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Everything posted by Tony_C

  1. I'd let themsit for a few minutes, 10-20 should be fine. Just to let the liquid fully soak in.
  2. Looks like a 510 style kit with PCC, price sin't that bad, but most people here want something with bigger battery life.
  3. oh...and almost forgot....the damn things whistle...!
  4. so after some use...and the first one leaked out....flavor is dulled, vapor production is pretty close , throat hit is less than a standard carto.
  5. Unless you have store volumes of liquid, I don't see it being around for a year :P
  6. On my desk. Anywhere room temp and below, out of.. sunlight is fine.
  7. Go ego with cartomizers...lr are nice, but I'd get some normal ones just in case you don't happen to like them. EGo-t batteries have on/off feature. Libertyvflights.com has good prices, don't forget to hit the 20%m off button on top of page.
  8. Lol, there's a should try that.
  9. Helps strengthen my belief in Mandatory (reversible) sterilization at puberty. In order to get reversal, must pass IQ and psych eval.
  10. Or keep it around and ready to go for an emergency.
  11. frosting, the joye 510 and ego are compatible. I'd just get an eGo to start, if you plan on getting one anyway.
  12. From Cloudsofvapor description: NOTE: Will not work with eGo, 510, 901 or mosfet driven type batteries. The Dual Coil should to be used with 3.7 volt mods with a switch capable of handling 2 or more amps.
  13. Does dropping or knocking off the desk count?
  14. Anyone have much experience with these? I know there are problems, like the glue coming undone...I got some cheap, and gonna just use while sitting at desk. What other differences have you noticed...seem to not get much flavor compared to a regular carto, but Vapor production seems normal.
  15. Yeah, 5-6 cig equavalent seems about right, maybe a bit more. 30ml/10 days looks fairly average, seems most people vape 2-3 ml a day...I'm probably a bit less than that, 1-2 a day I would estimate. I had a real cig the other night..."just to see" and it was terrible. didn't notice the nic, and that smell... wouldn't go away for hours.
  16. +1 to this. unless you can make a mini with 4+ hour battery life, not gonna look twice. I've grown pretty attached to my LR attys anyway, and I'm sure a mini wouldn't be able to handle those no matter batt. life.
  17. Maybe try a 50/50 or 40/60 blend? It'll be a thicker vapor, without too much flavor dulling
  18. Standard eGo LED is white. Cone is snug at times on some black wrapped cartos, but perfect on stainless...guess some don't get wrapped quite as tight, or the edges get loose a bit. As for juice, I honestly didn't use my 510 long enough on it's own to think about that, it shouldn't though - maybe you're just vaping more because you like it so much :P
  19. Budget, how much you plan on using it would help...but other than a mod, I'd recommend the eGo.it's the most customizable- you can even get a part for it to go variable voltage.., and Joye is known quality.
  20. So did I :P just had to find my link. I see it as cigarette vs cigar, both easy to hold and use though.
  21. I'm surprised at 0 menthol votes yet.
  22. I was of the same mindset when I started, got a 510 for that reason. Might have been ok if I got the mega battery (280-320 mah). Bottom line, it will be a good start, and decent quality kit,- mixed reviews on the pcc...but you'll probably want something bigger down the road, and size won't matter much.
  23. I'll second the eGo suggestion, or at least mega batteries if you go 510... EGo can use lr cartos though, they vape warmer, at the expense of using more juice...but totally worth it imho. Button? That's what that is? I just thought it was a thumb rest...
  24. Sounds like you're doing everything ok. I'd advise getting something higher quality
  25. http://www.nicapure.com/mobile/default.aspx#P37523 Couldn't find through google, other than a youtube vid.
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