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Everything posted by VAPRLIFE

  1. Our sincerest apologies to everyone ...... We wanted all *Joker* owners to know that we inadvertently left out a key piece of information in our original post regarding *The Joker 2*... We would ask that you please take time to read our most recent post, which contains additional information that should have been included with the first post. Thank you for your understanding........ VaprLife Team
  2. Hi Brian, You have good questions that are brought up in the manual that I am still working on. Yes, unloaded the Jokers voltage reads 6.5 volts with fresh batteries. After all considerations while designing it, the loaded voltage and power is the crucial element. A 510 atty measures 5.1 volts and a 801 atty measures 5.3 to 5.5 volts under load. A zener diode is used for power surges and in rush current when turned on. That is the reason why 3 volt LiFePO4s are used because they will supply power without loses from resistors or a regulator, and thus the unit can last much longer with a set of batteries. For short circuits a device is used to shut down the unit. if 2 amps or greater is being drawn from a atty or carto, the unit will shut down after 5-10 seconds depending on how much greater than 2 amps is being used. It will automatically shut down within milliseconds if the unit draws 4 amps or greater. I hope I was able to answer your questions. Best Regards Jeso
  3. Hello again Everyone- Thought we would just try to clear things up here a bit regarding what had actually transpired with "John Doe"- Basically, what happened was this..... "John Doe" contacted VaprLife in regards to an issue with his unit- which was nearly (3) months out-of-warranty. We sent a very nice email to him, in which it was explained to him that there was no problem repairing his unit- However- since it was was already out-of-warranty- he would need to purchase our repair service in order to have it fixed.. The cost for our repair service is: $34.95 which also includes the cost of priority shipping back to the owner. This individual then expected VaprLife to spend time emailing him, in order to convince him as to why it would be worth his while to purchase our repair service for his out-of-warranty unit. In the meantime- while waiting for our response- "John Doe" then proceeded to go on another forum and launch a nasty verbal tirade about our products- calling them "USA MADE JUNK"- after which he attempted to scold VaprLife, DietSmokes, and The Vapor Talk Store - saying that we should all "be ashamed of ourselves"-(not sure about what- but okay......) And he did all of this- WHILE still expecting us to repair his unit for free- despite the fact it was already out-of-warranty. Naturally - we refused to do business with a bully- at which point he sent the following email message: "Thanks for the response. I will now be contacting the consumer protection division of the office of Andrew Cuomo(NY State Attorney General) as well as the BBB of Upstate NY. Believe me, the shame(and legal liability) is YOURS using "USA Made" as a advertising gimmick to sell such a shoddy, uncertified electrical device, then offer to "repair service" such product, after it dangerously fails for 6 times what it is worth; Then trying to use an open, public forum posting to deny said "repair service"; the shame is definitely yours. I'm sure your product liability insurance provider, if you have one, does not approve. I will also be forwarding this to your business partners. I've tried to be open and fair about this whole thing until I actually took apart the unit and saw the completely dangerous and shoddy production for myself. Any further communication from you will be deemed harassment at this point. And I have saved the entire email string. I've, at this point had it with being ripped by unregulated, unlicensed, non FCC certified e-cig "modders", manufacturers and distributors. Good Day." Hopefully- with this posting any misconception about what may have transpired in regards to "John Doe" will finally be put to rest. Time to move on, we think- Good Night Everyone:- VaprLife
  4. We here at VaprLife completely agree with everything that Parker @ DietSmokes & Chris @ The Vapor Talk Store had to say about rude, verbally abusive customers. One cannot help but wonder whatever happened to politeness, good manners, and plain old-fashioned courtesy?? Apparently this is not the first time that this individual in question - "John Doe"- has behaved in an offensive and bullying manner towards sellers. At VaprLife - it's always been our policy to treat our customers with politeness, courtesy and respect - and by the same token....we expect the same in return. And if a customer is going to behave this reprehensibly when dealing with us - (any of us) then we have the right to refuse to do business with that particular individual. If a buyer attempts to behave in a bullying and disrespectful manner- then VaprLife has absolutely no qualms about asking that buyer to take their business elsewhere- And it is beyond VaprLife's comprehension why any individual would even think we would pander to that sort of bullying behavior in the first place?? Needless to say- we will not be dealing with this particular individual again- All of that being said- VaprLife would like to take this opportunity to thank our many loyal customers for all their wonderful emails expressing their support of our products- We appreciate your business and sincerely thank all of you - And we promise we will continue trying to provide you with the quality and service you have come to expect from VaprLife Have a great evening everyone! VaprLife
