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About SusBan

  • Birthday 01/30/1968

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  • Location
    Darien, IL
  • Interests
    napping, reading, gardening, beading, daydreaming

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  1. I revised one of the form letters to include some info the AAPHP sent to the FDA. Subject: Please veto Senate Bill 400. I am right now reading the warning on my husband's bagged cigarette tobacoo, designed for rolling and smoking: This Product Contains/Produces Chemicals Known To The State Of California To Cause Cancer, And Birth Defects Or Other Reproductive Harm. Yet, this product is NOT banned in California. Please consider the letter to the FDA submitted by Joel L. Nitzkin, MD, Chair, AAPHP Tobacco Control Task Force and Kevin Sherin, MD, President, American Association of Public Health Physicians, which states, in part: "This year, about 400,000 American adult cigarette smokers will die of a tobacco-related illness. Their second hand smoke will kill about 48,000 non-smokers. About 700 more will die in residential fires. Despite progress on other measures of tobacco use, per CDC estimates, this death count continues to inch up from year to year. In contrast, even though smokeless tobacco products represent about 20% of nicotine intake in the United States, the number of deaths per year from these products is too small for reliable estimates from the CDC. Our (AAPHP) best estimate is that smokeless tobacco products currently cause about 700 cancer deaths per year in the United States. This is less than 1% of the more than 110,000 deaths that would occur each year if smokeless products carried the same mortality as conventional cigarettes. **** It should be possible to save the lives of 4 million or more of the 8 million adult American smokers who will otherwise die of a cigarette-related illness over the next twenty years. This could be done by making smokers aware of selected smokeless tobacco products (including but not limited to snus and electronic cigarettes) that promise to reduce the risk of tobacco-related illness by 99% or better for smokers who are unwilling or unable to quit." See: http://www.e-cig.org/pdfs/AAPHP.pdf Senate Bill 400 is designed to ban electronic cigarettes which are, according to all preliminary studies performed by the Food and Drug Administration, a safer alternate to tobacco cigarettes. Placing a ban on them now will force many users to go back to regular cigarettes at the expense of their health, their loved ones health, and the health of those around them. Rather than banning them at the request of Big Tobacco, we should embrace them, regulate them, and help forward their acceptance for their positive health benefits. Thank you for your consideration.
  2. I'm generally not a violent person, but this type of thing makes me want to smack somebody.
  3. Thanks Lacey -- that's great news! (Since the pessimist much chime in -- I wonder if anybody besides you will be reporting it ) I really appreciate your efforts to keep everyone informed and of course your apparently ceaseless advocacy.
  4. Decided to try VaprLife after seeing Chris and Sean's review of the VP1. Have had it for about a week and am ready to testify. The VP2 is a bit fatter than the VP1. Now, I've heard some complaints about battery mods looking like bilbo's, but I think you'd have to be awfully paranoid -- not to mention have really low standards as far as a bilbo is concerned -- to have any issues with the VP2. Besides, since the button is near the top of the unit, it's pretty much concealed in your hand anyway -- except for the UFO lights. The VP2 takes a 3.7V 700-800mAh 14500 AA size Lithium battery, as opposed to the 3.7V 360mAh 10440 AAA size Lithium in the VP1. The VP1 is said to last 2 times the regular penstyle battery, the VP2, 5 times. For me, it's all about battery life, so I guess size does matter. I don't have any scientific calculations, but I have used the VP2 all day on a weekend (heavier vaping than a weekday) and did not have to change the battery until late at night. Weekdays, I change the battery every morning, but the one in there is still working fine. I LOVE not having to worry about having enough POWER! Vapor production is amazing -- better than the 510, even better than the Jantystick. I wouldn't say twice as good or anything drastic like that, but noticably more vapor. I am not into the throat hit (trying not to say anything suggestive, but can't help thinking it ...) which is certainly there if you draw for more than a couple seconds -- but I don't, cause I like it smoother. Even so, I'd still say there's more vapor with the VP2. Can't comment on flavor because I've honestly never noticed much difference between the different units. Been 4 weeks without an analog so maybe this will change. I ordered the VP2 set ($139) because I needed some more 801 atomizers and because I thought you had to order the set to get the battery charger -- you don't. The non-set VP2 is a better deal at $99 -- get the battery unit, 2 batteries with carry case and charger. The extra $40 is for 2 attys, a bottle of juice and some empty cartridges. Although I'm glad to have the carts: the mouthpiece is more rubbery than any I've seen before and I really like them (I'm a nibbler ). Vapr Life has adaptors for the 901 and 510. I placed my order Sat. afternoon and got the VP2 on Wed. Everything was well packed. When my order went through PayPal, I didn't automatically get an email from the VaprLife website, so I emailed Monday to check that they