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Everything posted by Kmel

  1. Thanks, Jolly!
  2. This is actually the first I've heard of the 1000V Ego, Jolly. Like I said earlier, I started vaping, quit and am coming back after a hiatus. I'm just starting with Joye 510 stuff I had from last year and working from there to put something together that doesn't have me constantly worried about my ability to get a vape. I am going for quality of vape AND ease of use. I really like the idea of a battery pack that lasts for days, although I'd be happy with one that got me through a single day without me having to suck my brains out to get the last of it.
  3. Great. Thanks guys! So a 5V battery pack, with a USB port. Then if I couple that with a 3.7V inline battery pass-thru, it should theoretically work? Or do I need a 5V battery pass-thru? The 5V pass-thru says it requires at least 2000mah input which then means that I have to get a power pack with that output, too. They are available. I've found them. That's doable. So, once I have all this power that theoretically works together, I now have to make sure that I can do cartomizers, which also seem to have to coordinate with mah and resistance. (And "head-spinning" again.) I just don't want to burn out atomizer/cartomizers, so I want to get this all right the first time and forget about it. I appreciate the help!
  4. Yes. I actually quit vaping for a year (after being off cigs for 6 mo) and went back to smoking -- not for this reason alone -- but certainly in part because of it. The first cig after quitting I had was when I was at a party, my batteries were dead, my PCC was dead and I needed nicotine. Then I moved, couldn't find all my equipment when I needed to vape and said what the heck & threw in the towel for a year. I just came back to vaping a few weeks ago. What was scary was that there was actually a sense of relief when I quit vaping, that my life no longer revolved around charging batteries, charging the PCC, having enough e liquid, cleaning cartridges, worrying whether the FDA was going to ban them anyway, etc... It really bugs me, because I really would vape than smoke -- I just don't want my life to have to revolve around it or have to become an electrical engineer to do it. I do think that there are more people like me (that are potential customers) than there are who want vaping to become a committed alternate lifestyle.
  5. Thanks Brian! I checked the power packs -- apparently Kensington made a power pack that worked, but on their newer model they built in the cables so there's no USB port for a pass-thru. I'll have to check others. Also, I guess that I am going to have to get technical and figure out this ohms & volts thing so I don't blow myself up or burn out atomizers. It just seems to me that there should be a way to sort of vape, visually kind of like using a portable hookah, without it getting too weird or complicated. The only thing that I miss about smoking is the simplicity. So much of this is head -spinning to figure out if this battery works with this atomizer/cartomizer once you stray off the reservation and try to find something more to your liking. I understand the moders who love the process of creation bigger & better, but I am just trying to get the result so it becomes as easy or easier than smoking for me --even if I have to put it together myself.
  6. I am just an e-cig user, not one who does Mods, but who keeps following all these Mods to see if I am ever going to get what I really want from an ecig and I have yet to find it. I want to know if what I want is possible Obviously, I and everyone else loves the power we get from a pass-thru -- continual strong power so that we can consistently vape and great vapor --but I don't want to spend my life hooked to my computer to get it. My regular batteries work OK for a while but then I am sucking my brains out to get a good hit or running for the next battery and hoping I have a charged one. In an effort to correct this problem, I see people use batteries that are the size of a hotdog which I also don't want to use -- I'm female -- a screwdriver is not something I want to pull off as a fashion statement. So I'm going to play Steve Jobs here (for free) and present an idea: An ecig with a cord like a pass-thru, but instead of plugging into a USB port, it connects to a battery pack that I can sit on a desk or a table. Nothing huge weighing pounds, something that I could fit into my purse, but a battery (or batteries) much bigger than I'd want hanging off of my face. Can that be done? Or is it just my pipe dream? The slim batteries work well in public and the pass-thru at my computer. But it seems like there could be a middle ground product that is somewhere between being tethered to my computer and the regular little battery. If there is, I hope that someone comes up with it, gets very rich and pays me with nothing more than a free one -- or even just comes up with it and gets very rich -- because at least I'll be able to buy what I want!
  7. RICHMOND — The Department of Transportation says the use of smokeless electronic cigarettes on airplanes is prohibited and plans to issue an official ban this spring, according to a letter from Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood obtained by the Associated Press.....More If you notice this was sponsored by Sen Frank Lautenberg of NJ. NJ -- the Big Pharma State.
  8. Here's a couple of articles. The second one mentions the FDA Ban: Electronic Cigarette Bans Seriously Questioned By The Public State hopes to snuff out e-cigarette sales
  9. I love America, which is why it pains me to see people acting like "we the sheeple", electing idiots because they do great 30 second sound bites on TV & we "like them". That's how you get an Assembly who votes 120-0 on legislation like this. For far to long we have learned to think of the United States as simply a place and a people, instead of what it is -- a conceptual form of government that embraces that idea that human beings have a right to manage their own affairs without interference from government as long as they don't trample the rights of others. Our form of government doesn't "grant us rights", it simply recognizes those rights already granted to us by our Creator (God & Nature) to manage our own lives. So just "voting politicans out" is a good 1st step, but it's useless without the 2nd step -- "who you vote in" and whether or not that person you vote in recognizes the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and State Constitution which places limits on how far they can go in creating legislation. In short, quit using the personal "I like this idea", "I like this person", and instead look at whether or not this person will be a good legislator within the confines of the Constitution. Because once you start letting legislators color outside the lines to enact their "good ideas", then this is what you get -- nanny statists who will nitpick you until you bleed, and rob you of your money and your rights to enact their "good ideas".
