I recently received an order placed through a well established and regarded supplier for a 30 ml bottle of RY4 and a 30 ml bottle of Virgina Fire Cured Tobacco 70/30 24 mg.
Having read many positive and enthusiastic reviews of this vendor's products, I have to say I was really looking forward to trying these liquids.
I couldn't have been more disappointed.
I first vaped the RY4, and immediately noticed a distinctive off taste to the vapor- a weird floral note I'd not found in other formulations of RY4. I tried to work through it, but the flavor became more and more pronounced as I continued to vape, eventually becoming overwhelming and well... gross.
I gave up on the RY4, emptied out my tank and cleaned my atty. I still had high hopes for the VFCT, and eagerly began to vape this blend. Again, I found the same weird floral note.
I figured this may have been carried over from the RY4, and that I hadn't managed to get the flavor out of my atty. So I broke out a brand-new atty, and a new tank. Tried the VFCT again- that flavor was still there, more pronounced than ever. Eww.
I can only describe this note as somewhere between baby powder and old rotting roses- certainly not something I would expect or desire in either of these blends. It was so overpowering and pervasive that I wound up smelling it for the next several hours.
I contacted the vendor, who I have to say was more than professional and accomodating. They offered me a refund, but also suggested that I let the blends "cure" for a few days, as the "floral essence" I noticed was a sign of "extremely fresh liquids".
I'm wondering if there's any merit to this? Has anyone else had this experience?