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Everything posted by VaporKings

  1. Ahh I see now. "...is not a tobacco product, as defined in § 39-17-1503, unless such product or device has been approved by the United States food and drug administration..." Great.
  2. I'm confused. The courts ruled the FDA cannot regulate the product as a drug device. So how can the state of TN enact a law of this nature?
  3. Must be this last batch...had no issues with the first 80 I ordered. I actually got these from another reseller that bought Joye parts but was sent clones by the "factory". Keenan, are those batteries from me?
  4. Well they are clones but they aren't working properly...I'd like to fix that.
  5. I just pulled the clone batteries off the site until I figure out what to do with them. Travis, The way you can tell the difference is in the LEDs. Push the button until you reach the cut off and you'll see that the clone battery actually has two LEDs like the SLB 901 batteries whereas the true Joye battery only has one. Shoot me an email with your order # and I'll get you taken care of on the battery. Thanks Rob
  6. I'm working with SLB now to try to figure out why some of these do this. It's only been 4-5 out of several hundred so far but I've experienced it myself with a 520 XL battery I was testing.
  7. Do you really need to steal my product descriptions? I spend hours each day working on my website and you steal my stuff? Not cool. Mods move to where is appropriate but I want consumers to know that this guy is a THIEF. It may not be material theft but I bust my rear maintaining my website and it's REALLY ticks me off to see my work stolen and placed on a CHINESE WHOLESALE website.
  8. I put a link on the front page of our site...
  9. I've tried and tried to convince several people to switch and they are just hell bent on smoking cigarettes. Why anyone wants to pay a billion dollar company $5 a day to kill themselves I have no idea. As an analog smoker for 25 years and now having been tobacco free for over 70 days I just don't understand it...well actually I do understand it but I don't understand why people aren't interested in a better alternative. I tried Chan*ix ($400 ****ing dollars with insurance!) and that stuff made me crazy. Tried gums and all that crap. None of it worked. I used to be a Copenhagen dipper for a while so I tried switching to that exclusively for a while...still wanted to smoke. Hell I'd smoke while I was dipping! I just like to smoke but I'm freakin happy as hell that I can say I'm tobacco free now. I could care less about any risks of nicotine really...I think if you sum up every harmful thing you are exposed to daily that nicotine is just a drop in the bucket. Just think about all the chemicals you expose yourself to everyday...is the long term exposure really safe? Deodorant, hair sprays, toothpastes, soaps, lotions, food preservatives/additives, cologne/perfume, residual aerosol from household cleaners, clothes soap/softeners, etc. What's in your water folks? Rob (listening to NIN Portland 2008 Live and kicking back tonight)
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