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Everything posted by USAFSGT

  1. ahem...that is at the kunsan BX...kunsan base :P
  2. eh....I wouldn't say ANY government agency. I don't know why I feel like sticking up for the government but there are great people out there. There's jerks as well. I believe in the best in humanity though. I'm sure if e-cigs are really that great things will turn around. They might go down a road with some bumps (well maybe a LOT of bumps) but I'm a firm believer that in the end good will succeed. So here's to hope.
  3. Right on man. Now if you could just tell me what to do with my 24oz monster cans I'll be set.
  4. Right on man, thanks for spreading the word. I'm sorry to hear that happend to ya. If I had some atty's that you could use I'd send em to ya in a heart beat. They will definately be on my "do not buy from" list. I'll let all the guys here on base know as well. Good luck in finding what you are looking for.
  5. that's how i prefer to listen to my wife talk.
  6. I have a bunch of mix reactions to it. When I'm in uniform I try not to walk around base vaping cause it still looks pretty unprofessional. When I'm at work though; all bets are off. I'm out of the public eye and it's actually pretty convenient. Usually guys have to wait till they can go to the only smokepit in our unit to go smoke. But I can sit inside an F-16 doing...well whatever it is I happen to be doing in the cockpit....and vape away. I guess kinda like sitting at your computer at work; except the F-16 doesn't have a USB port for me to be plugged into. I just had a guy last night ask me what I was doing; he said it was cool but he figured if more and more people started doing it then the air force or military in general would try to regulate it (which wouldn't be unreasonable, military does have an image to uphold). I vaped in from of my OIC (officer in charge) once. Man....that guy flipped out so bad. It was all I could do to keep my cool. I calmly explained to him what was going on and he was totally dumbfounded. So I figured if he was cool with it; I'm a go to vape where ever I want at work (always use the line,"oh yeah, the captain knows i vape here at work"). When I'm in civilian clothes; all bets are off. I vape as much as I can where ever I can. Oddly enough; I've only had one person ever come up to me and ask what I was doing. It was a japanese waitress and she was telling me I couldn't smoke. I showed her what I was doing and she was cool with it. I've smoke in the BX (Base Exchange/or Post Exchange for you army folk), commisary...everywhere. So it's been a fairly good experience here. Maybe Biezsman (yeah i know i screwed that up bad) has some interesting stories at kunsan air base in korea?
  7. You know what I've been wanting on my battery? Something to actually display how much battery life is on it. Nothing fancy or anything like that; but something to show me anything would be nice. Like 4 lights on the side of the battery; 4 indicating full power and you lose one for every 25%. At least then I could just hit the power button just to see if I needed to charge some other batteries to full power.
  8. I gotta tell ya; what you're experiencing is what I want. The thing that has always bothered me the most with vaping is trying to get that big throat hit from analogs. My 510 has worked pretty well, but one and only good atomizer is dying out on me. Figures though since I've been using it for.....oh about 4 months now. Can't really taste any of the flavors but...still get a throat hit. I guess what I just said doesn't really help at all. I've heard the dose of nicotine you have really changes the throat hit. I've gone from 24mg to 36mg and really didn't notice anything; but I bet you could try dropping your nic level and maybe that would lessen the harsh vapor you feel.
  9. Whenever I try to talk to guys that I want to try an e-cig, I just tell them to get it and use it when they are at home or some place where they would like to smoke but can't. So I get em to just buy one and instead of them worrying about trying to quit smoking all together, they can just vape part of the day and see how they like it. Which usually turns into vaping all the time.
  10. haha right on man. i'm surprised cause i've done the samething at work. i use to get a kick out of blowing vapor all over the place and having people say "holy crap?! what's that?!" so now i just say "oh it's medication" and you'd be surprised how many people go "oh ok; puff away". people are strange sometimes. i tend to think that when i just do it and act like it's no big deal or act like i'm allowed to do it; people just look at me and assume it must be ok for me to do it. it's always easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. thank you military for that lesson.
  11. Eh....I have mixed feelings about this. Part of me wants to be conservative and not do it in public places but the other part of me says why the hell not?! I think we need to get the word out to people about it. I don't think you need to be rude about it but you can still do it in public in a polite way. I vape everywhere I can. Part of me wants to be confronted so I can share what I've found. I guess it's really all about how you carry yourself. Almost like you're an ambassador if you will for the E-Cig community. So represent us proudly!!!
