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About ElectroNicStix

  • Birthday 05/03/1980

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    E-CIGS, Fast VW's and Macs' :)

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. We appreciate your help and support Gweetus!
  2. Mini, The law is odd here when it comes tobacco. Most states you have to be 18 to buy smokes. here it is 19. You also have to be 19 to work in a store that sells tobacco. So it is saying that a person under 19 caught selling to someone under 19 will be fined. But hell if you are 35 and sell to someone under 19 you can still get a hefty fine.
  3. Yes i know it includes snus etc. This happened last year too. same guy snuck it onto the bill "Paul Ray" nice find on the wikipedia dinarzen. We have known since last year about the tobacco companies and him etc. Its very frustrating because we went through this last year too. But i am hopeful that we can beat him again!
  4. It will be the house just like last year.
  5. Whats funny is its the same guy tacking it onto the bill as last year.. and i KNOW where he lives lol muahahah
  6. yes i was getting ready to post this etc.. been on the national vapers club board meeting call. Been in touch with cassaa etc.. wheels in motion.. im so sick of mr. paul ray... this is getting ridiculous..
  7. I can never get to sleep earlier than 2 am.. i have started to cut the nic down at night and it does help some. but having a newborn makes it pretty hard to get any sleep anyways lol Jason
  8. We had some issues with the LR atties we got the first go around then i had our current producer make some for me and they rock my socks they are all i use on the ego and have had 0 problemos 1.8 ohms is a good spot on the carto imo. Jason
  9. http://utahpolicy.com/bills/2010/hb/71 http://www.standard.net/topics/drugs/2010/01/30/bills-would-regulate-smokeless-nicotine-products UTAH VAPERS! Yes you! My customers!! Please help! They are trying to BAN e-Cigs! What i need from you is to contact me! Get me your story! Tell me how e-cigs have changed your life! We need your help of e-cigs are going to get banned for sale in Utah! Please Get Involved! I would love to have myself, the folks from whitecloud and a bunch of my customers come out against the bill! Jason
  10. dont worry your stuff went out hope it gets there soon Jason
  11. okay guys let me calm your nerves. Yes im a supplier and i could say dont buy from them just buy from me or the vt store. But im not going to do that. I know Chad The owner of ecigsupply.com Hes a nice guy and hes been around about a year. I agree some of his prices are pretty freaking low and i imagine his tactic is to sell more at a lower price etc.. but you dont have to be afraid to buy from chad. hes a decent guy and im actually meeting up with him and chris from cigtechs and rath in virginia for the big vapers meet in march. So if you see something you like on his store. go for it. He will treat you right and is a reasonable fellow within reason. Just paying it forward here. Have a nice day. JAson
  12. Well there are ways to tell if you have a "real" joye atomizer. for one there is normally wicking material under the bridge. and there is NOT a metal ring around the inside of the atomizer. and the ceramic cup looks semi square. Knockoffs have round ceramic cups, and have a metal ring around the inside along with a really fat bridge. I have tried both knockoffs and real joye atomizers. I tell customers that the atomizers generally take a good day of use before they "break in" and yes there is a packing fluid on most atomizers from the factory. Which can affect flavor negatively. The 510 is mainly known for the vapor flavors are not as prevalant on the 510 but the 306 atomizer and the 901 atomizer run cooler and they bring flavors out a bit more. the 901 is the cooler of the two. well just my 2 cents.. im bored at work and posting lol Jason
  13. Here is my spin on the KR 808. I did not like them when they first came out. but they have come a long way. They work very well and can hold liquid well. They have their good points and bad points. on the plus side they hold more liquid so you have to refill less. But refilling them is different. you either have to pull the white cap off the end remove the o ring and fill it up or drip in the hole on the side that is near the battery. with the 510 you remove the cart and fill or drip. On the other hand if you dont like to refill you can just keep buying pre filled cartomizers. And i find they least me half a day or more of vaping on them before i have to put another cart on. they are nice in the way you get a fresh atomizer when you put a new one on every time though. I alternate between my kr and my 510 attys all the time Hope this helps some. Jason
  14. Yes they will work in the pcc if you put a rubber band around it not an issue. There are no plans to make a pcc for them simply because they last twice as long on a charge than the stock batteries therefore deleting the need for the pcc generally. I work 10 hour shifts and i have to maybe change 3/4 through the shift. Hope this info helps. And its okay jeff no worries on the picture i was just giving ya heck. Jason
  15. you really want an american made atomizer? I can tell you where to get one. From my friend the Creator of the "Juicebox" PM me and i can get you the information. It has a usa made atomizer built into the unit. so there! Jason
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