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  1. It has nothing to do with the sale of e-cig related products but because of complications/complaints about JC. I am by no means bashing JC here and have heard much much more positive feedback than negative about this company. Paypal has been known to fritz out a lot and for some odd reason happened more than often with JC and recieved complaints for it and decided to cancel JC's paypal. Most of this is heresay from another forum but the post was backed by an email from paypal saying that they still allow the sale of e-cigs. Summed up. Paypal fritzed on JC. JC still = good. Paypal = minor screw up again and does not prohibit the sale of ecigs. Just figured I give the gist of the story to those who may not know.
  2. It would just be too awesome to stroll around vaping that thing in broad daylight tho.. "uh sir, i'm gonna have to ask you to stop sticking lit fireworks in your mouth. you're scaring off customers." "wuh? no this is an ecig. the fda banned my old one so i made this safer one." "oh, those have antifreeze in them ya know."
  3. stumbled upon this compact modern masterpiece just now. XD http://www.youtube.c...h?v=KsinioAhYuA
  4. Those fibers are the mesh for the center of the atomizer (not the metal strands or cart filler, they look like strands from a q-tip). They retain liquid from the cart filler and keep the atomizer from drying/burning out. From what I've read and seen pulling them out really has no effect unless you remove all of them which is nearly impossible unless you take the atomizer apart. It should still function just like before and is even necessary to do once the atomizer gets old because some of the fibers will burn over time causing that nasty burnt taste.
  5. Just out of curiousity (no means of hijacking here lol). Does anyone notice a much better/smoother flavor when they cut down the nicotine concentration (ie 18mg to 9mg) or is it not all that noticable? I'm guessing yes depending on how drastic, but still curious.
  6. It's crazy how many things contain PG, from toothpaste and deoderant to liquid used for de-icing aircrafts!
  7. blucigs were going to be my first ecig buy buy after researching for a while i decide i didn't want something i'd have to wait 3-5 weeks to have in my hand. I went for the joye 510 from arno instead which should be here in 3 days. can't wait!
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