  5. Hi, Thar power pack seems like a nice device BUT IT SHOULD NOT BE USED WITH THE VP-PT ! The reason are the led's and circuit is set up for 5.5 volt that comes off the supplied power pack. If a higher voltage is used the led's may burn out and the amount of current (power) would rise and potentially damage the unit. I hope this answered your question Best Regards Jeso
  6. Hi, Yes, all the VP units are sealed, that hole is not a thru hole.. That small threaded hole was at one time a air adjustment. I removed that feature because the center post would turn with the screw. But continued to have them machined with it for a possible Future redesign to lock the center post. As long as excessive juice does not go in the light holes or in the switch. Best Regards Jeso
  7. Hi, When you use any adapters with 510's or 901's they tend to push the center contact of the atomizer up into the atomizer slightly. What you can do with a paper clip or something similar is with a back and forth motion, lower the contact flush. This will then make contact. I hope this helps Best Regards Jeso
  8. Hi, Yes email number to Vaprlife, and then you can send back to us under warranty. Best Regards Jeso
  9. Hi, RMA (return material authorization number) is needed from dietsmokes. Best regards Jeso
  10. Hi, If the LED is flickering or dimming, then there is a connection problem. The cap has to be screwed on tight, because the end of the cap (stainless steel) must conduct to the edge of the aluminum body. If the unit still has a problem, contact where you purchased for a RMA# to have sent to us and we will investigate whats wrong. We want your spade to perform like it should. Best Regards jeso
  11. Hi everyone, I have had a spade from someone that had similar problems for a day. After extensive testing I found the battery cap and spring needed cleaning. Now it could of been the solution used to etch the spade on the end that made it oxidize? So remove spring and clean, use eraser on top and bottom contact ends of spring. Believe me it makes a difference! Now this should resolve the strength of a hit, but as far as the battery time it is not the device. If the LED dims drastically when you turn it on, that would indicate a short or bad connection. Best Regards, Jeso
  12. Hi, I have this at Vaprlife's website, but I figured it was needing to help here. some of the numbers are approximate, but it explains what matters. The VP1 has360mah (milli amp Hours) meaning if you press the button and don't letup, it will supply 360 ma per hour. Now the 801 atomizer is roughly 3ohms, after tests the atomizers draw 1.4 amps when in use. So 1.4 x 3 =4.2 volts. A 360 mah battery can supply a device for 1 hour with a360ma draw. With a draw of 1400ma draw on these atomizers you get:360/1400 = 0.26 hours of life for that charge. Its the same on theVP2, it has a mah rating of 900mah. So 900ma/1400 = 0.64 hours of life. So to summarize: VP1 with button on will last ( 60 min x .26) = 15.6 minutes or 936 seconds VP2 with button on will last ( 60 min x .64) = 38.4 minutes or 2304 seconds Of course you only press the button when you want a hit, right. If a hit is equal to 5 seconds to keep it simple. VP1 (360mah) will give (936 sec/ 5 sec hits) = 187 hits, before changing battery VP2 (900mah) will give (2304 sec/ 5 sec hits) = 460 hits, before changing battery A standard pen style e cig with 180 mah gives 180/1400 = 0.128 x 60 min = 7.68 min or 460 sec or 92 hits. I know this was long, but there has been a lot of confusion on batteries. I hope this helps with understanding batteries and their use with electronic cigarettes Jeso
  13. Hi Schizophretard, You guessed it perfectly! The LED draws (20 ma) so 3.7 volts X 0.02 = 0.074 watts The Spade (510 atomizer) draws about 1.1 amps @ 3.7 volts with a fresh battery when you turn it on. So a LED uses less than 2% of the power available I hope this helped Jeso
  14. Ms Defee- When you first contacted VaprLife about the issue you were experiencing with your original unit- we responded immediately. We were generous enough to send you a brand-new unit the following day. We did this as a gesture of good faith and trust. In return- you promised to send your unit back to us for repair. As stated in our previous correspondence- we have no record of your return. If you will recall, we suggested several times that you contact the post office with your tracking number, and request their assistance in helping track down your unit. This was your response- "I am so mad! I sent back to you a VP1 and It was just a couple days after your last email. I am not going to rest until you guys are fair in this situation. I just searched everywhere after calling the post office to try and find my receipt, but of course I didnt think you guys would ever do this so I didn't think to make sure I had it in a safe place. And that is so like me, I usually would have protected myself! But since you sent me a new one, and gave me that trust, I did the same!!! I now have a broken VP2 and I am just out over a hundred dollars because you guys cant find my return???? What is going on? I want my item returned in working order and I am going to complain every single place I can until you do. This is so UNFAIR! I am not a thief, I wouldn't have just tried to keep a broken e-cig for what? I need for you to check again on returns of a VP1 from ----------------. I am a 39 year old woman with 4 children that I am an example to every single