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    British Columbia

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  1. Okay thank-you Compenstine. Where do you get help like this anymore??? I'm still in shock. Thanks a bunch to everyone.
  2. i will buy 2.2ohm Pro Tank 2 Refill Coils 5 pack x2 Clear Pro Tank Mini x2 Is this okay and will it last a year or two?
  3. Okay I will try these then. Thank you very much!
  4. Well like some where saying if newer but works... anything but those cartridges I was using. God the help you get here is outstanding... thanks
  5. I bought it from you guys maybe three years ago
  6. I think these are them just differant shape. eGo-T/eGo-C Tank Cartridges (Type A, Transparent Black)
  7. It won't allow me to post a picture. The links you sent me to are not the same shape the link is differant. I guess I should try though. I hate ordering blind like this though.
  8. I bought atomized cartridges...for my ego. I bought 5 boxes and it has been a pain ever since. You have to suck like crazy and you never get much vapor ( sometimes you do) but the other day I looked into my EGO box and found what came with my ego originally was an atomizer and a little plastic thing full of liquid you just slip into the atomizer. Man did it work great!!! So I want to buy those again that came with the ego in the first place. Does anyone know where I can get these? Maybe they are in the store but I had no luck or they are packaged in a new product not sure. I apologize but I don't know to much about these things so any help to locate those little plastic things again would be appreciated. Thanks.
  9. thanks... will do.
  10. You guys have been great and thanks for your patience. I have been putting more time into learning this stuff and I think I am catching on now. I didn’t know the atomizers died so that’s why I was comparing the two but since the ego sits a long time with liquid in it, it probably is drying out a bit making the atomizer work a lot harder thus I am ruining it but that’s only a guess and this probably means operator error rather than the ego being at any fault. Anyways I better get me some cartamizors and use maybe just two e cigs at a time rather than four and I will probably have better success with it. Legal issues- wow we get something that really helps us to quit smoking and they whoever they are, try to pull the plug on us. I swear sometimes I just do not know which way this bloody earth is spinning. You tell us its bad to smoke then we get this marvelous tool to help us and now this crap. AHHHH…. pulling my hair out. I just don’t get it. Anyways thanks for all your help I appreciate it.
  11. oops I guess I didn't understand the question. No I do not direct drip I drip into the cart only with the white cotton looking stuff inside. Okay I am getting it now... you can drip right onto the atomizer. hmmm a video I watched said not to do that it wrecks the atomizer with too much liquid. Okay I will try direct dripping and see how that works. I guess you are thinking idiot by now but oh well I'm learning.
  12. Hi, I just watched a video about the 510 cartimizors and I like that. Easier to use but out of stock. Any idea when they will be in and ready to order?
  13. Yes you are right I smoke and vape and I cut my smoking in half now and hopefully to quit status in the near future so I guess I would not be vapeing as much as others. Oh boy more to learn... cartamizer I need to learn about that! So it is okay to drip right onto the atomizer then if I hear you correctly. I thought it was wrong so I always drip into the end piece with the white which looks like cotton inside it. I feel I am wearing out my welcome but can I just drip right on the atomizer then? and how many drips are allowed? I would like to ask one more question is the Joye 510 Extreme Atomizer (LR) better... more vape comes out of it? Thanks and I know I am a pain so thanks for your help.
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