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Everything posted by Coffee

  1. Thanks, I'll switch to a 2.0 or 2.5. I'm on my 3rd cart now. They are getting pretty darn hot. If I'm sitting still I tend to chain vape pretty bad.
  2. No, they apear only in the filling and tip. The tip is clear and how I noticed them.
  3. Hello all! I hope this hasn't been covered already. I've recently started using tank mods, I really like them too, but I've noticed my choice of cartomizer is producing small black specs after some use (couple days). http://altsmoke.com/...zer-select.html This occurs shortly before the cart starts spitting hot liquid. What the heck is going on with these. Is it just a bad choice or is this normal for the DC tank carts or something I'm doing. Silver Bullet (3.7) DC 1.5 Cart PV 6ml-12ml Thanks
  4. wow that thing is huge! go go jedi vapor!
  5. +1 for better vape I'm sure LRs have an effect on the batteries life span but it must be rather negligible. I've not noticed a life span difference with my eGo batteries and I still get a full days use (most of the time) out of them.
  6. Sorry for the sort of necro. I just came acrossed this today. I know no one in my my neck of the woods that uses a PV. The number of users must be well on the climb now. Does anyone know of a recent headcount? Or know how many new PV users there are whom have never smoked before. Lots of smokers around here though. I thought I would see eGos everywere by now... smoking convrits I meen.
  7. Kind of remindes me of drivers ED class in highschool. Maybe they should put **** like this on highway signs since it works so well.
  8. Awesome! Just watch out for the VG juice. It sounded like a better alternative to me but it left me feeling all phlymed up. PG doesn't have the effect in my case.
  9. I wonder what Björk thinks!
  10. Congratulations Laura! I have to agree with 'nana'. Just give it some time. It was my experience though that a 14mg liquid was causing me to have major nic withdraws. I was also a 'pack a day' smoker (16yrs). You might want to step it up to 24mg to avoid the symptoms and drop off after a few months. Drink lots of water too Believe me Laura, its worth the trouble to regain your senses and finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Good Luck! Report back often!
  11. LR 510 Atty w/ drip tip MLB flavor or Ry4
  12. On the one hand I'm thinking Orwell on the other lead paint. I don't know anything about world economics but I'm willing to bet the cost of potatoes will rise just from the bureaucracy.
  13. Oh God I didn't to see that again. Thanks Chris! I spend most of my time stuck in front of a computer so in an effort to stay the goraphobia I take walks through the neighborhood everyday. Especially since I've given up analogs and no longer get that hourly break. Man I can smell all kinds of flowers and people cooking out on the grill. I had forgotten all about some smells. It's like a new world! The most noticeable thing though is chlorine. Yup, two people have pools here and I can smell then from over two blocks away. Maybe they're just overdoing it. I can't say I have noticed any food tasting better though my taste have always been sort of bland. Good topic!
  14. Well I never got to see the other skin as I just joined up today but I do like this one, minus the aforementioned text and the overly glossy main buttons I swear they burn my eyes!
  15. Are you using PG or VG liquid? The VG seems to be thicker and might hold up better at higher temps.
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