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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I enjoy this obsession
  2. I would say YES... I have a huge collection... I have about 100-150 bottles of juice from all different vendors, 510 Stuff - 20 Manual Batts 5 - TW Mega Batts 2 spades (on the way now) 1 Silver Bullet 1 Protege 200 Carts 40+ Atomizers in 4 different colors 901 Stuff - 5 Batts 1 VP1 1 905 Battery 10 Atty's 100+ Carts 1 Protege for my 901 (thats right 2 protege's total) and some left over 801 stuff laying around 1 Blu Cig Kit I would def say I have a huge problem... but at least I am not smoking Cigs!!!
  3. I usually carry a few devices with me and I fill up before i leave and i can usually make it to my dest. although i dont think dripping and driving is a good idea at all
  4. Dont worry, I think CT will be fine now that Arnold Vetoed the Ban... **** B. usually follows Calif. Us CT people should be ok for a while!
  5. I get crap from people all the time. I either get "you look like an idiot smoking that stupid thing" or "why dont you just quit... i did" and i just tell them to bug off, only i use more colorful words... I dont give a crap what other folks say so i cant say that it really bothers me
  6. I should have my 905 early next week! I am going to try it out for my 901 attys that i have
  7. today i am vaping 2 things 1. Arno's Apple 2. Vapor Talk Exotic Tobacco 60% and Johnson creek Black Cherry 40% <--- Tasty
  9. I had my buddy try it who hates Kettle corn and he said he hates kettle corn but likes this juice... he is ordering it
  10. i too have the PCC and I love it
  11. i just went to a huge fair in new england called "The Big E" and got fresh made kettle corn... it is almost identical!!! I love it.. i think this is my new favorite juice I also tried the grape soda and i cant decide if i like it... It just tastes different to me... I want to order the coffee next
  12. Holy Crap!!! Exotic tobacco is Amazing!!!!! It tastes like Kettle Corn! (or maybe I'm crazy) I'm gonna try Grape Soda Later
  13. I have the first two and the other three should be at my house today or tomorrow.... I am definitely down to get some pina coloda chris!!!!
  14. let me know when they will be available... I will buy all of them!
  15. Well if you want a tester I'm down!!!!!! Let me know if there are samples available!!!!
  16. Hi All, Just wanted to share my experience with everyone... I started Vaping about 5 or 6 months ago and I have tried about 60 different juices. after all this time i seem to only like 3 juices, which are 555 Mixed with JC Black Cherry, Awesome Vapor Menthol, and Virginia mixed with RY4. I went trough all of the JC flavors and there is a base taste to all of the juices that i just dont seem to like, plus i feel as though they gunk up my Attys. So anyway, I ordered some Vapor Talk juice from Diet Smokes because it was on sale, and much to my surprise (no offense Chris) I LOVE THEM... they are exactly like they are explained and I have found my two new daily liquids. I highly suggest you all try them!!! Good Job!!!!
  17. this is good to know...
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