  12. I've heard nothing but great things from people about awesomevapor.com great shipping and customer service. I ordered stuff and it got here in a week; which was pretty nice since i live in JAPAN of all places right now. Also vaprlife.com seems to be great as well. VP1 and VP2 are all the rage and I can't wait to order their new spade-510 when it comes out. If I could pre-order it I would in a heart beat. So I think those are 2 great suppliers to start out with that you can't go wrong with. I wish someone told me about them when I first started. Best of luck to ya.
  13. Thank you for the kind words. I'm happy to serve my country. And no; all joking aside, I think cooking for your husband is great. It shows grace; giving him something he doesn't deserve. I remember after I got married, I realized I stopped opening the car door for my wife. I would still open doors to buildings and such but we have 2 kids and I guess I just let it get away from me. I realized that just cause I was married that I shouldn't let the special things I do for my wife slip away. So I open the car door for her everyday. So don't stop cooking your husband dinner; he might be able to do it himself but the care you show will always be appreciated (even if he's dumb like all the rest of us men and forgets to say it).
  14. This reminds me of a funny Yahoo Answer I saw one time. This woman asks "What's a good come back when my husband tells me to go to the kitchen and make me a sandwhich?" One guy answers "I don't know lady but you better come back with a god damn sandwhich!" PRICELESS
  15. Staff Sergeant in the US Air Force. I've been working on the avionics systems on the F-16.
  16. Yeah I guess that's true. I guess the magic would be to fine something that works great in all e-cigs. Oh well. I'll keep on scratching my brain for something off the wall to corner the market on (and then tell chris all about it).
  17. haha this is great "he strangles the crap out of me!"
  18. I can kinda tell there's some kind of after taste, but I guess it really doesn't bother me that much. The 510 just kicks out so much vapor and has such a nice throat hit. I guess that's all I really care about. Makes me feel like I still smoke....without the tobacco. I can deal with the after taste as long as I get that throat hit I look for. I'm all for making a good product better though.
  19. So this just came to my head acouple of days ago and I don't know if anyone else has ever thought about it. I've watched plenty of reviews in my limited time of vaping and I always seem to hear people say "This juice isn't that good in this e-cig but it's great in another". So has anyone really thought of or tried making different juices for just one type of E-Cig? Take the Joye-510. It gives out a huge vapor production but I know sometimes it can lack in the taste department. Has anyone thought of making like .... the VT Juice Mentha designed for just the Joye-510 and then making slightly different take on it for the 901? I know voltage has a lot to do with it and such. I don't bother myself with trying to know all of the details of exactly how they are all different. I just didn't know if that thought ever ran across any of the experts minds on here. On a side note; mentha might not have been the best example to use because it's pretty strong. But what about something like Dulcis?
  20. i thought i would throw in my 2 cents here. i was catching up on some reading on the VP1 Version 2.0 and this is what i read on the whole air flow system. "NOTE: AIR FLOW ADJUSTMENT ARE FOR M201 ATOMIZER ONLY. Adapter for 901 or 510 atomizers available in accessories. If you want your 901 or 510 adapters to work with the air flow system, a hole must be drilled through the side of the adapter." here's the link VaprLife.com i thought that would shed some light on the issue. and then again maybe everyone already knew that; let me know what you think or if that changes anything.
  21. i love my PS3. being able to game and use the same machine for blu-rays is pretty nice. You can't forget about Killzone 2 as well. That game is so great to play and looks fantastic. I do think Xbox has a lot of good titles on it but so do PS3. Lately i've been using my PS3 as more of a blu-ray player though. Besides batman, there hasn't really been a good game that has held my interest at all.
  22. Ignorant comments like that piss me off. What are they worried about? I don't even know what to say. Just sounds so dumb.
  23. The Mentha flavor is so my primary vape. I have to use it with everything. Even the Cola. For some reason everything just tastes batter with it. Not sure how cheesecake will taste with it....but there's only one way to find out.
  24. If cheesecake is deffinately in the mix then I would love to know if I need to be kissing up to Chris or Sean?
  25. Hopefully what we are experiencing is a system being setup in place to regulate e-cigs. I don't mind it being regulated; but it needs to be done reasonably. I'm sure good decisions and bad decisions will be made, just hopefully we come out on top ok.
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