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Everything posted by VaporAssassin

  1. They where my first ever concert!!! I should be going to The Pink Floyd Experience on July 16th.
  2. I would of taken ECHOES the best of Pink Floyd!
  3. Now that is a great story!
  4. Ya DAYVAPE it is the face from the wall album. I am a big fan of Pink Floyd!!!!
  5. Well, tattoos hmmm... Here are two of my tattoos!
  6. Well, I thought I should share this with everyone in the VTfamily! I made an order from DIY Flavorshack on 5/24 for a six packof 6ml Juice. I got a phone call on 5/27 from Santina from DIY Flavorshackabout my order. I did not put the strength I wanted on the order. I called themback and talked to Dawn for a little bit. I explained a little about myself andmy situation. She was very helpful and more than willing to help me! Well today I got my package in the mail!( pretty fast for handmade to order juice) I opened it up and had some extra goodies in side with ahand written note telling me about what they added to my order. Well, needlessto say I am very happy with my order and will continue to be a customer! They have good customer service and so far the Red Bull I triedis Very good!!!!! So overall I would give them a 10/10 P.S. Sorry if I miss spelled their names.
  7. WOW!!!!! That was great!!!! Thanks for sharing that nana!!!!
  8. I Can Get With This!!!! LOL
  9. That was very Cute! But, now I want some POP ROCKS!!!
  10. Hello ThaHodgehound, Well from what I know your juice will be good for a year from when it was made. I keep my juice on me at all times, because I drip. So yes it is safe/ok to do. It will not go bad quickly if you don't keep it in the fridge. As long as you don't leave it in the sun you should be ok. Sun kills juice flavor and you don't want that to happen. I put my juice in the fridge at night. I take it with me during the day and I have not had any problems with it going bad. Hope this helps you! Vape Strong!
  11. Well got the DSE-510s today!!! They seem to work great on my PS-PT!
  12. Ya this year is flying by! No plans this weekend. Sad to say, I have to work on the honey do list this weekend! I think this list is rigged! It never gets any smaller!!! However, I am sure we will have some friends over this weekend!
  13. Congrats Storm!!! On the baby boy!!!
  14. Ya your right it will be really fun to watch!! Side question- did you see to the Ducks and Stars Game in April?
  15. I wonder what would the vet say when you go in with it? Best of Luck!!
  16. LOL I live in Cali and I know we could find a .45ACP out here!
  17. Congrats! Look forward to the updates!
  18. I would have to agree with Brian and DevilDucky on this one!
  19. Well My team did not make it to the playoffs. Never the less, I have to go for the Blackhawks! Just because My favorite player did play for the Blackhawks at one time.
  20. My LiFePO4 batts say the same thing! In the two links it looks like it said Li-ion on the top of the batt. But again just says LiFePO4 on mine.
  21. I am vaping on some Grape Soda from the VT store!!! Loving it!!!!!
  22. Man thats going to be fun... I hope I don't burn up before I get it back to the dealer!
  23. That is just bad... I see a big fight happening soon in that household!
  24. Ya they can hold it!! However, that does not mean they will ever let it go!
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