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About gatorgirl

  • Birthday 01/01/1969

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. i tried pushing the button five times to turn it on , it didn't flash but is on cause it works with this old atty
  2. okay i guess i screwed up the cartos cause i found one of my old attys that would fit and it worked fine. i still don't understand why it tried to work before i filled the cartos but wont now.
  3. I am having technical difficulty. I got the EGO Passthrough that Vermonster (My Vapor Savior) sent me. I filled the cartomizer but get no vapor. I tried two different NEW 1.5 LR BOGE Cartos but still get nothing. I tried hooked to the puter and i tried unpluged. Any advice?
  4. has anyone had problems with paying through EPN? I placed a order at sweet-vapes saturday whick said FAILED but it also said APPROVED 1Nez0zo. So i assumend it wouldn't accept my debit card...when i checked the balance on my account it showed that the payment went through...now i have to wait half the day before they even open...
  5. my hubby still smoke analogs and has no intention to quit but he tries not to smoke when i'm close to him...it was hard on me to start with but i adapted and now it doesan't bother me at all
  6. there has got to be one out there somewhere...how about a small tank mod?
  7. okay.....i really want a tank with round tips....any suggestions
  8. do all ego have flat tips or can you get regular round ones. i dont like flat cigar tips but want to buy a ego
  9. what is the difference between a type a or b
  10. i am looking for the best price on a ego-t...suggestions?
  11. thnks for the info...gotta go...time to feed the Gators
  12. Its a volcano
  13. OK ...so...if i don't understand all the volts,amps, ohms, mah language I'm screwed? Don't do that to me... I have been vaping quite a while , so I'm not new to vaping....I just have noway, or no one to teach me what kind is best....I am looking for long battery life, durability, and convience....Please help me out
  14. I am wanting to know what is the TOP OF THE LINE e-cig out there? I am tired of sucking my brains out trying to get a hit off these crappy cigs I have tried. I have a pass through and it is great but I can't take it with me, so please enlighten me before this pushes me back to Analogs.
  15. how do i test the strength of nic
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