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    lazymitch got a reaction from cindycated in Sweet Vapes Reviews   
    Just goes to show that everyone's taste is different.

    I just received my order from sweet vapes.

    All 70/30 PG/VG, all 12 MG. All tasted by dripping on a clean atty.

    Monkey Bread: WOW! If you love monkey bread, you'll love this, it's exactly the same! Great vapor, decent TH, and the taste.... dear lord I'm in love!

    Blueberry muffin: I ordered this with extra flavor, just to try it. Another winner! I'd say it tasted like blueberries with a hint of muffin, but I loved it!

    Still to come: Carmel Cappuccino, Kona Cream, Vanilla Bean Cream, Starbucks Latte, and Spearmint gum!
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    lazymitch got a reaction from kitsune in Coughing & Coughing   
    Nana, don't give up, just find what works for you.

    For me, ecigarettes had me at hello, but I went straight to dripping. I now drip when I can, and use cartos (with good juice) when I'm driving, or I don't feel like explaining what I'm doing dropping liquid into a strange looking device and "smoking" on it.

    I haven't looked back to analogs since I started, and I think when you find what works for you, you will have the same results.


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