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Everything posted by soso

  1. Yeah, the AGA-T beats the Smok-R like a dog in every possible category. I'm really enjoying mine so far.
  2. I use single 18350 mode out and about or at work. Now my 18350s are starting to lose a little lifespan per charge so I carry an extra. At home I use it in 18650 mode. It works wonderfully in both configurations, though now as my batteries start to age, the overdraw protection will kick in occasionally and cut off power to the atomizer after a few seconds. But this is a function of the battery protection, not an issue with the unit itself. I have not used a stacked configuration yet. Coming from an Infinity Pro, my two main reasons for buying a Vamo were variable power and getting away from stacked batteries. I do wish I had the stainless version now that it is available, but it's not a biggie. I probably won't buy another one until an even later version where (I speculate) they'll find a way to condense/reposition the chipset to reduce the overall length of the device.
  3. The jury is still out on these for me. I've had two - the first one had a problem with the top cap threading, and Smoktek replaced it for me free of charge on good faith that I'd mail back the defective one - which I did. The second one has good threading, but the O-ring at the base of the top cap threads is... frayed... at one point and will break at some point. No extra rings were provided. As for how it vapes - keep in mind that I vape 100% VG liquids I've had to drill out the wick holes to a larger size and leave the little silicone plug for the fill hole removed to get it to wick properly - these mods, combined with the "Genesis tilt" when using it, results in a decent vaping experience. The supplied wicks/coils are pretty bad. The coils are always wound too tight around the wick, making the juice unable to wick to the center of the coil. Burny city. You have to try to loosen the coil a bit so the wick isn't pinched, but this is very difficult to do without breaking the extremely fragile kanthal coil wire. I would suspect making your own coils from scratch would be preferable once you get the hang of it. I'm able to vape it at about 7.0 - 7.5 watts on my Vamo before it tastes burnt at the end of each hit. For me, it's a usable silica wick RBA that is a stopgap for now until my AGA Tiamat Plus steel mesh-style RBA arrives. Props to Smoktek for the good service though.
  4. I have the same batts in both nipple and flat top, and they both work perfectly without issue. In fact i had to look to see which I had, which is how I discovered that Smoktek had sent me one of each. Very weird. I'm bummed you're having these problems!
  5. I could see some problems developing with it down the road, but it's been rock-solid so far. Anything with a non-mechanical switch, screen, or chip could eventually fail... but I would confidently say the Vamo seems better-built than my Infinity Pro, and I've dropped that thing like a dozen times over the last year and a half and it still works.
  6. Well I hope your amp issue is a cheap fix! We tend to be a first-call for bands on Small Stone that come through here - you should check out their roster. It's a cool label and seems to really support their touring bands.
  7. I tend to reduce everything back to music gear references. Sorry to hear about your amp! I see you're in Columbus, OH. My band plays with a lot of Columbus bands when they come through here on tour and stuff. Ever hear of Lo-Pan or Before The Eyewall?
  8. Please keep us posted on your results!
  9. A mod to me is not a vaping-specific term, so I've never really jived with the vaping community's inclination to co-opt it for their own definition. A mod is any user-modification of a product or device from its stock form. To that end, a Vivi Nova on a Provari is not a "mod" per se, any more than say a Mesa/Boogie amplifier head on a Marshall 4x12 speaker cabinet is a mod. Compatible products mass produced by different companies being used together does not constitute modification in my mind. Something like the Kick could be considered a mod in the typical sense, because it modifies a component of a single product, but I still wouldn't call the Silver Bullet it's used in a mod itself. This is just me, but I tend to opt for the word "device" or PV when describing these things we use.
  10. I recently contacted smoktek about the issue I'm having with the Smok-R RBA and they got right back to me. Promised to send me a new RBA and asked me to send the one I have back to them so they can see the issue themselves.
  11. That's weird. Mine doesn't need any spacer for 18650 mode. The battery will clink from side to side a tiny bit inside the tube if i shake it, but it's never lost the connection on me. Could it be that you didn't get the Version 2 with the longer spring and updated chip? Who did you order from?
  12. That last post was formatted into paragraphs when I typed it but Tapatalk seems to prefer giant blocks of text. Sorry about that.
  13. I've got one for you. Last week I was getting hard up for juice. I'd been holding out on making a big order because I was waiting for Alien Visions to reopen their web orders (gotta have my Boba's). While Christmas shopping, I decided to pop by the e-cig kiosk in the mall to see if i could grab about 20 ml of something vapable to carry me over. I'd noticed before that this kiosk sells eGo gear so I figured they'd have more than just pre-filled cartridges for some weird proprietary starter kit junk. Promising, right? I walk up to encounter your clueless hourless employee. She'd obviously been trained on their products but was completely ignorant of the vaping world at large. Ok. What follows is our exchange. Me: Hi, I'm wondering if you guys sell bottles of e-liquid. Her: Yes, we do. Me: Okay, what kinds do you have? Her: We have everything (sure they do). What do you smoke? We have apple, peach, menthol, chocolate... Everything. Me: Uh, usually VG-based tobacco flavors with 18 mg nicotine.. Her: We have tobacco flavor. (At this point I'm expecting your typical Dekang 555 or something similar.) Me: Cool. What size bottles are you selling? (She opens a drawer and produces what looks like a 10ml bottle of unmarked e-liquid.) Her: This is the size of bottle that e-liquid comes in. This sells for $39.95 on it's own but is only $25.00 if you buy one of our starter kits. (FORTY BUCKS FOR 10 ML OF SOME RANDOM CHINESE JUICE ARE YOU ******* KIDDING ME) Me: Wow, ah, seriously? That price is for a 10 mil bottle? Her: I have no idea. They're this size. Me: Look, I know you're not setting these prices, but you should know that is outrageous. Her: Uh, yeah, I have no idea. (A trend emerges.) Me: I encourage you to Google this stuff since you're selling it to people. Just so you know - this (as I pick up the bottle) costs about five dollars. Not forty. That is an insane price. Your company is ripping people off who don't know any better. (She's looking kind of uncomfortable by now so I ease off.) I'm not going to buy this, but thanks for your time. ... And I leave. I nearly lost my **** when she dropped that price.
