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    Katy TX

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. A REO, maybe a mini, is in the near future. I'm a newbie, just 3 weeks into this, and just tried it on my ego-t so far. Don't have a lot of knowledge about voltages, dripping and stuff like that, I keep using it like I'd with an analog just to keep me from going back, but until now never smoked again and I don't take as many breaks while working so I'm making more $ per hour
  2. Ordered a Liquinator, got tired of waiting for someone to email me back. Terrible post-sale service, seems like I can cross Clouds of Vapor from my supplier list. Just hope VaporEscence ships fast enough, I'm not far from there and pay for upgraded shipping to make sure I can get this ASAP
  3. Does someone have a coupon code for Vaporescence ? I'm ready to order my Liquinator and some other stuff, so if I can say a few bucks even better Thanks if you can share, and if you don't too !
  4. Just emailed Bruce at COV to see if he can get me spares, if not I'll give the Liquinator a try as some suggested here. Maybe some Boge cartos for my Ego-T since I cleaned them today but my jaws hurt at the end of the day because of all the effort I have to make to suck through those cartos all day
  5. No idea Brian, just bought the "standard" from COV, I wanted to order a spare one just in case but they we're not available, kinda funny if you sell the mod and don't have parts, but whatever. Thanks for your help Brian, I appreciate it a lot
  6. Naahhh everything is f**ked up now, I bent the thread to the battery now, have to trash everything and keep the tank until I can order another atty.
  7. This is what's causing my no-fire issue right ? SEE PIC How can I fix it ? Should I have to order a new CE2 element ? F**k I hate to wait for things to get here and they don't work
  8. Thanks Brian, but I'm so frustrated right now. Just got mine and seems like the atty is gone or who knows, it doesn't fire up. When I inhale it sound like when you're trying to get some soda from the end of the glass with a straw ... tried it with different batteries and with my pass-through so I don't know what's wrong. It should fire right away, isn't it >
  9. Thanks ! Mine should be here any minute (stalking the mailman already??) and if you have a chance let me know if there's anything you'd suggest to do before the first use, like getting ride of any primer or stuff like that. If I like it I plan on ordering more and more heating elements .... what kind of things I should avoid? How low the juice level can go ? How often do I need to top it off ? Any help will be appreciated Take care y'all
  10. Shoot me a link Chris, I might add a couple on my next order
  11. Hi there I own a set of Ego-T's for me and my wife, she loves it and I do too, but I feel like I need to kick it up a notch, that's why I need your help. Couple days ago I bought a MAP tank from COV and should be here next week, but I like to plan ahead and be ready for my next purchase in case this one doesn't work as I expect it to. I need something that can hold a charge for some time, not a big issue because I always stay on top of charging and always carry spares if going out for a long time. Need to hold plenty of juice, I hate to refill constantly, that's why I started with a tank system from the get go. IMPORTANT: I don't think there's a 100% LEAK FREE PV in the market, but I want to stay away from leaky products, heat in TX is a big issue, I guess you heard about it lol, and I carry my PV with my on my van and it stays there long hours, sometimes I throw it in inside my cooler, but it leaks no matter what. If I can buy something with this features without having to take a loan for it I'd be HAPPY Shoot your preferences here and guide me through this process Thanks and Happy 4th !
  12. Emile, thanks for that, because they mixed it few minutes before I got there to pick it up. Should room temperature or fridge accelerate the settling process ?
  13. ok, ordered a MAP tank from COV and got some juice from a local company, hate the taste of it so far, service wasn't good at all, so seems like I'll be buying online from now one.
  14. Hey, looking at a MAP tank from Clouds of vapor and seems like the next thing I want to try. I only have an Ego-t starter kit, what else should I need in order to get this guy up and running at the moment of arrival ? Is this something you'd recommend ? C'mon guys, I'm waiting for your responses to place my order before going to bed tonight
  15. PM the link when you have a chance, I'd appreciate it I'm about to order some more juice, I'm gonna try sweet-vapes and see how it goes, I've ordered twice since I started vaping, one from the forum store and another from Vapor Kings, but I feel I have to keep trying to evaluate my buying experience properly and also after trying different juices. I'm looking for a modded PV that can provide a good vape, no leaking issues and cost less than a brand new car, shoot your suggestions
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