after time. With manufactured AAA, AA, RC123 etc... They are sealed except for a vent hole needed for expansion and contraction during use. What we all need is the flux capacitor that was used in the back to the future movie, anybody got one!!!! Jeso
  19. Hi, The VP1's are in stock, and the VP2's will be in stock later next week. Thanks to everyone that has showed an interest. Jeso I am new at this blogging/forums, so be kind (lol)
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