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Everything posted by KarateLobster

  1. I've managed to fit my extra 510 batteries into the Dragon carrying case I got my Dragon. Fits perfectly in my pocket. That and a bottle of juice. My only issue though, is carrying the fully assembled unit. I'm looking at some of the single e-cig mods and stuff out there for that though. I too need a pocket friendly solution as I tend to leave my purse at home :P
  2. I have an 8310 with the full keyboard. I dig it. I wish the internet features on it where better though - like with video playback and the like. I have the Opera and Bolt browsers on there and they help, but still not much in the way of video.
  3. I think 20 may have been a little bit excessive, although I have yet to fill my 510 carts so I don't know for sure. However, if you grab a paperclip and unbend it you can use that to pull the cart filling up a little bit after you put juice on it it. Then push it back down. This helps the filler suck up the juice and may help with your problem. Chances are most of the juice was on the top of the filler and hadn't made its way down to the bottom. There are some mods and tips, if you search the tips and tricks forum you should find them, for filling carts. You should find some more useful information there.
  4. Sweet! Thanks for the update on the TrueSmoke juice from your perspective MunkusBFunky! I agree with you on the more like a Marlboro assessment. Possibly even close to a Parliament for me.
  5. Most suppliers carry pre-filled carts for the 510. Usually in packs of 5 at a minimum. Check the suppliers listed on the forum, I'm sure you'll be able to find what you're looking for.
  6. I had no issues with the JC Juice hurting my atty. On either my 401 or 510, dripping or otherwise.
  7. A Brave New World? That's just a guess really.
  8. I thought about getting a passthrough, but I don't vape in front of the PC enough to make it worth it for me. I have three batteries on my Dragon. That's more than enough to last me throughout the day. I have a USB port in my car I use to charge batteries when needed, otherwise I charge them at home. The 510 is my one real pain. 2 hour battery life is kinda killing me. I have three batteries as well and am thinking about getting a PCC since I don't have a USB charger for it.
  9. I think the battery life issue is becoming moot as time goes on, especially with the newer units being able to use commercially procurable batteries. Liquid from the mouth piece could probably be an easy fix. something like the filter analogues have could be an option, although it would have to be replaced so there's one more consumable pain in the *** item to worry about. On the atty front I'd like to see something with a predictable life expectancy, something you KNOW is going to last AT LEAST a month or something along those lines. Basically, I want to see something that won't require a bunch of maintenance. Of course all this leads to fewer profit for manufacturers from sales of pieces and parts which in turn would lead to a higher buy-in price, but ti should all balance out in the end. And a washable, re-usable cartridge filler that works and is not a hassle. I love dripping, but when I'm out and about it's much easier to use a cart I already filled and not have to worry about dripping every so often. And frickin' laser beams.
  10. AWESOME! Congratulations on making the switch! I did basically the same thing - smoked my last analogue and started on the e-cig. Never looked back. The Dragon was my first e-cig, it is perfect. Great looks, great vapor production, top notch quality, all around good. If you haven't already I suggest you purchase some extra atomizers and maybe a battery or two. It's much better to have backups just in case than to be caught without when you need them. In about a month, once you're definitely no longer smoking analogues, it will be like a whole new world!
  11. I ordered my 510, spare attys, a spare battery, and some juice from Healthcabin with no issues. 5 day shipping to Virginia too. So far everything is in working order (haven't tested the other attys yet though). The juice is a bit weak though. I'm a little behind on some reviews, just got a bunch of stuff dumped in my lap at work, but I should have something up soon (I owe one for sure and I'm annoyed that I haven't gotten it done yet). Hopefully.
  12. Sweet Georgia Brown! I gotta try that! Looks like it should work well for something with an exposed bridge like the 401, not so sure about the 510 though ... hmmmm
  13. Two smokes and a cup of coffee always did it for me. Could practically set my watch by it.
  14. Yeah, energy levels are so much better now. And I don't miss the tight chest or the morning phlegm either.
  15. ROFL! I just told my wife about this post. She too laughed, and wonders why he didn't wash his hands before leaving. Seriously, you know where they've been.
  16. I'd be making sure I still had my watch on! I wonder if there as an echo
  17. Hopefully the VG will treat you gooder.
  18. ROFL!! I KNOW that look. That's why we have no glue in the house. At all. And all the knives are dull.
  19. As long as it works for you, that's all that rally matters. I usually drip 2 drops. Unless I've been drinking, then it's more like too many.
  20. The jury is out on cleaning. I just wrap mine in a napkin, blow into the battery end until no juice comes out, re-attach, put a few drops on it to make sure it's moist, and go to town. I don't know if it helps extend the life, but my main reason is to get existing juice out so as to get the most accurate flavor from the next one. It still takes a few "cleaner" puffs to get all flavor out but not nearly as many as if I didn't blow it out.
  21. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Thoughts: Reboot? I know it's a stoopid thing but just in case you haven't Uh ... damn I'm at a loss here. Yell at them. Have you tried that? Might work.
  22. Yeah, I tend to blow out my 401 atty before I use another flavor. Otherwise I'm vaping some crazy concoction that makes me wonder WTF is wrong with me. Like strawberry-vanilla-mint-tobacco-espresso-RY4. Or *** as I described it to my wife. "WTF? Honey, is that bottle of juice labeled *** flavor?"
  23. How new is your computer? You may have the old USB standard (1.0 or 1.1) and that would not put out enough power to work. I'm not sure if that's the problem or not, but it could very well be.
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