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Everything posted by MorisatoIncorporated

  1. Internet explorer. Well back to the topic of cases, any good sites for m401 cases that carry more then just the standard black?
  2. But I did use the edit button, which instead of editing the paragraph I had, posted the edit as a double post But can agree with chris on not wanting a delete button as could be abused
  3. Looks like my 36mg liquid is getting tougher to get, a few sites have discontinued selling it and contacted them about it. Here's the reply I've gotten from one of them. Hope this isn't a sign of things to come. From: WetYourStickLiquids (matt@wetyourstick.com) Sent: Tue 6/23/09 10:50 AM Hello Stephen, Thank you for contacting Wet Your Stick. Unfortunately after the last of our 36mg dries up, we will no longer be offering this strength. All of the manufacturers are pulling it due to safety reasons. I apologize for this. As far as the 50ml, we do plan to offer this size in the future. It could be a few months before we do this though. I am glad that you enjoy our liquid! Please let me know if there is any other way I can help. Thank you, Matt Sanner Wet Your Stick Liquids www.wetyourstick.com matt@wetyourstick.com
  4. P.S. need a delete button so can remove replies when editing typos, that way we don't end up with double posts. Or guess maybe double check grammar before hitting post button :P
  5. A clasp case is a folding tin case designed to fit the E.cig for easy carrying in your pocket while protecting it. Royce has a photo of the Burberry Clasp case shown right on the Pillbox 38's totally wicked review post under certified suppliers. http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.com/product.asp?id=15 I have a clasp case for the m401 and 510 in a standard black but was looking at the silver leaf print case they had on wickeds site but don't have any for the m401 which I have on the way for a friend and wanted a case that stood out and she'd would like. Seems the only 2 cases they have are for the mini and the super E.cigs May go with the RN4801 case if it holds the 401 ok. Doesn't need to be snug
  6. Looking for a decent clasp case for the M401 and really like the case from totally wickeds site for their Super E.Cig(10cm). Looking at the super E.cig, it looks just like the M401 so was wondering if the clasp case would be the right size. As a side note, I love my M401 and 510. Just got another 510 for my younger sis and a 401 for my older sis. Even gotten 8 coworkers to switch over from analogs in the past 3 weeks with more asking about them. Gotta say this is one of the best inventions to come along. Thank you Chris and Sean, it was your reviews that finally pushed me from the sidelines into getting one Haven't touched an analog in over 3 weeks now nor had any interest in picking up an analog since the day my m401 arrived.
  7. Oh nice, not only does it have bubblegum, but even cotton candy
  8. Along the lines of the original bubblegum flavor, bubble yum would probably be right.
  9. Hiyaz all, just got my first E-cig this week and was looking at E-liquids. Was wondering if anyone has come across a bubblegum flavored E-liquid yet.
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