You guys have been great and thanks for your patience.
I have been putting more time into learning this stuff and I think I am catching on now. I didn’t know the atomizers died so that’s why I was comparing the two but since the ego sits a long time with liquid in it, it probably is drying out a bit making the atomizer work a lot harder thus I am ruining it but that’s only a guess and this probably means operator error rather than the ego being at any fault.
Anyways I better get me some cartamizors and use maybe just two e cigs at a time rather than four and I will probably have better success with it.
Legal issues- wow we get something that really helps us to quit smoking and they whoever they are, try to pull the plug on us. I swear sometimes I just do not know which way this bloody earth is spinning. You tell us its bad to smoke then we get this marvelous tool to help us and now this crap. AHHHH…. pulling my hair out. I just don’t get it.
Anyways thanks for all your help I appreciate it.