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  1. i just picked up a bottle of clycerin usp labeled as a ( skin protectant ) active ingredint glycerin 99.5% anhydrous i cutt 10ml with it and it taste fine think this is safe dident really think about it before hand
  2. can you put weed in it ?
  3. still cant limit my self i have gone through the 5 carts that came with my 510 , 6 of the little JC samplers and a 10ml of 24mg juice bottle since the 20th thats a little more then 5ml a day
  4. pack pack and a half ( due to money ) if i had alot of money i would ave smoked 2 or 3 packs a day i ordered a 30ml cherry 30ml strawberry and 10ml redbull from Ruyandirect
  5. im going through 3ml of Parked's 24mg a day i just puff nonstop cant seem to get enough my body dosent say stop
  6. im having a hard time figuring out how much im smoking and limiting my self to 1ml a day i got my 10ml bottle of 24mg 2 days ago and i only have 4ml left and my broke azz ( auto censor ? ) can only afford 1ml a day any one have any suggestions ? can i cutt my liquid if so how and where do i get the stuff ? and what is the cheapest juice i can get ?
  7. because cutting cost and saving a few bucks is worth allot then peoples health ? the American way ?
  8. yea JC's peach is amazing to say the least i just ordered the peach from dietsmokes while i was ordering Whistle Tip carts to try it out. I think im going to stick to JC juices from now on if all the china juice taste odd like the peach ( unless its really cheap and in bulk ) know where i can order 100ml+ bottles of juice ? want to stock up a little
  9. i just received my parked's sweet peach juice and im not impressed really the flavor is very fake and it hardly taste like a peach other then its flavor its good
  10. im using vg in carts and some times driping on the atomizer
  11. im using jhonsonscreek juice its starting to work allot better ques its just getting broken in still not puting out the kind of vape that i see on videos though
  12. im finding it hard to switch to e cigs i still crave a real smoke even though i vape almost nonstop all day . and carts are only seeming to last for 1 cig im not getting alot of vape and its real harsh most of the time ( using 510 ) am i doing something wrong ?
  13. rno420


    i injected half a cc of water into my cart ( to help top it from burning ) and it works fine
  14. rno420


    can i put a few drops of water ( or fruitjuice or soda ect ect ) in my cart or will that hurt it ?
  15. just got my 510 not getting much vape and it taste like bunt filter =( dont know if my carts are messed up or what the problem is when i take out the cart it looks like the filler is beeing burned/melted is that normal ?
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