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Everything posted by iloozyun

  1. "2"]"2"]hmmm... i gotta say, these comments make me happy & sad. i've tried about all the standard 510/ego stuff & i utterly ~adore~ the clearo xl's. delish- best taste by far, very consistent, last hours without FUSS, can ~see~ when it's gonna be time to refill, no burnt-taste anything, refill is a snap once you get the groove (be gentle), 5 of these last a ~long time~ before they give up (& i'm a constant vaper), price is right, and with a cone & drip tip they are solid (you can drop them in a shallow stream, pluck them out, blow them off, & vape on, true story). so i guess i'm the odd girl out on this one. which brings me to my point- happy: when they go on clearance cuz no one likes 'em i'll get a great deal sad: then they'll be gone wow... i'm thinking like a vapor-junkie, huh?
  2. "2"]
  3. "2"]2 1/2 months in, & i keep noticing new little gems that make vaping beat smoking- like zipping down the road during the short summer of wisconsin, car windows wide open, vaping away, not worried in the least that my blowing hair will catch on fire. or like no more tiny drips of yellow sweat on my bathroom walls. or like being able to fill my car ashtray with loose change now. anyone else?
  4. wow, vey nice of you, thanks. now i see what the mod could be about.
  5. with my ego attys i found that when they were starting to die- didn't heat up, hard to pull, bad taste, whatever- i had nothing to lose by trying to save them, if possible, before tossing them. i first soaked in vinegar overnight, then boiled them awhile, then stood them batt-side up in the little fry pan i was using to boil them in & turned the fire all the way down to lowest for like 3-5 minutes, then turned the fire off & left them there till cool. i had read about air-drying them out for 24-48 hours but what the heck, they're made of metal & they're made to heat up so i tried this. it worked like a charm- attys that i had literally held over the trash can were working again, and i found this out in 5 minutes instead of 2 days of waiting for them to dry out. plan to try it on my tank attys when one dies, should work just as well. (metal only of course!!)
  6. i read about this mod on an ego mega (xl) cartomizer that sounded cool, but there was no video, only a short description, and i forgot where i read it. any of you vape-masters out there heard of this? she (i think it was a 'she') said she dremelled a hole in the side of the carto just below the mouthpiece, just the size of a 3ml syringe rubber gasket, plugged the hole with the gasket, and then, when the carto got worn down, she could reach in and pull out the filler to replace it and clean the atty coil really good. sounds brilliant to me, but i just got my first ego mega-carto yesterday and have no clue what's in there- tempted to tear one open but will wait till one croaks out first, and maybe by then have an answer to if this 'mod' sounds like a plan or not.
  7. this may be out in left field but i have avoided the dekang juice and only bought stuff that says 'made in the usa'. 2 reasons- always best to buy american, and i wasn't sure about the quality- made in china isn't exactly a ringing endorsement these days. but the prices almost always seem to be a lot lower for the china juice & i just keep reading a lot of comments on how it's the best juice out there. any thoughts? also, i don't plan to buy from overseas anyway- yo can get dekang from us vendors- but i noticed that some of the cheapest websites are overseas (some look like english is definately a second language)- wouldn't shipping costs override any savings?
  8. if you can sail thru airport security with some of those rocket-launcher-looking mods i've seen pics of, someone's slacking off & i'm scared..lol! and omg, this is something i hadn't thought of as a new vaper... i already struggle with one baggie crammed with tiny amounts of shampoo/conditioner/toothpaste/lotion/sunscreeen- 100 mls of shampoo & conditioner doesn't last 3 days for long hair {whine complain}. now i'll have to choose between dirty hair & my ejuice?? arrggghhh!! let's see, you ~can~ carry on more than 100 mls of "life-sustaining liquids"... maybe that's the ticket.
  9. while researching these things called e-cigs i stumbled upon liberty flights and their ego starter kits were the best price i could find in the usa. those guys are responsible for me being a vaper for over a month now- luvem. just got some cartos from them yesterday.
  10. noobie here i have what may amount to a tip here about that condensation in the mouthpiece. use 2 tiny bits of that fish tank foam behind the mouthpiece, one on each side, not to block the hole you pull thru. it tends to collect the condensation. if it starts to get in your mouth at some point again you can take the bits out, squeeze them dry in a paper towel, and tuck them back in. another way: stick a bit of that foam behind the second little plastic piece- the one behind the mouthpiece cover, directly in the airway chamber. this works with the ego mega cartomizer too, which for me also has a condensation issue. and it's a way to use up some of the old foam we might have collected during our experiments in vaping!
