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Everything posted by RandZ

  1. the ban in iran maybe because of the source of the PG if it contains alcohol or made from animal rennet namely pork. VG should be fine tho.
  2. Well here is the linky : king fox e-cigarette they claim that they have United States FDA approval on their products. Check it out guys tell me what you think, i personaly think that all these e-cig manufacturers are kinda shady... different manufacturers have the same model numbers or model numbers that are quite similar.
  3. so what ur saying is the Flavours in VG is not as strong as PG ?
  4. i already did ... hope he can arrange alternative payment whats the big diff with vg and pg tho ?
  5. well the coughing was pretty bad... I've been vaping about 2 weeks now after smoking for about 12 years... i feel much better today tho... i kinda eased off the e-cig but still vaping very very little just so I wont have to turn to an analog but not as much as I would regularly smoke. The reason why I thought it was and allergy it irritates my throat even when I don't use it all through the night!!! JC's PayPal setup isn't accepting my credit card .. seems it's because I'm not in the US. I don't wanna turn to the Chinese supplier... their menthol is needs a lot more work I afraid of wasting cash on other flavours from China. I'll try puresmoker's cash liquid see if that goes tru. You guys rock! thanks for the support!!
  6. it gets even better! paypal isnt processing my credit card for the payment at johnson creek while vaping i cough a lot and at nights ... wish i could make my own juice hehehe sum gylcerine and food flavouring sounds good to me right about now ...
  7. so the great news is i think i'm allergic to PG ... how great is that ! ordered me some non pg from johnsons ... guess i'm gonna be a lil grumpy till it gets here ... lol
  8. The pilot looks good, but it doesn't look like an actual cig. I purchased the intellicig already... hope i don't have issues with faulty parts when it gets here. I've also got the new minicig for e-cig.com ... whats the best juice u all recommend for these two e-smokes??
  9. any of you guys have experience with intellicig ? I am thinking of getting one and was wondering if it's any good
  10. thanks for the tips guys, so i did charge up the batt overnight via usb and it seems to be pretty okay i think it's just the lack of experience vaping, the lip burning/cart overheating : i was in fact taking too long deep breaths. i've kinda got it down now with the exception i still think the batteries are rubbish i might replace that cig all together and get one from puresmoker ... about the e-juice i have like 40 carts left so i gonna use those up first before i get some. oh and Royce i'm in Trinidad and Tobago land of sea sand sun and hoottttt women
  11. I first been introduced to E-cigs while i was on vacation in Florida in November last year, interested by the product but being amazed by the $150 dollar price tag i started looking for better deals online. After visiting all the top sites that Google regurgitated like smoke51, ruyan, epuffer, smokingeverwhere just to name a few, i found a pretty good deal at e-cig.com a chinese company. i ordered a kit for what i thought to be a great deal. it got here (Trinidad & Tobago) pretty quick as i used the express delivery for my order. being totaly new to e-smoking/vaping i have a few gripes about this product i don't know if you guys experience similar with other products (seems to me the majority of e-smokes are made in china). 1. the battery life is kinda poor it lasts approx 5 smokes in which vapour production keeps getting less (abt 2 hrs) 2. the atomizer is built into the cart and get a little too hot for my lips 3. sometimes i get a burnt taste i guess it's because of the atomizer overheating .. (still produces a decent amt of vapour) 4. the menthol flavour doesnt taste anywhere close to mentol i haven't purchased any e-juice for fear i might have probs with customs on my next visit to the US i will stock up on juice.. any advice will be greatly appreciated
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