day. I work hard in my career for my money, especially in this economy and I won't have you tell me I am a liar and didn't send you your item back. Please reconsider so this doesn't get ugly. All I want is a new VP2 that works and I will be happy to send the one that doesnt back. I will even pay for overnight." Followed by this one: "No you are wrong, and I explained to you about the post office. I sent it back and I know if it were the other way around, personally, you'd feel the same. No I'm not going to let this go. I am stuck because I know i sent it back and because you keep bad records and make mistakes from the beginning by sending me the wrong one, which I just accepted. I ordered a VP2, and you first sent a vP1, then you sent the correct one, VP2 and I sent back the VP1. If I had it why would I go through all this? I sent it back therefore I cannot let it go. I feel so violated because I know myself, and I KNOW I returned your item. I have sent so many people to your website, I have spoken of you on my blog, regarding how i appreciated your trust by sending me it before I sent it backl, HA HA. I sure got burned on that one. I don't care what time of year it is because I know I am right and I am honest and I can feel good about that! Also, my husband's brother has spent over $500. with you guys and he will never shop there and will be posting this on his blog and forums. I want it fixed because I feel violated as hell!!!" Ms Defee- VaprLife cannot and will not held liable for your lost unit - simply because you misplaced or lost your postal receipt. Again, we suggest you contact your post office for further assistance. Quite frankly, for anyone to deliberately join a forum or a site for the express purpose of defaming and libeling a business - any business.... is truly unconscionable and speaks volumes in regard to one's character.. You should be ashamed Ms Defee- but given the vituperative nature of the emails we received from you today- we suspect you are not. Please be so kind as to refrain from contacting us again. Mary Owner VaprLife L.L.C.
  15. Hi, It could, once the transistor becomes damaged it could fail in a state of on or off. Best Regards Jeso
  16. We have had a few VP-PT fail with them being stuck on. This is being caused by the in rush of current numerous times and damaging the switch transistor. This only happens with users that remove and install a lot of times to a power source. To eliminate the present design, remove your atomizer before plugging it in to your computer or wall adapter. This removes the load and in rush current. We are redesigning future ones and will keep you posted. Of course if yours were to fail, we will repair to the newer design. Best Regards Jeso
  17. Hi, Sorry to hear your VP-PT has a problem, just email us, so you can send it back for repair. Sorry for your inconvenience. Best Regards Jeso
  18. Hi, The trustfire batteries are a little longer, but very little. I would suggest email us at vaprlife to send the unit back. We will investigate it and take care of it. Best Regards Jeso
  19. Hi, If something is wrong, please let us know through an email. We don't want to be trolling the forums to take care of our customers. So please email us, and let others know that an email contact will get the customer service you are entitle too! Best Regards Jeso
  20. OK, The VP3 is a design I will complete but sometime next year. The Joker is a 5 volt device that will be available first part of next year. Both are 5 volt units just different ways of getting it. I hope this helped in the confusion. Jeso
  21. Hi bzeisman, Maybe we will make the VP4 out of the 50mm shells you sent! Just Kidding!!!!!! Jeso
  22. Hey Chris, You mentioned it spins ? a ultrasonic vibrates at a very high frequency. Also did you try 801 atomizers? because some time ago I remember not having success with 510's or 901's because there resistance is usually less than 3 ohms so they run really hot when in use. And I think they are shot from being cooked for a few weeks, where a 801 runs cooler. Plus you drip, so your atomizers get dry a lot more. Just some thoughts?
  23. Hi Stringdancer, If you have bad batteries, please email us and we will send new ones out to you. I know how frustrating it can be with batteries that don't last! We are going to look to see if we can resolve the quality of these protected batteries. We are on our second factory for the 10440 protected battery and still can't find the quality we need. They seem to be hit and miss, some good/some bad So let us know through an email and we will send new ones to you right away. Best Regards Jeso
  24. Hi Sinikal, Please send us an email, and we will send you new batteries. These, like all batteries are manufactured in China. So there is no quality control at all, and unfortunately we can't test every battery. So some bad batteries are experienced by our customers. The batteries that are used in the cigars, or the janty stick are of a better quality. But you can't get those manufacturers in china to make protected batteries. So what happens is you get the start up battery factories to make them for new business. Unfortunately their quality is in question. We are one our second factory and we may have to try for a third? Jeso
  25. I have a industrial size unit, but a jewelry $20 one will work just as good. Seariouly, try to find one, and you can save your atomizers and money! http://www.amazon.com/Professional-Ultrasonic-Jewelry-Eyeglass-Cleaning/dp/B001DKDAVW/ref=dp_cp_ob_e_title_0
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