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Everything posted by KBB

  1. Thanks guys, I picked up some baby wipes ay Walgreens yesterday. Works real good too. Interesting discovery, when I looked at the ingredientes on the package I bought, the liquid contains glycerin. I noticed that on one of the products it contained PG. Kevin
  2. Hi FloridaKracker, Thanks, the truck in my avatar is a Savage X with an Axial .32 engine and Aluminum wheels. What's not obvious is that it's sitting on the hood of my Wrangler 4 door. Kevin
  3. Well, I do a lot of paper towel cleaning right now. But, during a full day of vaping I sure do handle the parts a lot and come into contact with the liquid more than I want to. Purell sounds good, I wonder if alcohol alone would be enough? Thanks for your input. Kevin
  4. I have a question about mixing. I, in my panic to hoard, bought 150ml of standard 24mg PG Molboro juice. I'm not thrilled with the strength or taste. It produces a lot of vapor but I want more taste but don't know what flavors to get to mix with it. Can you give me some info on what I can buy in the way of flavorings to add to this? Thanks in advance Kevin
  5. I hope you are wrong but it is very possible that the FDA may want some way to control the amount of nicotine we are allowed to get. The sealed prefilled carts are one way to do this. I'm hoping that the apparent deal they reached with China on reducing the maximum MG from 36 to 26 is all we will see. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and stocking up. Kevin
  6. What do you guys recommend to clean your hands when you are travling? I don't care how careful I am I seem to get the liquid on my fingers when swaping cartridges. Also I need to start wiping down the parts of the 510 more often. What ever I use to transport the cartridges always seems to get liquid on it as well. what do you guys use? Kevin
  7. Many people have reported this. I personally haven't had an atomizer behave like this as far as the bad taste. The 510 atomizers do fade with time and use. My experience has been that after one or two cleanings they become useless. Kevin
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