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    West Coast

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Another boring review by a gray hair. Your reviews are nothing more than spam. get a life old timer.
  2. I never shop at Starbucks. Their coffee tastes like crap!!! To hell with them anyways.
  3. Im gonna get one. Ill post a review after I use it for awhile.
  4. OK I went ahead and ordered the Provari. Why would anyone buy a mod that can only operate at 1 voltage is beyond me!! What are you guys using on them and what voltage do you use?
  5. I love texting. Anyone wanna swap digits?
  6. I don't own one but why would I want to get a mod that requires numerous battery combos if I want to change voltages. Im relatively new to this vaping scene but I've done enough research that tells me variable voltage is the way to go. I may get an Infinity or a Provari.
  7. Wow!! After reading through this thread I gotta say that this DAYVAPE character seems like he has serious social issues. What an ***
  8. An old man doing reviews. BOOOOOORING!!!!!!!!!
  9. The Don looks like a waste of money. There appears to be much better mods out there.
  10. I like ***** ( Cats)
  11. Getting ready for another night of Tweeting
  12. I like dark skin or light skin. It doesnt matter to me.
  13. I like dark skin or light skin. It doesnt matter to me.
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