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I'm new enough (only two weeks) to not yet be certain which of the elements is the problem when I have a drop in vapor. Mostly, my 510's (two of them that I vape equally) have been incredibly trouble-free and satisfying. Okay, so let's call it the #2 510, was poor on vapor. I filled up the cartridge, but then started thinking maybe it was the atomizer that was the problem. Just to test it, I put that #2 cartridge on #1 atty-and-batt and got better vapor. But that might have been due to some liquid on #1 atty. (It's hard to be perfectly scientific in my testing and noting results.) I had cleaned #1 atty after the first week, and just cleaned #2 atty, and now I think it's all cool -- cooking with gas (whatever that used to mean). And a big part of why I get satisfying vapor, I think, is the rolled-up teabag paper -- it is awesome! So that's all I can say for a progress report on my two 510's. I don't know what kinds of problems other models have, but the 510's sure seem reliable if you take care of them. kathy
Stringdancer, thank you, and yes, as the others said, this was a beautiful story you tell. It is so wonderful and cool and important for us to introduce people one at a time to the e-cig, and each person and all the people around them will be affected by it. Besides helping other people (and we as smokers really the best ones to help other smokers), we're helping ourselves also, by helping the cause -- we need to get more people doing e-cigs so we can have a bigger voice. I love spreading the word, and giving my "demonstrations." I mean, it is serious, but I do have fun with it, "ham" that I am. I love my PCC for a demo prop And if I haven't told people in person, I've emailed my smoking friends to get them hip to it. I'm surprised when they don't know about it. Not really surprised actually, as I only vaguely knew of it until a couple weeks ago when I made the concerted effort to research e-cigs. The more I know, the more little bits of discouragement are creeping in for me also, about the FDA. It's not even perfectly clear-cut as to what these should be categorized as, as far as to keep them freely available to us. That, besides the ridiculousness of the illogic of the anti- people. Sometimes I can't even follow it, it starts to really bug me. Meanwhile...loving my 510. kathy
An Interview with Professor Michael Siegel
kathyst replied to StringDancer's topic in General Vape News
I am reading all of this press with much interest of course. It is so messed up -- that "they" say we must quit, yet they really want us to kekep smoking, because they want the revenue from us, and also due to Big Pharma needing people to smoke so they can make money off smoking-cessation items. Plus just all the ridiculous non-scientific and just plain illogical perspectives from the moral police, etc. But I know I'm preaching to the choir here. kathy -
tb20pilot, about menthol. I can only say the ones I've tried. I have "Frost" from Vapor Station, and I felt like it was too fake-sweet tasting, like a Salem or similar (whereas I was used to American Spirit Menthol Lights, a mellower menthol). However, now I've gotten used to it, and I like it fine. But I like better the menthol I got from widowsbeadwork. I got low nicotine on these, but that doesn't really matter to the taste of the juice, right? So, we'll just have to keep trying them all, huh? kathy
Genetic -- it's great! Now, I would probably make it look all cool also, but I really like it funky like you have it. Garage e-cig. Whereas I would do something like covering it with wood-grain contact paper kathy
Love your post It's just incredibly cool, you and all of you here, and everyone who has given up smoking for vaping! I'm just proud of you, happy for you, all of it. I think it's an awesome thing going on here. And I'm glad we're in the time of the internet, when we have global sharing. I love how you say vaping is "refreshing." Indeed, that is not exactly what we experience with analogs! And it's just interesting to see how one's habit changes, from the nicotine dose of smoking one analog, to however you find yourself wanting or not wanting to vape. But absolutely most definitely yes, enjoying every hit knowing you're not nailing the old coffin, as you said. Yeah, yeah, I know, the anti-smokers will say we still haven't given up the habit. Well, excuuuse me! And besides, we are WAY closer to giving up puffing altogether from vaping than from smoking, if that is our goal. Personally, I enjoy being in at the beginning of the hoopla -- I don't know what "they" are going to start wanting to do about e-cigs as they become more popular, but I know what side I'm on. (Unless we get some new breaking news that PG vapor is even worse than tobacco smoke or something!) kathy
Stringdancer, thanks for posting the articles. I've been wanting to learn what is being said about e-cigs. Poppa and Christopher, too -- I so agree, that it's not just the government, but all the self-righteous people who have their priorities about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness all screwed up. Think we better stock up? Or will we know in time if they're going to be pulled off the market or something? kathy
Thanks, Genetic and Darth! It's so interesting, how the "habit" will change. I know it's a whole different mode than lighting up a tobacco cig every so often. Right now, I have one in the morning before leaving for work, and I go outside at about 10:00 and again after lunch at around 12:30 (and I love the social thing that goes on around the espresso cart). Then I have one driving home. So that's four, but then I can smoke 6 or 7 in the evening at home. And I can smoke up to a pack on the weekend days. But I'm curious how much I will really want the nicotine, the hit, the vaping. For instance, when driving. I do look forward to finding out! It's just such a hassle, smoking -- when traveling, visiting people who don't smoke, you name it. It's too difficult to smoke these days. And the smell in my home, ugh. Anyway, Genetic, you're so right about the classy black style, as opposed to looking like just an analog. (I love all the lingo Later! kathy
