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Everything posted by jbones733

  1. i am having same exact problem, 1st day it was hitting great, now its brutal, i have to suck 10-15 seconds to get anything and still stinks I am using 60/40 or 50/50 juice, i am clueless about VG/PG, the juice does seem thick maybe thats the problem and it destroys my battery as well, not sure what i will go to next
  2. noob here, but already want a mod, looking at the Provari battery life is key for me noob dumb questions, can you use any 510 cartos on it ??? boge or a 510 atty and tank ?
  3. Thanks alot guys !!!!!!! I will keep at it, i smoked a long time, so i will give it more time see how it goes another question so I dont have to start a new thread how do you fill the tanks or cartomizers ?? i have just been filling them using the liquid containers my liquid comes in, any advice ? syringe, drip tip ? not sure where to start
  4. so far I got Butterscotch from VApor Talk and Cotton Candy and Vanilla from Bombay i also ordered a bunch more from diff vendors
  5. Ok, I have taken on the world of vapor so far i have a joye 510, attys and carts, and got the Joye tank now, getting great throat hits and tons of vapor, the tank lasts forever too, so far so good I am going to get an ego as well only thing so far, is i am not getting much flavor, am i just expecting too much ? from the tank so far I am getting none, I did start to get a little bit from the regular Joye 510 a an atty and cart just wondering if I am doing anything wrong or what else I can do for more or any flavor thanks !@!!!
  6. Thanks !!!! actually it is not the Liquid, cause it works on my other atty, i bought 2 atty's 1 works, 1 does not, i dont know why, could it just be a bad one ??? the 1 atty works great and everything is really clicking, i ordered a ton more flavors from all over, very excited
  7. I am in the same boat as the OP i just got a standard JOye 510, and so far so good, tho it seems only 1 atty works anyway, i have 3 batteries, so always charging them up, and replacing, same thing at work, but I am looking for something that lasts longer, i ordered tanks and atty's, and will try boge carts next, but that wont help battery life from everything i read EGO is way to go, i will probably end up buying that as well, never thought I could quit analogs, but it is working so far, just need to take next step
  8. Question, I have a joye 510 reg battery, if order the tank atty and some tanks does it work on the same battery ?
  9. Thanks for the replies, I got from Vapor Talk, a butterscoth and regular tobacco, the Butterscotch works fine, good throat hit, tho I really dont taste anything and it worked rgeat from start, the other liquid is reg tobacco, got same strength for both, that is the one that seems to not be working, I am going to keep playing around with them I will look into the Tank and Ego as well, til I master this !!
  10. Hello all, my name is John and I jsut started vaping, but I have several noop questions, i started with the blue cig, which i liked but it never worked, after a few puffs the carto was dead so i bought the Joye 510, manual battery, liquid, charged the battery for like 9 hours, now I put the drops of liquid into the empty cart correct ??? then the cart on the atomizer it seems there is a little foam ion the cart which i dropped into then when I put it on the atty the foam goes into that. anyway, i got butterscotch liquid and it worked well, tho it didnt taste like butterscotch to me, I still got a strong throat hit and alot of vapor, so all was good It seems I have to keep putting drops in every hour or 2 tho, is that normal ??? if so what can I do (buy other stuff) to not have to constantly fill it w liquid then i have a 2nd battery, atomoizer, etc, so i did the same thing w a tobbaco liquid to see if i get a diff taste, but now i cant get any throat hit, vapor still coming out, but nothing into my mouth, i wonder what I did wrong anyway, sorry If i am all over the place, i really want to quit smoking and this stuff is helping, I just want to iron out all the kinks and figured this was a way to start thanks !!
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