  14. You're welcome! I'd been anxiously waiting for it to arrive for days. It really is pretty awesome. I wish I could be as positive about the Smoktek R rebuildable tank. I've only had it since this afternoon and I've already had to drill out the wick holes, remove a wonky o-ring, and rewind one of the premade coils. The top cap doesn't thread onto the tank properly and can pop off. Pbusardo wasn't big on it and I have to agree.
  15. Got it today. I can give my initial impressions but I'll try not to say too much since I'm definitely in the honeymoon phase with it. First of all, this thing is built WELL. Heavy, solid, with very good fit & finish. Definitely does not have a "Chinese" feel to it. Everything works. Good positive feel to the buttons. Nice smooth threading too. I've been vaping it in mini mode because I'm kind of infatuated with the smaller size. It vapes like a high-wattage vv mod, which is to say... Like a truck. I'll use it for a few days and maybe do a proper review... But I think you're gonna love yours.
  16. This happens to me sometimes. Not every day or anything but sometimes I'll hiccup on the inhale when vaping.. When it happens, it happens on every hit for a period of time. If I just put it down and come back to it later, it will have stopped.
  17. Soooo... it's a Zmax Rev.2 with a bunch of crazy engraving on the tube?
  18. I have mine on order. Should be here tomorrow. I'm ready to retire my I-Pro.
  19. Couple of things 1- I know that's a rendered mock-up but it looks like a whole lot of molded plastic to me. No thanks. 2- I watched thier video on it and, in addition to paying for the unit/kit, you have to pay for individual software "modules" that unlock different levels of control. For instance, if you want your 10 second vape to start at 5v and taper to 2v, you have to pay extra to unlock the part of the software that lets you do that. If you want to turn it up to 6v, you have to pay for that too. Thing is, the unit is capable of all of that out of the box. It's like buying a car with heated seats and a 6-speed paddle shift.. but if you want the seats to actually heat up or shift higher than gear 4, you have to go back to the dealership and pay them extra cash. Lame.
  20. If there's one thing every vaper wants, it's to make their PV several inches longer than it already is.
  21. I went with the chrome finish. It didn't come today. My disappointment was palpable. Hopefully tomorrow. I really was set on the Provari, but the price and features of the Vamo made me feel foolish to go with anything else. Unless I was really set on an all-mechanical mod or something it just doesn't make sense.
  22. Hi guys, been a minute... thought I'd drop by with an update I've been analog-free since I joined this forum. Well over a year - I'd have to check my sig to even know how long. For the last year and a half, I've been using my Notcigs Infinity Pro (2x14450) and DCT setup.. Which should be a real testament to the durability and reliability of that device. I'd never knock it. However, it's time for a change. Vaping has come a long way very quickly, and I wanted an updated, more elegant setup. I was all ready to order a Provari Mini... and wound up getting a Vamo instead. The price, along with the significant increase in options and user-friendliness just made it the obvious choice (3 buttons, better screen/interface, variable wattage). I also ordered a rebuildable tank atomizer in the hopes that "rolling my own" per se will alleviate the seriously bad consistency issues I've been experiencing from the pre-punched cartos lately. The best part is that, no matter what resistance I wind my atomizer to, the variable wattage settings of the Vamo will automatically adjust and make it vape the same (if I want it to). In the mail - I should get it today. I'll try to post my impressions after I've had some time with it.
  23. I've been nothing but disappointed with all the Vision products I've tried, actually. I have a V2 Clearo on my I-Pro right now and this thing sucks. Doesn't like to wick. Burny hits more often than not. I've also used the stardust/whatever ego-style clearos and experienced worse performance than a stock 510 kit with a cart. I have one of their rebuildable tanks as well and it clogs, gurgles, delivers dry hits even when half-flooded, and the threading is so poor on the 510 connection that it can pop out without warning. I'm done buying things from that company. I'm convinced they don't know what they're doing over there.
  24. Yeah, the flange doesn't do anything to prevent leaking in and of itself EXCEPT It does prevent the tank from sliding down the carto and letting juice run into the air holes by the carto threads, which would be a huge PITA. Since I have always used a syringe to fill my tanks and prime my cartos (and they only need changed every week or so), I stick to the flanged ones with no downside. It might not be any big deal if your PV is something like a Lavatube or a Provari, but I use an Infinity Pro and it has about an 1/2" gap between the 510 connection and the main bulk of the battery tube (there is room for the tank to slide down), so a flanged carto is a must. -- I've also switched 100% to the flanged, full-sized single-coil pre-punched cartos available from Altsmoke because I find them to be a looser draw, less prone to flood, less prone to dry hits, and overall far faaaaaar more consistent than the DCC's I'd been buying. I don't know who's producing them - whether it's Boge or Smoktech - but they're absolutely great. Throw a 2.5Ω single-coil carto on a vari-volt PV and you hold the world in your hand.
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