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Tony_C last won the day on August 14 2011

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About Tony_C

  • Birthday November 21

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    United States

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  1. I'd let themsit for a few minutes, 10-20 should be fine. Just to let the liquid fully soak in.
  2. Looks like a 510 style kit with PCC, price sin't that bad, but most people here want something with bigger battery life.
  3. oh...and almost forgot....the damn things whistle...!
  4. so after some use...and the first one leaked out....flavor is dulled, vapor production is pretty close , throat hit is less than a standard carto.
  5. Unless you have store volumes of liquid, I don't see it being around for a year :P
  6. On my desk. Anywhere room temp and below, out of.. sunlight is fine.
  7. Go ego with cartomizers...lr are nice, but I'd get some normal ones just in case you don't happen to like them. EGo-t batteries have on/off feature. Libertyvflights.com has good prices, don't forget to hit the 20%m off button on top of page.
  8. Lol, there's a should try that.
  9. Helps strengthen my belief in Mandatory (reversible) sterilization at puberty. In order to get reversal, must pass IQ and psych eval.
  10. Or keep it around and ready to go for an emergency.
  11. frosting, the joye 510 and ego are compatible. I'd just get an eGo to start, if you plan on getting one anyway.
  12. From Cloudsofvapor description: NOTE: Will not work with eGo, 510, 901 or mosfet driven type batteries. The Dual Coil should to be used with 3.7 volt mods with a switch capable of handling 2 or more amps.
  13. Does dropping or knocking off the desk count?
  14. Anyone have much experience with these? I know there are problems, like the glue coming undone...I got some cheap, and gonna just use while sitting at desk. What other differences have you noticed...seem to not get much flavor compared to a regular carto, but Vapor production seems normal.
  15. Yeah, 5-6 cig equavalent seems about right, maybe a bit more. 30ml/10 days looks fairly average, seems most people vape 2-3 ml a day...I'm probably a bit less than that, 1-2 a day I would estimate. I had a real cig the other night..."just to see" and it was terrible. didn't notice the nic, and that smell... wouldn't go away for hours.
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