  11. i'm a little better than a month into vaping and lost maybe a pound or 2, whereas whenever i tried to quit smoking cigs i gained a LOT from shoveling food into my mouth. don't need to substitute food for cigs while vaping, and vaping all these food flavors feels like eating, and i vape so much i forget to eat
  12. statistically, you can probably trade ~any~ bad habit for smoking analogs and come out ahead of the game. the way i figure it, i traded one ~proven~ EXTREMELY bad habit (for me and everyone around me) for one that theoretically one day in the future has the remote possibility to turn out to have an undetermined level of negative impact on my health... odds i'll gladly accept. in fact, i believe all the analogs i smoked over 30+ years are still more likely to retroactively kill me than all the vaping i can fit in over the rest of my years. in my book, vaping is hands-down a win/win situation. and if it turns out to actually be ~good~ for me? a bonus.
  13. oh yeah, am now taping my labels over. what a bunch of brilliant little tweaks i find here.
  14. i love the lowes boxes- been browsing their selections and i haven't seen anything quite like them so far, look perfect for my stuff. you guys ar awesome
  15. AHA!! that's the ticket- a fishing tackle box, why didn't i think of that? adding it to my shopping list now. thankya!
  16. thankya!! yeah, i was thinking how much easier it would be to show this on one of those cool video posts like so many others have helped me learn from, but i'm gonna have to research how to make and post one first... but for now, off to buy a baby-bugger-puller to clean my attys as shown in one of those cool videos
  17. WOW, as an extreme noobie in the mixing area, i ~love~ these ideas. instead of racking my brain every time i want to mix up a new potion, i can mix up the nic juice with the pg/vg to get the end mg nic juice i want, mix my flavs together in another bottle for the end flavor i want, and when i want to make some new juice just add TWO ingredients together. perfect. i know, i'll start low and slow and see where i go, but love it! makes it so much less intimidating that i'll screw up and be vaping at too high nic. and make me learn to keep better track of my amounts so that i can duplicate some good stuff.
  18. i just watched one of chistopher's vidoe posts and got an unexpected case of vape-envy when i spotted the humungous setup behind him. got to thinking about my own storage dilemma... i'm one of those annoying people who like to be uber-organized, been browsing the storage and toolbox isles contemplating the best way to arrange all these little bottles and hardware pieces, but decided it's too early to decide... don't quite know how much stuff i'll end up with yet. right now i have a plastic bin and cover with large bottles of pv &vg and such, and a small plastic 3-drawer thing with bottles rolling around in it, and a flat plastic box with a bunch of small compartments which isn't tall enough to fit bottles in - not my ideal setup. and each time i change my hardware preference (reg carts, ego-t system, dripping...) i am re-arranging everything again. got to thinking that i bet some of you creative folks have come up with great storage ideas you might share. thankya in advance!
  19. i am a month into this, so don't mind me if i say something here that everyone already knows or sounds lame. i started mixing my own juces (such fun!) and read how drops will be different sizes from different dispensers but need to be uniform for best results. sooo... i tried to stick an 18 gauge syringe into one of my various dropper bottles but though the syringe tip went in the very top, it hit a blockage and stopped short. upon closer inspection i noticed that up inside them, they all had a kind of t-shaped bit of plastic just under the tip. i took some small pointed nail scissors and clipped out the t-shaped portion, and out came that plastic bit along with a tiny tube-shaped piece, which cleared the end of the dropper. i shoved the 18 gauge into the tip of the dropper and... presto, it went in tight and securely. after modifying everything i have with a bottle dropper on it, i can now stick my 18 gauge all the way in to a dropper bottle, tip the whole bottle of liquid upside down, pull back on the syringe to get an exact amount, no mess, no waste, drops are all uniform, and no more squeeze/drip.drip.drip, squeeze/drip.drip.drip.... rinse syringe, stick in the next liquid bott, and i can mix new juice really quickly, whether in mls or drops. and all the dropper bottles still work to dispense drops just as well as they did before, no effect.
  20. bb~BRILLIANT~! you have no idea how i have been blowing my brains out... hot water,blow/blow/blow, repeat... no more. great part about your bulb trick is that once you attach the atty you can both suck water in and push it out. and as a noobie i did not even know to address the vent holes, which i did not exactly realize were there. i just ~luv~ coolazz creative adaptations like this. i had found that i could take an 18 gauge syringe-full of hot water and push it up to the hole in the batt end of the atty and try to push water thru that way, but your idea um blows that one out of the um water
  21. yeah, see? if it wasn't for these boards and posts like these people would have a helluva time figuring out all the new aspects of vaping and maybe give up, so keep 'em coming! of course everyone who gets in this game has to learn the coolazz jargon (always wanted to learn a new language ), but i'm realizing that a lot of folks say they smoked for maybe 30 years (like me), which means a bunch of us are not exactly puppies and so are learning about vaping yes, but also some computer skills (i know a bit about computers but i still can't figure out how to make a banner show up), learning about the ~metric system~ wow, about electricity (all that aHm or whatever they are is something i'll have to study up on for real in order to develop my very own mod). so every post like this jargon one helps, thanks!
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