got the order. Then at least, they were responding personally to each order, and had been out on the weekend -- not a problem, just don't worry if you don't get an immediate confirmation. Customer service was really pleasant and helpful. Maybe it's obvious to everyone but me -- I had to ask if the little rubber ring around the atomizer connection tip should be removed -- but they didn't make me feel like an idiot when responding! Final note: it seems the vapor has a stronger smell with the VP2. When I vaped Dulcis juice with the 510 and the Jantystick, my coworkers never noticed I was doing it. Now, they comment on the smell after I've used it a few times -- "cotton candy," "cookies baking." Not a problem for me, but something to keep in mind if you're around sensitive people. Loving the VP2 and recommending it to anyone looking for a good battery. VaprLife has been bombarded with orders, so there is now a wait, but I'd say it's worth it.
  5. In response, let me just say: Rrrrrutebeggga. (I have to say it that way cause I don't know how to spell it). I've only tried the 3 flavors and I agree chocolate truffle was not impressive -- I think somebody put a real truffle in there, although I've never had a chocolate covered mushroom ... Haven't found one yummy chocolate yet -- why is that so hard? JC Original is kinda empty flavorwise, just a bit sweet like maybe brown sugar or something. My first reaction was EW!, but now it has grown on me (like truffles?). It's a smooth, sweet tobacco, makes me think of pipe smoke. Tennesse Cured is just a smooth smokey tobacco, kinda JC Orig without the sweetness. I prefer it to a Marlbro or Camel "flavored" tobacco. My husband says that the vapor with these definitely smells stronger than any of the others I've tried, is he just attempting to draw attention away from the analog stench in his room or has anyone else noticed this? Thanks KarateLobster -- you're review is way FUN!
  6. I think maybe you made it mad ...
  7. Thanks Chris -- I've had the issue with not realizing I need a new battery too ... even with a new one the Janty Stick acts like a crack head sometimes (or is that me?!?). Right now, we're working again, so I'm just going to go with it -- still have some time on the warranty if it turns out not to be a user error. I haven't dripped enough to deal with leaking ... although I am getting more fed up with carts, I haven't quite given up on them yet. Do love the Janty Stick, but have been using the VP2 for a few days now and while I might not try to check it through the airport, I definitely enjoy it as much or more than the Stick.
  8. That was less of a "hell and damnation" missive than I expected.
  9. I don't see any fibers on the atomizer now, but maybe that was the problem. I haven't put a cart back in since dripping worked fine, but I'll have to give it another try. The atomizer was actually leaking into the hole in the stick where you screw it in (I was thinking of the stick as the battery ... the actual hole for the rechargeable battery wasn't wet). So I think this messed up the connection between the stick and the atomizer -- it was definitely screwed on tight, but would only work intermittently. I got frustrated and tried whacking the atomizer end on the counter thinking to force the connection and after several tries it now works fine. I'm just hoping I can get it out again if I need to. Was wondering if this had happened to anyone else. What's up with the leaking on the VP1?
  10. You'd better stock up on Dulcis -- I passed a bottle around the office and it's now everyone's favorite. I like the hot cocoa idea because I haven't seen it yet. None of the chocolate flavors I've tried have really been all that tasty. Just got a sample bottle of champagne (with a hint of strawberry) from Vermont Vapor that's really good -- why not a wine to go with your wine?
  11. Didn't exactly break, but it seems that the atomizer that came with the Janty Stick is burning way more cart fiber - or something equally distasteful - than the 801 I was using. I know many are fans of dripping, but I was finding that I could use the cart to good effect before topping off for longer than I could drip before I got a "burnt atomizer" taste (which I don't love about as much as the burnt fibers). I tossed the 801 I was using because I thought it was bad, but it turned out to be a problem with the Janty Stick. Juice had been leaking into the atomizer/battery compartment ... tried cleaning with Qtip, but what got it working again was basically hammering the new atomizer in -- must've screwed-up the connection somehow? Anyway, I've got more 801 attys coming and I'm hoping the Janty Stick will still work with them. Of course, I've also got a VP2 coming, so maybe I won't care if the Janty Stick works.
  12. CNN headline: Why do worriers die younger? Smoking is the key. http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/08/20/smoking.worry.mortality/index.html So rude ... just gave millions of worriers a reason to smoke more! Maybe they could throw some of their "study" money at the ecig....
  13. Nice tux -- add the Janty and you look like 007.
  14. Dulcis is delicious! Only tried 2 other carmels before, but this is in another league. Mix with RY4 in the morning to enhance that flavor ... best is after dinner with my hazelnut coffee I vape it straight -- sip, vape, sip, vape, vape, vape, sip -- YUM! Sometimes I need to refill my cart before I finish a cup Why on earth would I ever go back to analogs?!?!
  15. Thanks ... I'll laugh all day over these!
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