  10. Actually, I am in California, not NY. I feel bad for them, too. But I thought this issue through when California was under fire with something similar last year. We are back in the hot seat this year, but it looks like they are only targeting sales to minors at the moment.
  11. The more stupid laws politicians today pass, the less anyone respects those laws. They can't even control illegals weapons, illegal drugs or illegal immigrants. How in the hell do they think that they are going to enforce & control this? All that these politicians really have to use against you is fear. Because most vapers are law-abiding citizens, they want to scare you into submission to their corporatist agenda. They don't want to use force lest they look like the jackbooted fascists that they are. Ignore them & save your life -- don't go back to State-sponsored tobacco! Besides, this is a ban against the sale of e-cigs, not a ban against the USE of ecigs. Vape in their face! This is the age of DEFIANCE!
  12. Christopher, as the proposed California law stands now, how is that going to work for suppliers selling via the internet? How are you going to know if someone is 18yrs old or not? Will you just accept them saying that they are at least eighteen? The reason that I ask is that a while back when I tried to get a cigarette coupon, I actually had to give them my diver's license number, birthdate and license expiration date, because the cigarette company was so paranoid about giving the coupons to minors.
  13. SB 882: ....This bill would authorize action to halt the sale, distribution,or offering for sale of electronic cigarettes that have not been approved or cleared by the federal Food and Drug Administration. By changing the definition of an existing crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program.
  14. Children being used as political tools of special interests --that's child abuse, isn't it?
  15. News 10 here Sacramento did a prettya good story on e-cigs and is asking for written comments that they read on the air.
  16. Maybe not just Big Tobacco. Also Big Pharma. On a related note, California Democrats are simultaneously trying to accomplish here what they haven't been able to do in DC -- Universal Single-Payer HealthCare. Last month, Senator Mark Leno introduced a bill into the California State Senate, SB810, calling for the same type of single-payer Universal Health Care Program for all California residents -- and on January 28th, SB 810 passed in the California Senate. Here is the text of the bill. If this passes the Assembly and the Govenator signs it, Big Pharma's lock on the State will be direct and complete. Big Pharma along with the Health Insurance Companies and a California "State Health Commissioner" will decide what's "good for us" and what we can put in our bodies. E-cigs probably won't be the only new "taboo".
  17. Just keep a watchful eye on this bill as it makes it through the Senate. Last year in California, we had a bill that started out exactly the same way -- just a ban on the sale to minors which we all agree with -- but by the time that it made it through both Houses, the Bill had morphed into a TOTAL BAN on e-cigs and it was passed by both Houses in under a week. We got lucky in that Schwarzenegger ultimately vetoed it, but that was a nail-biting Hail Mary not to be relied on.
  18. Yes, they "progressively" steal from your wallet until you have nothing; they "progressively" force you to pay for their salaries and pensions so that you have nothing left over for your own life and retirement; and they "progressively" take over your life until everywhere you turn they are there telling you what you can't do as they have criminalized everything that is fun, productive or even interesting. Personally, I've had enough "Progressivism" to last a lifetime. Let them go find someone else to be their beast of burden, because this filly intends to buck them off!
  19. I just wrote a response to the article. Not sure if they will publish it & it's only a few lines, but here it is: California is broke, 20% of our citizens don't have jobs, but both Brown and Ellen Corbett have time, money & energy to spend on this crusade against e-cigarettes which haven't produced a single known case of harm to anyone -- and may well be saving lives? These two loser politicians have got to go -- along with any other politicians who waste time and money on such stupidity. They have no sense of priorities or decent judgment to qualify them to run a Burger King, let alone the State of California! I suggest that we keep writing responses when we find articles like this. Meanwhile I am going to hit the Twitter trail again -- apparently the Govenator (much to my surprise) decided to "follow me" on Twitter.
  20. Oops, I sometimes have that effect on people. But happy to give you a good laugh!
  21. LOL! Yeah, that's true! But you've also got Ron Paul.
  22. Actually, I always thought that TX would be as close to being home in CA, as anywhere. Native Californians are friendly, and Texans are too. Glad to hear that Austin is a great place. They haven't actually "seized" anything yet here in California. It's just that they keep trying to pass legislation banning e-cigs and unless we want to make staying on top of them (and especially the WW of the W, Senator Ellen Corbett) a fulltime job, it's getting really tiresome trying to fight them. The stupid thing is that here is California so broke it can't see straight, but Jerry Brown our AG has decided to spend serious money (that California doesn't have & can't afford) on suing an e -cig manufacturer. Who have e-cigs harmed? No one! What a moron! Funny thing about Jerry Brown -- when I was a very small child, my Godfather was a political bigwig and Governor Pat Brown, along with his son Jerry who was in the seminary at the time (and should have stayed there), were regular visitors at my Godparents house. My Godmother still has pictures of me with them, including me sitting on Jerry Brown's knee. If I'd have known then what I know now, I'd have given Jerry a good swift kick where the sun doesn't shine!
  23. They can do anything they want -- they are California politicians who think that the State is their dollhouse and we are just stick figures in it that they move around at their will. But here is a better explanation of what's going on: It looks like the war against electronic cigarettes will have several fronts.
  24. Husband has been trying to sell me on the Austin area. Looks nice. Prices are good. There's some life there.
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