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Everything posted by grandpawrichard

  1. snubber, If you notice the disgusted look on my face, I had just thrown that one back because is Bait sized in these parts! Richard
  2. Thanks Brian! I absolutely Love to Fish! I have taught so many people how to fish and helped them to catch their first fish that I have lost count! Every person in the posted photos (except for the Old Geezer that owns and runs my boat) were people that I took out and taught how to catch their First Salmon! By the end of their fishing day they were extremely arm weary from reeling in fish. But every one of them are on a list for trips out with me for this year and next! Richard
  3. Brian, Those are some really nice looking fish you have there! Congrats! I too love to fish! Within 1/4th. of a mile is the Skagit River that I Fish a LOT! Last year when the Salmon were running I spent 10 -12 hours per day, 5 days per week on the river playing Catch and Release. The best day I had was 84 Salmon Caught and Released, plus 6 kept for my limit in 10 hours! I also have a total of 24 lakes within a 25 mile radius of me that hold Trout, Bass, Perch, Crappie, Catfish, and Bluegills. I never go without a place to fish! Heck, I still have 24 Salmon in my freezer to smoke up or to Bar-B-que! Richard
  4. My thoughts on E-Cig Flavors Being that I’m a new E-Cig user and enjoying it immensely I thought I would write a little review of each flavor I have tried so far. My first flavor tried with my new kit was Chocolate Raspberry. Oh My Goodness! I love the flavor! It has a sweet, long lasting flavor that is pleasantly mild, but gives a very nice throat hit and plenty of vapors. I completely used up the juice in this sample Carto and plan to order more of it! When that Carto was used up I tried the Orange flavor sample. My first impression was “is there any flavor to this Carto?” I guess it was because I had just finished off my Chocolate Raspberry Carto. So I set it down and decided I would try it out the next morning. More to follow at a little later date. In the mean time, I pulled out a blank Carto and my bottle of Spearmint Nobacco. I carefully loaded the Carto with juice. Then I put it on a battery and took a hit. OMG! Talk about a Powerful, Flavorful Throat Hit! Dang I love the Spearmint flavor! It is an INTENSE Flavor with a Long Lasting Taste! I grew up loving the taste of Strong Spearmint, Peppermint and Wintergreen, so I personally feel that this flavor is a Keeper and it is going to be one of my all time favorites! My wife let me try Vapeing in the house last night to see if it was going to leave an unpleasant odor. She seemed to enjoy the smell of the Chocolate Raspberry and had Zero complaints about me using that flavor inside. To all of those people that say there is No Odor from Vaping, good luck with that! I could smell the scent of the Chocolate Raspberry last night when I came in from being outside and I noticed it this morning when I got out of bed. I convinced a friend of ours to order a starters kit. She received her kit yesterday too. This morning she finally tried out her E-Cig. She is a heavy smoker like me and she has always been adamant that she “Will Not Smoke in her house!” Well, she pulled out the E-Cig, installed a Menthol flavored Carto on the battery and took a few drags. She says she enjoyed it very much. But then an hour or so later she called me and cussed me out because the E-Cig had left a Cigarette Smell in her house! So, in my Honest and Humble Opinion, the statement that E-Cigs do not have an odor is not true. Granted, it is just vapor, but it does have a scent to it that lingers. So Please be Careful Around others and try to respect their rights too. That way all of us Vapers have a little better chance of being understood and accepted! As I try out other flavors I’ll let you know what I think. (oh, by the way; I haven’t had an analog ever since I opened up my starters kit yesterday afternoon at about 2 p.m.! That’s about 18 hours without!) Richard
  5. Thank you for the very informative Post! I am an Extreme Noob to The E Cigarette scene, so this has really helped me! Richard
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