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About tb20pilot

  • Birthday 04/01/1969

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  • Location
    Redington Bch, FL

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  1. Tried it..agreed I like the drip method... pulls a lot easier, tons of vapor. I guess I'll have to watch not to burn up the atomizer. Is dry smoking another term for the same thing or something different?
  2. Good call, I stopped by and picked up an atomizer and some juice from Ben at vapornine on my way in to work. Ben went out of his way to have my order ready so I could pick it up on my way in. Thanks. So far I have no complaints with the stick. I've been changing up flavors and using it since it arrived. I seriously can't believe I've had no urge for an analog smoke since I started using it yesterday. I charged my two spare batteries so I had spares, changed one out this morning but it still wasn't dead. Thanks for putting out the videos and hosting the site. No doubt as vapeing becomes more mainstream it will make a huge difference. I think the early units may not have impressed many people but its a different deal when they try something quality like the ones you guys review.
  3. Thanks for all the info, much appreciated. I'll be sure to post the supplier of any meth flavored liquid I find as well.
  4. Thanks for the kind words, looks like this may be the start of something good. My JS arrived after lunch and I have to say I'm impressed. The employees were skeptical about the whole idea until they saw me enjoying my first vaping session inside the office, now they can't wait until their next break to check it out. I bought the wrong refill cartridges however. I bought the Janty dura carts and they don't fit. When I ordered the JS, at the bottom of the page for the JS it said "Customers who bought this product also purchased"- then links for dura cartridges. I ended up pulling the wicking out and switching it to the JS cartridges that came with it, but I need to know which cartridges are the right ones for the JS so I can order them... and some liquid. Cheers, Mitch
  5. I smoke menthols and need a recommendation for a high quality liquid others are using. I'd like to try something without any tobacco flavoring, I'd like to go straight menthol. Cheers
  6. I ordered a Janty stick after doing some research online and seeing Chris and Sean's review on youtube, but hadn't signed up to this board at that point... so maybe I'm starting out with the wrong equipment after reading the problems some have had with it.. but its a start. It shipped two days ago and I'm looking fwd to putting it in service. I like the concept of the JS, lg battery, interchangeability, and the fact it doesnt look like a cigarette. I want to buy a few atomizers to keep as spares but need a recommendation for a solid, reliable atomizer for my JS, possibly something interchangeable with my employees new soon to be units... and a recommendation for them as well. I have several employees who smoke and I want to introduce them to vaping.. but don't know which one buy them to get them started to begin with. I'm leaning toward a pen style for them since we could keep the same atomizers around and they would be interchangeable with my JS... meaning they will undoubtedly be using my parts when theirs go out. I'm thinking of keeping replacement parts on hand so no one has a reason to backslide into analog smoking. I've paid for them to go to stop smoking gimmicks in the past with no good results, so buying them a vapor setup isn't anymore expensive and looks to have a lot more promise. Our office is in FL so going outside for smoke breaks is harsh when its in the 90s with 80% humidity, so letting them vape in the office will be an attractive proposition. Any recommendations for atomizers for my JS, a quality starter setup for my employees, and any other words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Mitch
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