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Everything posted by Texas_Tanker

  1. Thanks, This is great
  2. any advise about not getting into mods too soon? I started vaping with an eGo-T and liked it for a while, then did some shuffling around using the same battery and different tips, carto's and so on. Actually fell back into the tank once I got the basics down and got a LR atty for it. I found there is a level you need to get to before venturing off into the high performance vaping to avoid just blowing money and over doing the nicotine levels. Me, I found the flavors are better with lower nic levels and some of my juices I get at 0 nic so I can vape like crazy and not over do it
  3. I can tell you my experience with the ego-T was not bad, but yes, I lost flavor too. Something I found out after a while was cleaning them regularly is important. More than you would think. I use isopropyl alcohol after running warm water thru them then blow them out really good and let dry, later do a dry burn in short spurts to remove any iso tastes. Making sure the wick is set right is also important. Too high, no juice gets to the atty, too low leaks like crazy. The LR attys are amazing and rival drip tips in my opinion. while the drip tips are REALLY good, having an all day vape and not having to mess with it is pretty good plus for me. Anyway, hope this helps
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