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SoldiersAngel last won the day on June 21 2011

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About SoldiersAngel

  • Birthday August 27

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    my kid, my hubby, crocheting, video games, vaping

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. So Blake at VapeMart sent me some juice and asked if I would be willing to do a quick review. I will be totally honest, I'm still a bit of a noob, and feel kinda strange writing a review, but will put my opinion out there for whoever might be interested in ordering from VapeMart. All of the juices were 12mg in strength, pg based, and consumed by means of direct drip on a standard 510 atty. Strawberry: I really like this juice. It's very flavorful, and (thank god) not perfumy in any way. It actually tastes to me just like strawberry flavored trident gum. Strawberry Tobacco: The strawberry part is the same as above, but it has that tobacco undertone. Neither flavor is too strong, very well balanced. Mtn Crest: I had my reservations about this juice. I drink TONS of Mtn Dew on a daily basis, and was very interested to try it in vape form. It doesn't taste EXACTLY like Mtn Dew, but it is very, very close. There is more of a lime-y flavor to this juice, which I really like. I will def be trying some of the other juices from VapeMart.
  2. thank you so much for posting this! you made it so easy to understand, i appreciate it!
  3. I agree with the others. If you're not hooked, don't start. Since you have stated that you are paranoid about the health risks, you're looking at unknown health risks with vaping. We vape as an alternative to our tobacco addictions-we were already hooked, and vaping is better than smoking, but IMHO nothing would be even better(as far as health goes)
  4. this is interesting. I noticed I was getting heartburn for like the first week that I was vaping, but it passed. As for the sleepiness-I quit analogs cold turkey a couple years ago and would get super sleepy. My body was used to a fairly constant, consistent level of nicotine, and I think the lack of is what made me sleepy. Nicotine is of course a stimulant, and if it's something you're used to having, being without it could def cause some sleepiness.
  5. I used to loathe being nagged about smoking-someone would nag me about smoking so I would get irritated and smoke even more.(I have a very rebellious nature) I am utterly addicted to vaping-but I'm okay with that. If your friend is not okay with being addicted to a PV, she is the only one in control of her own behavior, and therefore the only one who can change it. The best thing you can do is be the good friend that you are, and be supportive.
  6. So I logged on to VT and clicked the store link, and it automatically sent me to forevervapor and i was wondering why? my other question was, is forevervapors dulce e juice the same as vt's dulcis? the descriptions seems so, but they only have it in 18 and 24mg, and 16mg is about the highest i want to go.... not a store question, but if i were to get ego batteries, can i charge them with my 510 chargers or do i have to buy another charger?
  7. thank you for posting this. it's nice to know that people really do appreciate what our soldiers and their families sacrifice to keep this country free.
  8. yeah i've been looking into getting an ego. i already spent my allowance for this month tho
  9. LMAO! That's awesome.
  10. Hi Tammi! I'm a noobie as well, but thought I would give you my opinion based on what I've experienced so far. Like you, I don't really smoke much during the day, but when my son goes to bed at night, I'm puffing away. I too wanted something that looked and felt more like a regular cigarette. I went ahead and got a joye 510, and so far it's working out well for me. Yes, the battery life is shorter, but I will take a few puffs every couple hours or so, and one fully charged battery lasts me just about the whole day. It's at night that I usually end up killing a fully charged battery because I will sit and vape my brains out. Carts can last a decent amount of time. I have found that keeping them topped off helps them last a little longer. As far as where to buy from, there is a list of reputable suppliers on this forum. I'm a hermit, so I don't know about the plane thing As far as chargers, I plan to get a 510 passthrough because I tend to vape at the computer at night, and the passthrough would be a good option for me. May you have a peaceful day as well, hope this helped. Good luck finding your perfect e cig!
  11. I love the little booty shake he does at the end. This made me smile
  12. I get you joker. I have a few friends who are muslim that are kinder, more understanding than some of my christian friends. This world is in desperate need of more tolerance and understanding.
  13. For me, when I crave an analog, I'll vape for a bit, try to distract myself, and most of the time the craving goes away. There are times that it doesn't, so I allow myself a few drags of the analog. I'm not beating myself up about it-I've been smoking a pack a day for 10+ years, and since I started vaping, I've only had one or two analogs a day (if any). My Dad smoked for 30+ years, hasn't smoked in the last 5 years, and he STILL craves a cigarette every now and then. I think for some of us, those cravings never really disappear completely, but vaping can def take the edge off.
  14. I just got my joye 510, and much to my dismay, the little grey piece that covers the led was broken off. Is there something simple I can do to reattach this piece, or does anyone know any tricks to reattaching it? I'd rather not send it back or try to get it replaced, it just seems too stupid/small of a problem to journey to my post office and/or irritate someone at the store.
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