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Everything posted by Asa

  1. I am a former smoker. I've enjoyed every single cigarette I've smoked for more than 15 years. Yet, I haven't smoked a cigarette in more than two weeks, for the first time ever, since starting vaping. I can say catagorically, without fear of contradiction, that vaping is by far a superior experience. If anyone is considering smoking, or has recently started smoking... put down the burning leaves, and pick up the atty. Not only is the experience far healthier than smoking... it's far better. I will never smoke an analog again. I implore each of you to try vaping as an alternative to smoking cigarettes. You will not regret it.
  2. Is that really the feds position? How... typical.
  3. I certainly understand, and appreciate, your position... however, you and I very well may NOT have ever picked up our first cig if vaping was available when we did. I'm not proposing that we promote vaping to non-smokers. I am just wondering how we can quantify those vapers who would have otherwise become smokers if the option had not been available. According to the CDC, 443,000 people die each year from smoking related illness. If even 1/10th of 1 percent of people who would begin smoking have instead chosen to begin vaping, we may be saving 443 lives each year... assuming the CDC's numbers are accurate .
  4. With all due respect, that seems to me like preaching abstainance to a bunch of horny teens- some of the kids are going to "just do it" regardless. Shouldn't the vaping community reach out to folks who are considering smoking, and propose vaping as a safer alternative? If schools can hand out condoms to kids, don't we have a responsiblity to offer those who would become smokers another choice?
  5. We've all seen the estimates of how many people newly start smoking.- depending on how slanted the anti-tobacco propaganda is, the figures range between 1200 - 5000 people (usually cited as "teens and young adults") every day. With an ever increasing social stigma and financial hardship associated with smoking tobacco, it only stands to reason that some percentage of people who would have begun smoking cigarettes will have instead turned to vaping as a viable alternative. However, browsing these forums and others like it, I've seen mostly "recovering addicts" posting their experiences. Long-time smokers (myself included) who have turned to vaping as a safer, somewhat more socially accepted, and certainly more cost effective means of continuing (and maybe eventually ceasing) their relationship with nicotine, as well as the physical and emotional habits associated with the act of smoking. So I have to wonder- are there many people out there who have begun vaping WITHOUT a history of smoking tobacco? I've seen the vaping clubs; seen the trendy places for the mostly younger hipsters who unrepentantly vape their days away. My hats off. I'd be joining their ranks if I were more socially minded. I know there must be some folks who have taken up vaping because it's "the new thing". However, their numbers seem to be poorly represented on forums such as this. Hello, non-smokers.... are you out there?
  6. Stick with it... seems the Ego tank attys need a bit of time to "break in"... I was skeptical at first, but after a few tanks the flavor really ramped up.
  7. Thanks, Johns. Some good advice in that thread- I guess I'll give them a week or so with a few shakes and a warm bath, then try again. I'd much rather come out of it with some good juice than my money back.
  8. I recently received an order placed through a well established and regarded supplier for a 30 ml bottle of RY4 and a 30 ml bottle of Virgina Fire Cured Tobacco 70/30 24 mg. Having read many positive and enthusiastic reviews of this vendor's products, I have to say I was really looking forward to trying these liquids. I couldn't have been more disappointed. I first vaped the RY4, and immediately noticed a distinctive off taste to the vapor- a weird floral note I'd not found in other formulations of RY4. I tried to work through it, but the flavor became more and more pronounced as I continued to vape, eventually becoming overwhelming and well... gross. I gave up on the RY4, emptied out my tank and cleaned my atty. I still had high hopes for the VFCT, and eagerly began to vape this blend. Again, I found the same weird floral note. I figured this may have been carried over from the RY4, and that I hadn't managed to get the flavor out of my atty. So I broke out a brand-new atty, and a new tank. Tried the VFCT again- that flavor was still there, more pronounced than ever. Eww. I can only describe this note as somewhere between baby powder and old rotting roses- certainly not something I would expect or desire in either of these blends. It was so overpowering and pervasive that I wound up smelling it for the next several hours. I contacted the vendor, who I have to say was more than professional and accomodating. They offered me a refund, but also suggested that I let the blends "cure" for a few days, as the "floral essence" I noticed was a sign of "extremely fresh liquids". I'm wondering if there's any merit to this? Has anyone else had this experience?
  9. I've kinda been doing this too... I use the little silicone condoms to mark which tanks of liquid I like! As a newbie to vaping, I've been trying a lot of different liquids and blends- I use the mouthpiece condoms as a way of marking which tanks I've enjoyed, and am interested in sharing with interested parties. Of course, I'm still learning... so these have proved to be an invaluable way of noting that "this liquid is good, in my experience, and others may enjoy it too".
  10. I've been using the ego-t tanks for a week and a half (a newbie, I know) but have had NO problems with leaking... I keep the unit in my shirt pocket all day- alot of shifting and shaking to be sure, but nary a drop astray. As far as the atty primer, I followed the advice found on this fantastic forum and eslewhere, and soaked my atty in grain alcohol for a few hours prior to use, then blew it out and "vaped" a full tank of distilled water through it... I did notice a distintive "off" taste at first, but it disappated after a while. After the distilled water was gone, I filled the tank with a high quality 80/20 pg/vg liquid, and have had no issues since. Hope this helps!
  11. While I'm new to vaping myself, it seems that the vapor king storm is a knockoff of the ego-t. I've been using the Joye ego-t for more than a week and a half now, and couldn't be happier with it... the battery is practically an industry standard, lasting 2 full days of heavy vaping between charges, and the attys have been consistantly producing high volumes of flavorful vapor. I'll admit that they took a few "tanks" to break in, but once they got up to speed I've have no complaints. Take my opinion with a grain of salt, of course... this is only a newbie's perspective.
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