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Everything posted by USAFSGT

  1. I don't know if I've ever felt that bad when I had one puff of smoke. Who the hell buys cigs to get smoke in their mouth in the first place?!
  2. I can't get over the fact on how much I like Dulcis and Mentha mixed together. I vape the stuff all day and I don't even know what to call it. My wife said it reminded her of christmas and the closest thing I could think of was candy cane.
  3. This is what I found for mixing your own liquid. It looks like she does a 50/50 ratio. Sounds like it's just all about experimenting and finding out what you like.
  4. or you could do what my son is addicted to right now.....cold tofu.....i swear he's not my child.
  5. sounds like chris's wife won't be able to try it then!
  6. if i were to describe it; i would say joy in a tin can. my wife would say crap in a tin can. i really wish i had the wit to describe it. i know it's a lot sweeter than the blue monster. as far as what it actually tastes like....i guess you would just have to drink it to see.
  7. yeah cheesecake will definately be logged under the file "i bought it for the wife to try....." i love me some cheesecake.
  8. i think you are absolutely right. for some reason the taste of the dulcis is lost on me. i prefer the janty ry04. but when i added a drop of mentha to it....i felt like it was the perfect pair (mentha and dulcis) to vape all day. reminded me a lot of smoke menthal lights before i quit and went to vaping. a really good pair in my book.
  9. I am highly addicted to green Monsters. If you could make a taste for green monster you'd have an automatic pay plan from me weekly for the stuff.
  10. I think one thing that the FDA has shown to be true is a quality control issue. Finding nicotine in a suposedly 0 mg nicotine juice/cart is not good. They also found very different strengths of nicotine (I believe one was 42mg). So I do think there is an issue that needs to be looked at. But as far as how the FDA is acting right now towards E-Cigs tends to be in a total bias that looks negatively on it. On the other note, I've been vaping at work on the fligh line for about....3 weeks now with no cravings of an analog whatsoever. I even blew the vape right into my Capt's face (and yes he freaked out at first but once I told him what I was doing he was pretty cool with it). Next goal is to get all the guys there switching over.
  11. My latest cleaning technique has been to blow gently on the end of the atty that connects to the battery. Than lightly tap on a towel or paper towel for the liquid to come out. If I have time I'll let that sit upside down (connection to the battery up) to let any other liquid come down and rest on the paper towel. Sometimes I'll also get a little piece of paper towel and clean the inside of the atty but you have to becareful that you don't leave any fibers in there from the paper towel or you'll have a burning sensation in your mouth. So that's how I do it. Anyone else have any helpful advice?
  12. My band covering A Perfect Circle, Passive in Japan for some sort of battle of the bands thing. The really handsome guy singing is me. Feel free to rate. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfcEPN943n8
  13. Wonder if there was some sort of way to do a story on E-Cigs for the AFN. How is good ol kunsan? I was there from 03-04 and 07-08. Can't say I miss it all that much, but I did have some good times there. Any stories you have of vapping while on base? I know you aren't allowed to walk around and smoke (even in civilian clothes). Wonder what people's reaction would be while you vapped.
  14. Well, coming from someone who is smoking and serving in the military right now, I'm not really sure what to think about this. I know there is plenty of people that can function and do their job while smoking. Also there are plenty of people that can pass their PT (physical training) test and still smoke. So, I think that if the general population in the USA can smoke then the people fighting for them should be able to do it as well. I'm a pretty simple person; so if you regulate something in the government sector (all be it military, fireman, policeman, etc.) then it should aply to all sectors. Why would you want your military to be smoke free but not your police officers. Also, I've heard that they want to start this ban on smoking in Iraq....that seems like the dumbest place to start. Let's do something that is highly contraversal and stressful in the most stressful area we can think of! I see the good purpose of looking out for someone's health, I just hope the military does it in a smart and responsible manner. Hopefully we can also bring to light E-cigs; I would love to get them introduced to the smoking cessation place here on base but only time can tell what legeslation will hold for the almighty E-cig.
  15. That's why I like to say the key to my marriage being so great isn't cause I love my wife, although I do very much so, it's because I fear her. Keeps me healthy.
  16. That's one way to send an email...I wonder if he can make one for a laptop/e-cig.
  17. I can already see it happening; getting dressed for work. Grabbing my e-cig from a late and "eventful" last night. Forget to check my stash; get to work and smoke outside with the boys trying to explain the great benefits of e-cigs when I get an unexplained errection. Oh...the stories to be shared around the water cooler that day.
  18. I can't wait to get my Joye-510. I'm really hoping I can get the same or at least close to the same sensation as I do from an analog smoke. I guess time will only tell. Great to hear your success though.
  19. When I first started to look up stuff about e-cigs, the thing I was worried most about was that fact that they wouldn't have a throat kick. I needed something to replicate smoking for me but not be as harmful. I think for avid smokers, we need the replication feeling. As far as people who don't smoke and look to take on e-cigs as a new habit...well maybe they need something less intrusive. However, as Christopher has pointed out, there seems to be sources for a "less of a throat kick" feel to it. So I say, good luck, happy hunting, and let us know what you find out so we can all experiment. I'm sure my wife will thank you (she hasn't said it, but I know she's going to be curious to try).
  20. What's the average amount of juice/liquid you guys buy at any given time and how long does that usually last?
  21. I just bought my new Joye 510 online last night. I'm waiting for it to come in; really excited to see if it'll help me wheen off of analogs. I was thinking about bringing this up to the Air Force and see what their take on it would be. I think I'll just take it one step at a time and bring it out in front of the guys when they are all smoking at our smoke pit and see what their reaction is. As far as being an NCO in today's military, I think that leaves us in a valuable position where we can influence today's junior enlisted core on healthier ways to get their nicotine; and as you say "the bottome line is we have a real chance to save lives." Let me know how your experience goes SGT and I'll post what's going on here in the Air Force side of things.
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