Hi there
I own a set of Ego-T's for me and my wife, she loves it and I do too, but I feel like I need to kick it up a notch, that's why I need your help.
Couple days ago I bought a MAP tank from COV and should be here next week, but I like to plan ahead and be ready for my next purchase in case this one doesn't work as I expect it to.
I need something that can hold a charge for some time, not a big issue because I always stay on top of charging and always carry spares if going out for a long time.
Need to hold plenty of juice, I hate to refill constantly, that's why I started with a tank system from the get go.
IMPORTANT: I don't think there's a 100% LEAK FREE PV in the market, but I want to stay away from leaky products, heat in TX is a big issue, I guess you heard about it lol, and I carry my PV with my on my van and it stays there long hours, sometimes I throw it in inside my cooler, but it leaks no matter what.
If I can buy something with this features without having to take a loan for it I'd be HAPPY
Shoot your preferences here and guide me through this process
Thanks and Happy 4th !