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Everything posted by joker23

  1. I got the black ones from sweet-vapes.com. Thanks for the tips, and any tips on how long they will last, or if I'll need to clean them or how? Any help is much appreciated
  2. So, I'm putting my eGo tanks on hold for a while, and just ordered some dual coil 1.5 ohm cartomizers. I was hoping somebody could give me some pointers? Like filling it up, (can it be done without a needle?). Or should I use a drip tip and just drip directly into it? And what is the rubber cap filling, and how do I do it? Thanks
  3. Thanks! But just to clarify, the cartomizers have a cap that can be removed and replaced to fill it up, or if I wanted to, to just put drip tip there? Also, I just dump the juice in there and screw it on and use it? Like an eGo-T? or do I have to constantly keep dripping? cuz that's what I'm trying to avoid. Thanks for the help, and sorry if I'm asking obvious questions
  4. Has anyone ever bought XL Clearomizers R4 (510 connection) from sweet-vapes.com? can they be refilled, do you have to drip, or is it more like a tank? Also, what about the Black XL Dual Coil 1.5 ohm cartomizers (by smoktech) are those meant to be dripped into, or are they one time use? That would seem like a waste of money. btw, what are clearomizers anyway? they look weird with all the strings. and would they both fit on by eGo battery under the cone?
  5. Iv'e had a tank for a few weeks, and bought a starter kit with a 900 mah battery. The tank has been working pretty decent, but i want to try something new. So I'm buying a cone and 510 atomizer to make my battery like a regular eGo. My question is, do the joye 510 extreme Atomizers sold from this site fit under an eGo cone and an eGo 900 mah battery?
  6. Antimatter! has anybody read Angels & Demons by Dan Brown? (the guy who wrote The DaVinci Code) Awesome book, highly recommend it. and cool article as well, their getting close to Star Trekking.
  7. So I've had my eGo-T for a about a week now, and its my first e cig. And I am starting to get a burned smell and taste form my atomizer. It still produces plenty of vapor, but there is just always a slight burned taste, and inhaling is making me cough again. What do I do?? please help!
  8. Wait, so you just left them on the stove to heat dry? Or just used them while they were wet? I've been using mine awhile now, and I'm starting to experience some of the same problems as you
  9. I boiled my ego t atomizer to clean it and I was wondering how long I should let it dry.....and is it bad to blow the water out , because I heard that it messes up the wick.
  10. Blow into the battery connection end? Or tha tank end? Sorry if thats a stupid question just want to get everything right PS. this might be another stupid question, but does that mean that boiling is out of the question?
  11. What is the best and safest way to clean my eGo-T tank atomizer? I've heard of boiling it, but that doesn't sound like it would be good for the Atomizer Thanks! P.S, when I first get my atomizer, and want to blow out the primer, which end do I blow into? just ordered my eGo-T and I'm pretty excited!
  12. joker23


    im still a noob, so please dont mind all my questions.
  13. joker23


    Is this GoodProphets site any good? I dont want to get ripped off or anything, Also, can I charge 650mAh batteries with my 900mAh charger?
  14. joker23


    Does anybody know a reliable website where I can buy an eGo 900mAh PCC? Hopefully under 30$? Thanks!
  15. Thanks!, But do I have to have a visa credit card to buy a visa gift card? Because I don't have one.
  16. Holy Sh*t!! that car is jesus! im so jealous! im only 20, so it wouldnt really be midlife crisis, but you can always give it to me if you turn out to not like it :D
  17. so, this has nothing to do with e-cigs, but does anybody know if i buy an Amazon gift card from wegmans, or walmart, can i use it to order from sites other than amazon.com ? and do i have to have a visa credit card to buy a visa gift card? or can i just give the cashier some cash and activate it? Thanks
  18. fantastic being a muslim, he has ruined the face of the religion, hijacking it for political purposes, and now racism against Muslims is abound, because apparently, being a muslim makes you a terrorist, even though islam in no way promotes killing. good riddance
  19. I was looking for an e-liquid thats nutty, like an almond type flavor, with dark chocolate or dark coffee? Any suggestions? Thanks.
  20. i was looking for something nutty, like an almond type flavor, with dark chocolate or dark coffee. Any suggestions?
  21. I have seen videos, but none of them actually explain what it is. can you help me out? Thanks.
  22. Thanks! So where should I buy the eGo-T? somewhre cheap and reliable? I dont want to get caught up in any scams like I have read about; poor service, broken devices etc.
  23. I was torn on which one to order, so I decided to ask your opinion. Have anybody tried both? which one is better? Thanks.
  24. what do they taste like? Ive been looking around, and some of the names are impossible to tell what they taste like. Like desert ship? Or RY4?
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