I'm so excited! I just ordered my Joye 510. Genetic, FYI, thanks to the suggestion you put in my head, I decided against the analog style after all, which I had thought I definitely wanted. Now I'm thinking, I may as well make a change from the analog habit, and also to not look like I'm smoking a cig in an inappropriate place, when I'm vaping this cool black thing. Even holding it, it looks like a pen or whatever. I looked on each supplier site recommended here, and all had various choices. A couple or three places, though, when I went to the 510 starter kit, they were out of stock. I went with Vapor Station in Texas. It said $52 for the starter kit, but when I added in the juice, it was $61. I also got two additional juice flavors. It has two batteries (one manual, one automatic), two atomizers, the charger, five empty cartridges, a bag of filling, and the juice. So I'll DIY from the start. I got all low-dose nicotine, but now I'm thinking darn, maybe I should have gotten one medium, to judge the difference for myself. But I'm a rather low-key smoker -- not many, and lights -- so we'll see how this goes. ("Not many" but I assure you, I take each and every one I smoke seriously Okay, so I had a list of questions. As I said, I have done a lot of research, and I found answers to some of my questions. For instance, the difference between manual and automatic, and other aspects. But I still have a couple questions. When a battery life says "three hours," does that mean three hours of actual use, or three hours just sitting there not being vaped? This is not a technical question, but a subjective one: Do you find yourself vaping for a certain length of time such as the five to ten minutes it takes to smoke a tobacco cigarette? Or do you find yourself just occasionally or intermittently puffing? Someone said he is smoking more (and thus more nicotine intake), since he doesn't have to go outside, etc. I like the idea of cutting the juice with glycerin. Which I have at home. I also have polyester batting. (Boy, do I not like the sound of sucking through polyester...but then, what exactly have I been sucking through all these years?!) I am hoping it's easy to get the various parts when needed. That's partly why I got a common or best-seller type model. So, I can't wait to get this...and try it out...and I'll report in! Thanks to everyone here -- I couldn't have done it without you Well, I haven't done it yet...but taken the first steps. This is just so cool. I'm surprised I didn't tune into the vaping thing sooner. And now, on the day the Senate has passed the more-control-over-tobacco-products thing. The FDA, the CDC...I'm outta here! Jumping ship just in time I could say. But now I need to keep up on news about potential regulation or worse of e-cigs. kathy
This is so interesting, vacker, and sceptic's numbers, too. Now I'm not looking for a one-time $50 thing, but I am looking for a first-time (around) $50 thing. Then, I know one has to keep getting the cartridges or the liquid. But what I don't get is how you could have spent $635 on that in 107 days. I don't want to ask dumb questions without looking into it more myself, but as I understand it, the battery part of the e-cig is rechargeable, so you would only need one of those, right? Or two, so you could have one to use while the other one is charging. And if you use the liquid and refill the cartridge, then you aren't paying for a bunch of different cartridges, right? Still, I will not complain about cost, not with the cost of analogs these days. But what would you say is the bulk of the ongoing costs? Thanks! kathy
Hey Sheila. It seems to me from all my research thus far (as in, when a number of people say such-and-such is their favorite, then okay, that's for me) I want to get the Yeti 510. So I was all ready to order, but they're out of stock on electronicstix, the Yeti 510's that look like regular cigs, that is. Is that what you got, or the pen style? Well, it's fun to study up...but I can't wait to get going with this! kathy
Good for you! I love hearing these stories. I can't wait to get my e-cigs! I "want" to quit smoking, but I don't want to. (And I don't want to turn to smoking grass like many of my ex-smoking friends.) This way, I don't have to quit smoking per se. I mean, I get to switch to vaping. (All the lingo is amusing at first -- I'm just getting it.) kathy
Thanks, Christopher! Now I'm going to go to other threads and just check out the various brands...but it's a bit overwhelming -- so many choices...and where have I been? Has it been about a year since these came out? All I know right now is I want the cigarette-looking style, not the pen style; I want menthol; I want some manual switch or whatever (I'm not sure precisely how these even work yet, if you turn them on and off or what). I will research before I just throw out dumb questions I could find the answers to myself But it's great to know I can find others who are into this. (Not too many smoking friends in RL, and none who have tried e-cigs.) See you around here! kathy
Hi all. This is my first post. Thank you so much, bizzybot, for your post above. I am just at the research phase right now, and your tips are seriously useful. I've been prowling all over the web the last days about e-cigs, and am glad I found this forum. I want some real people's experiences with e-cigs, people I can chat back and forth with. I don't yet have any clear idea which brand I will go with, but reading your tips, now all the variables are starting to gel in my mind. I was even going to go to the kiosk in the mall, which I happened to glance at as I passed the other day but had no time to stop. I didn't know, e.g., that the mall kiosks are a rip-off, that it's better to buy on-line. I was thinking that at the kiosk I could at least physically try an e-cig. Then I see everyone say Don't go to the mall kiosk!! Funny. But I tell you, finding out about e-cigs, now is the first time that I'm really feeling I may be able to quit smoking cigarettes! I am looking forward to figuring out which to order and getting them and trying them out! And your tips about how to order (don't order humongous industrial size until you've tried it out, etc.), the specifics of the different elements, etc., are most useful, too. I've smoked since I was 14, over four decades now. The patch, gum, brain-drugs, none of that is right for me. I like "smoking" too much. I smoke menthol, BTW. I wonder if I'll like the taste of the e-cigs. I know there are potential problems, these being a new product without years of testing, but I'm sure going to try them! Now I'll go and check out the other threads. kathy