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Everything posted by Sellaman

  1. I have a feeling that when I get my organic juices from Vaporite that my head won't spin , even if it has nicotine in it. I have tried vaping unflavored 60/40 PG,VG 0nic and that has been the best so far. I can't sense any bad reaction. But any of the 3 brands of flavoring I have sends me into a head spin. I have 2 Juice W hore flavorings, 2 home made flavorings made by my vendor, and 2 Chinese flavors. ( I don't know if it's Dekang)
  2. I've tried 5 flavors and I like coffee and Tuti Fruit the most. My juices are all 0 nic because that's all that Aussie suppliers can stock. So I've ordered a lot of juices from Vaporite with all different nic levels ranging from 6 mg to 18 mg. I've been experimenting and found that anything with a flavor in it, that I have, sends my head in a spin......and unflavored PG/VG is quite good and doesn't send my head in a spin. But unflavored PG/VG doesn't taste too good. EXACTLY...That's why I ordered organic flavored juices from Vaporite.
  3. Well, I really do hope it's just the juice in Australia. I ordered a lot of organic juice from Vaporite and I hope that brings the 9 down to a 3 ....or even a 0....yes Zero.
  4. Yes, I know 100% VG is way too thick....I tried it....but can I dilute it with water to get a very good vape? Or does the water cause it to work poorly?
  5. I would go as far as saying 9. Vaping spaces me out. Some people are allergic to vaping and some people are not.
  6. Thanks...but I don't use atomizers....I use cartomizers. Would too much water kill my cartomizer? And I don't want to dilute my 100% unflavored VG with PG because I'm experimenting using VG only to see if VG is better for me.
  7. Would using 50% distilled water and 50% VG be too much water? That what I found I had to use to make it manageable so that it soaked into the filler of my cartomizer nicely. What would happen if I added too much water? What would happen if I added more than 50% water?
  8. Do you have to thin down VV's organic VG juices with distilled water or are they thinned down already?
  9. Yes, I use cartomizers and ordered some flavored organic juces from Vaporite and almost all his juices are 100% VG. Maybe I'll have to dilute his juices down with some PG?
  10. I wouldn't use PGA but would like to know how much distilled water I have to add. Are you saying 80% VG and 20% water? eg; for every 100 parts of VG , I add 20 parts of water? Does it have to be accurate percentages? Can I use just boiled tank water? Thanks!
  11. I got my unflavored 100% VG and unflavored 100% PG in 30 ml bottles (0 nic) in the mail today. I tried the unflavored 100% VG and was happy that I could not smell any chemical smells in it. It vaped nicely in my Joye eGo and even though it was unflavored, I could still taste a vanilla type of taste. I got a little spaced out after about 10 puffs so I'm going to try and gradually make myself used to it. I'll have a few puffs each day until I can vape it without ant strange side effects. I noticed that it was a lot harder to fill a cartomizer with the 100%VG because it did not flow into the 'filler' as easily as the previously used PG flavored ejuice that I tried last week. After I get used to the unflavored 100% VG...I will try the unflavored 100% PG to see if I can detect any difference. Well, I'm still not there yet and have a long way to go. It's going to take me a long time to vape successfully without any side effects.
  12. Thanks very much!!
  13. I still have not received my orders of plain VG juice and organic VG juice. So for now can someone tell me; Is there any difference between ordinary VG juice and organic VG juice? Is there any difference in color between organic VG juice and ordinary VG juice? Is there any difference in taste between organic VG juice and ordinary VG juice? What is the difference between Natural and Organic juices?
  14. I don't know what's in the flavoring that I am allergic to but it says on the web site you directed me to, www.vaperite.com, that the nasty chemicals in ordinary juice's flavoring are diacetyl and stevia. And I suppose I'd better try using 100% VG because it's organic as well. As far as I can work out PV is not organic and I may be allergic to PV as well. All Vaperite's juices are made with 100% VG as far as I know. I will have to see if Vaperite ships to Australia and then place an order for a selection of their flavored juices. Thanks a million for being so helpful and attentive to my problem.
  15. Yes, thanks. I think I have got it right now after filling 3 cartomizers using the push method and managed to get a full 'end cap' in the cartomizers. I'm using 510 cartomizers and I don't know if they are BOGE? Here they are. I'm using the ones on the very bottom of the page. Now my only problem is the flavoring. I am allergic to the chemicals they make the flavorings with, and I have used 3 different flavors and they all make me sick. So I have ordered unflavored PG and VG juices with 0 nic to try. I should have them in the mail in a couple of days time. I may try and get some more information on vapers that vape unflavored juice with or without nic.
  16. Thanks very much. I may have to get some juice with nic in it and apart from that , I'm vaping well.
  17. I just had my first vape with my new eGo Starter Kit and so far so good. I haven't had any bad reactions to it and I'll make sure I drink plenty of water. I'm using the 510 Black Soft Top LR cartomizer and noticed that it only took a quarter of the condom cap to fill the cartomizer. It would not take any more because it started bubbling out of the top. I removed the soft top cap so I could see how full it was getting. I had to have an analogue to calm down! ...... I forgot to shake the bottle of juice when I filled it using the condom method. I heard one guy refer to the condom method as the 'push method'. I prefer to call it the push method too. When I filled the cartomizer , I let it sit for an hour before I vaped. And the battery in the eGo Starter Kit only took one hour to charge. The red light turned to green after one hour. When I press the battery button , I can hear a crackling sound as though the juice is crackling. ...I don't know if that's normal? It gave off a lot of vapor and a good throat hit. The flavor was not too bad too. I used Tuti Fruti. It had a fruity tasted with a bit of a burnt taste to it, but not much. I quite liked it.
  18. So do I thanks!!!
  19. Thanks for all your encouragement!!
  20. Hi all. I just joined and I thought I start by posting an introduction. Well, I bought a vape kit from an Australian online supplier a week or so ago and had my first vape which was a disaster. I purchased an un-genuine EGO-TANK kit and some Marlboro 0 nic juice and got a very bad reaction to it. I had 10 vapes and got spaced out.....well, I then returned the kit for a refund. I am not giving up though because I have ordered a "Genuine eGo Starter Kit 650mAh Black" from another Australian supplier Ecig.SA and some cartomizers and juces to go with it. I expect to get the kit in the mail soon and I hope this time I don't get a bad reaction.
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