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Everything posted by cindycated

  1. Has anybody tried Banana Split yet? I'm really well stocked right now, but sooo curious!
  2. Cool, everybody seems to be raving about Kona Cream. Guess I'm gonna have to try that one next time. She has Blueberry Cheesecake coming out too - my all time dessert weakness!
  3. Their prices seem pretty comparable to me. Shipping charges are very reasonable and FAST too. I ordered on Saturday night, and it was ready to ship by Monday afternoon - Memorial Day, mind you. But what I really love about Sweet-Vapes is all the customization options: Ordering from Dayna at Sweet-Vapes is like having your very own personal, in-house mixologist ("vape chef"). Dayna is by no means a control freak with her flavors. You can choose your PG/VG mix, add extra or double the flavor, make some of the flavors feel colder (without adding menthol - how the heck does she do that?), and if you have a special request, ask and she will do her best to accommodate you. I'm having a Goldilocks issue with nicotine right now, and she did 9mg for me, no problem (half 6mg + half 12mg). And the flavors that I've tried are DEAD ON - no doctoring up necessary. I ordered all 60PG/40VG with double flavor and haven't had a craving for dessert since, even with my crazy sweet tooth! And I can attest that every good review you might've read about her Fudge Brownie are all true--hands down the best chocolate vape I've ever had! Ah, all that warm, yummy goodness! And the Margarita. OMG! And as for this: That price was for 5 15ml bottles, not 5. She does smaller samplers too, for like $6.50 for 5. Get on her newsletter mailing list for latest news and coupon codes, and it's even cheaper. To me, not too shabby. 5!
  4. Wow, you guys have a lot of gear! ...but looking at all the stuff I have lined up on my kitchen island, now that I think about it, I guess a small parts box probably wouldn't hurt... Thanks! Good idea!
  5. I think the only downside I can see to a hard copy e-cig book would be that there are so many different kinds/models of e-cigs out there now, and new technology seems to be coming out all the time. Wouldn't one become outdated really fast?
  6. High PG (80% and above) made me cough. I've switched to a 60PG/40VG mix and am doing a lot better. I guess I'm not big on throat hit anymore. Also, yeah--as hard as it is to lighten up on these because they taste so good--you do have to adjust your drawing technique with these. Slow and steady has been working great for me, and actually makes the flavor even more enjoyable.
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