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Everything posted by eswigger

  1. Here is a tip that I haven't found on other forum sites that would have stoped me from making a couple of bad decisions: Do not use your automatic e-cig while driving in a car with the windows down; the suction caused from the open window may be enough to activate your e-cig, not enough to light your led light, or produce any real tell tale vapor to let you know whats happening, but it can slowly char-fry your cartridge. It happened to me once when I had my pen style sitting on my lap while driving with the window down a little, and when I got to my destination I picked up my e-cig to find it quite hot; what was once near oderless was no longer oderless, and what once tasted sweet, now tasted worse than a GPC brand ciggarett. The same problem has accured while trying to use my auto e-cig outside on a real windy day. So to avoid these problems its best to go with a product that offers a manual switch.
  2. A tip of my hat in thanks as I slowly fade into the mists.
  3. When I smoked traditional cigarettes, I was about a pack to a pack 1/2 a day smoker. About how long would one 30ml bottle of smoke juice last me? I want to start "dripping" soon, but want to know if it would save me any money to do so. Thank you.
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