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Everything posted by VegasVapor

  1. Moved to E Liquid Reviews
  2. moved to the lounge
  3. Thought this works as electronic cigarette news also, so I moved it. =)
  4. Wish I had set plans already. All I know is that I'll be in LA somewhere. I would really rather stay in Vegas though. I have some friends in town and my coworker is getting a room at Bally's which is right on the strip. Would've been perfect. Drink up in the room then stumble on down and walk the strip for the count down. Now I might just hit up a lounge in hollywood somewhere. Either that or stay at home with my parents, watch the count down on tv, turn all the lights on in the house for a bright future, jump up and down so we grow taller, throw money in the air for a wealthy year, eat noodles for long life, and 12 grapes for I don't know what reason. Damn my mom and her weird Filipino traditions lol.
  5. Nice. The priest talked about this video during the sermon at the Christmas mass I went to. I haven't seen it yet. Thanks for posting it!
  6. Yay!!
  7. I wasn't trying to be a buzzkill. I was asking if it means we can celebrate. I never know with these things, they always seem to come back with something somehow. lol
  8. Wow this is big news! Should we be celebrating just yet though?
  9. omg that is really creepy. Pretty cool though. It can do facial expressions and everything.
  10. Yeah, that's pretty much how I was in the beginning. Constantly vaping and trying new flavors. I vaped more than I would normally smoke. I completely quit smoking and that eventually died down. Now I just vape pretty much the same amount or less than how much I used to smoke.
  11. Moved to Electronic Cigarette Reviews
  12. Nice. Let us know how it works out.
  13. Wow. That thing looks pretty awesome. Not sure that I would get one though. You're right, it looks like it would just be in the way. Wished the guy showed some kind of close up of the juice going through the viewing glass. Not something I would feel comfortable using in public.
  14. Moved to General E Smoking Discussion
  15. Moved to General E Smoking Discussion
  16. Moved to Electronic Cigarette Reviews.
  17. Moved to tips and tricks
  18. I'm gonna have to go with the Janty stick on this one. I have the V2. The performance was ok, but not what I was expecting. Plus the button was defective and it took forever to contact the supplier for a replacement. Took several emails and posts on the forums for them to respond. I got a brand new working one, but still bleh.
  19. Yeah I couldn't watch that whole thing, it's too long lol. I think you should've put "quite possibly the DUMBEST people ever". What are those idiots doing running over train tracks anyway?! And those cars that got stuck in the railroad crossings...they couldn't just wait? Just sayin...lol
  20. Moved to Health
  21. skydiving for sure...at least you have a parachute! lol
  22. hahaha! That was hilariously awesome.
  23. that was crazy. made me dizzy though because the guy kept looking up and down.
  24. it's gone. nothing to see here.
  25. wow they took that down quick
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