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DJ Dave

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Everything posted by DJ Dave

  1. I used the Smok-Techs as well, and I have a hard time with them cracking and then leaking, I am going to go back to metal when I run out of these.
  2. I can't answer all of your questions, but I will answer one. The batteries need to be dead before you recharge them, I say this from experience with the same battery. I have one that I did recharge even when it was not needed and now the battery life is almost half of all my other ego batt. I have been told you can wash the material that's in the cartomizers, but I don't know how, so I await that answer.
  3. Congrats to the new eGo users! I noticed a huge difference in the way it tasted (analog) too when I tried like 1 week after I started. It was like licking a dirty ashtray. As for the analogs disgusting you, I don't know if they will ever do that, however I will say you will begin to notice how many people around you stink.
  4. Dual Coil, with an ego-T
  5. Thats cool to know, I will check that out. Thanks
  6. I have used the mixed PG/VG and the 100% VG, I actually prefer the VG. It does seem to take longer to fill a cartomizer because of the thickness of it, but it also seems to last a little longer than the mix. I can produce huge clouds of vapor with the VG if I wanted to. I try not to make a spectacle of myself with it though. I will admit that the mixes do tend to taste a little stronger, however from what I have seen the vapor production does seem quite faint in comparison. I guess it depends on your setup. I use a standard eGo-T battery with a Smok Dual Coil Cartomizer. I have never thought of ordering a 100% PG. If all people say the VG creates the smoke/vapor, what would PG do?
  7. This was already posted, but I guess the more people who see it the better.
  8. As for Tasty Vapor, I do plan on trying them out. I know I can make the juice or some resemblance of what I got from my local store. I am about to go out of town for around a week or so this Sunday, so I am waiting on ordering, don't really want the flavors left in my mailbox that long.
  9. I mentioned it in other posts too. They are quite pricey but they are local and do come in handy sometimes. I also guess I have a soft spot for them since they turned me on to Vaping.
  10. We have one here locally in PCB, but they are kind of pricey. Here is a link for them. http://thatsnotsmoke.com/ The staff is really nice.
  11. What exactly is Steeping the liquid? And what are the benefits?
  12. Yeah I agree Maverick, times are tough and the idea of wasting it on something like that scares me. I will say that the first positive review it gets I am all over it. I am restricted to eating only Chicken, Turkey, and Fish. Oh how I miss pork and beef. This sounds like a fantasy vape. If someone finds a steak vape I am in without the review.
  13. I am so ashamed to see Democrats leading the charge on this. I voted BTW.
  14. Didn't you post about this on ECF too?
  15. What does steeping mean, still trying to learn
  16. I just found a flavor called "Baby Back Ribs" on FreedomSmokeUSA, could this possibly even taste good. I am dying to see a review of it.
  17. Yeah, It wasn't a mistake, problem is, the store is local, not doing business online. ALOT of people myself included knew nothing about prices. With this being said they provide a wonderful in-store experience and even allow you to try every flavor you wish without purchase. So with that being said I bought everything not knowing the dramatic price hike. Since I have NOW done research I feel much more confident in purchasing overall. The issue is while I was a total noob I bought these 2 flavors and fell in love with them. I have been unable to find them elsewhere. This was another reason for the post. I don't simply buy from one place. I have used Cignot a few times, and placed an order the other day from Madvapes. I am about to try Tasty Vapor. I want to see if I can recreate my flavors.
  18. I use eGo's as well. I will swear by them. I use a SMOK Dual Coil Cartomizer, I seem to have good luck with them.
  19. I am more into flavors. Some of my faves are: Watermelon Jolly Rancher Blueberry Waffle Cola Cappichino Watermelon, Strawberry etc.
  20. I could see either one of these answers being right. . I thought about trying Tasty Vapor, it looks like I can custom order the flavors and recreate it. However not sure of the quality. Anyone ordered from them?
  21. How is it all 3 pieces could be bad? I have used 2 Carts and 1 Atomizer, which is still working with other juice. I also have tried numerous batteries. I just don't understand.
  22. No doubt there is alot of great flavors out there. I have a decent supply. It just so happens to be my favorite. That store holds my two favorites actually. I would not pay that much in general and usually only vape them as more of a treat to myself etc.
  23. I do not, should I?
  24. I have a question regarding juice and maybe a problem with a particular batch? I have a favorite ejuice called "Watermelon Jolly Rancher" I always purchase it from a local place that usually has a really good following. I was told it was a mix of PG and VG, mainly PG. I used to vape it in my atomizer, an ego-t version that came standard. I never had a problem. I then started using the SMOK Dual Coils and since I loved the flavor it was only natural I would want to use it in the cart too. Now since I bought the last bottle, I have not been happy with it at all. When I puff on it, I get SOME vapor, but not enough to even be seen when I exhale. Also it seems to be really hard not to cough when I intake. I though well maybe it was just a bad cart. With that being said I had another cart, I tried again using a different dual coil. Same result. I then tried using my standard atomizer with it. I get the same result except even less smoke. What the heck am I not getting? I don't understand, and by far this is my favorite flavor and don't want to have to give it up. However the local place is quite high on the price for it, and if this is the result of something they did I cannot justify $25 for 20ML. any longer. Any suggestions?
  25. I have a few favorites! Here is mine! Watermelon Jolly Rancher (seems to only be available locally) Blueberry Waffle (from Tasty Vapor) Blue Cola (from Cignot) These are my faves!
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