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About cmdrmaxwell

  • Birthday 01/02/1973

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. where did you get the VG? i only ask cuz id like to go with it than PG.
  2. how is your money savings since switching? i mean how does it compare to the prices you will eventually pay with replacing batts, atty's and juice? im a newbie making the switch soon and id like some ones opinion? thanks.
  3. Now as for the accessories I suppose you would have to be more specific. But if your talking about atomizers etc the reason they won't state on their site if it will work with the Janty Dura vs the 510 from example is because of copyright and trademark issues. Sometimes they can't legally state it works on various products, just the way they can't sell the 510 as the Dura even though we all know it's basically the same thing. Dura is a product of the Janty Corp. Hope that helps
  4. Who did you get it from?
  5. has any one out there tried the new dragon 401 from truesmoker.com? looking to start but my orders from Blu and innovapor.com are stuck in limbo, need help anyone tried and or heard of them?
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