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Everything posted by VaporAssassin

  1. I fully agree with him on that one!
  2. He has helped me out a lot with is YouTube videos. So I hope him the best!
  3. you took the many words right out of my mouth!
  4. I was thinking along the same lines!
  5. Hello everyone! Ok, I am a little lost. What is the difference between a DSE-510 Atomizer and a Joye 510 atty? Thanks for your help!
  6. French Toast- VG- from Electro-Nic-Stix! Very good!
  7. Well I do sometimes. It all depends on if I am vaping PG or VG. But when it's raining I love the fact I don't have to have the windows down!!
  8. I agree! I don't think I would go back to aregular atty. I just love how much vapor I cannow get out of my Spade! The throat hit makes it that much better!
  9. Hello everyone! Well I have been vaping Rath Blueberry Pancakes VG 24mg for aboutthree days now. I thought at first I would get tired of the flavor! However, Istill love that flavor! The flavor is excellent. It’s got a nice butter/syrup/blueberry flavor! One thing I have notice is that the throat hit is not thatgreat. It gives me a nice and smooth vape. The vapor production is great! Overall I think it is a good juice.
  10. Ya that could be it. Do you have any of the links for the other suppliers with that manual batteries.
  11. This was one of my first e-cigs. I was thinking does anyone know way they stopped selling it in a manual battery? You think it would be better.
  12. Ya they are great! i got one on my spade and wow! For a 3.7v it hits just like my pass-throughs. But now i need to get more batteries! Do to the fact i think it drains them a lot faster.
  13. I think you hit the nail on the head! The FDA Loves this kind of stuff!
  14. I would love the idea! I would like to be a part of that! However, Sorry Chris, I got all your juice and I love all of them! lol
  15. I would never go back to smoking analogs! I would go underground! I think there will be a big black market for it! I think that if vaping would make me a criminal, then sorry to say you better start booking me in to jail! I think the kits would be a great idea if it looked like it was imminent!
  16. I have heard of soaking it in mouth wash. Like Chris said I would just use water. It worked fine for me and they have not died on me yet! (knock on wood!)
  17. Cool Thanks!!! I Moving up in The world! lol
  18. I know this may have been ask before but where can I get an adapter like the one that came with my VP pass-through?
  19. Cool thanks! I know they where going to change the BB!! Just did not know about the silver bullet.
  20. I have seen the video Chris did about it and I got really excited that it is goingto vape like the pass-through but in a portable version! I have alsoseen the Copper and the silver bullet also. Thanks to Grimm Green! My buddy atwork has the silver bullet and he uses it at 6 volts. However, Iheard that they may have changed the way they machined it so you can't stackthe batteries any more to make it 6 volts.
  21. Hello Everyone! I am looking for a high volt e-cig. I don't know what to get. I love my VP pass-through, and my PS pass-through from Pure smoker! I have a Spade and a Joye 510 but I find that I can't wait to get home to use my pass-through. Should I wait patiently for the Joker to come out or get another one? (Or get both?) Love to hear everyone opinions! Thanks!
  22. I just wanted to get everyone's opinion on the E-Cig advertisements that you hear or see on the radio/internet! Me personally if I would have not done my research on E-Cigs before I bought one. I feel would have gotten roped in to what I thought was a scam. From what I have heard from people, is that the E-Cig that they got from the advertisers on radio/internet are no were near the best out there on the market. Don't get me wrong they my do what they say. However, I have had them ask me "a Newbie" to vaping where I got my E-Cig. They have told me how much better my E-Cig performs compared to theirs. So I guess I am also wandering do you guy/ladies think it does or can put a bad face on the great world of vaping?
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