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Everything posted by PBusardo

  1. Thanks everyone for the positive comments. I see there was a question about the J-Tank (which was already answered). You can get more info here... Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7btamhhqDo
  2. Thanks. It does pain me at times to give negative reviews to people who request reviews from me, but I think you the viewers, deserve it.
  3. Thanks very much!! If I'm every in the area, I may take you up on that. Yep, whatever works. Hacksaw, file, chain saw :-)
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7btamhhqDo
  5. @Kingbtheone - Thanks! I love my new mod too, no matter how ugly it is! :-) I would agree, at 24mg you should have NO issue with TH and if you do then there is an issue with your vendor! @johns - Thanks!!
  6. Just having some fun. Yeah, I know my Clinton sucks. So what!
  7. Oh, and Smoketech should be Smoktech in the title as well. Need a longer window to edit these posts!!
  8. Thanks DayVape! How about an Ebay or other link?
  9. Seen them here: http://www.breezesmokes.com/product.php?productid=179&cat=28&page=1
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