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Everything posted by eswigger

  1. If your going to make your own juice and add throat kick, I do not suggest adding the alcohol as so many people suggest. It will give your blood alcohol content a little boost; it will get into your system that way. I found that citric acid ( lemon juice you can buy anywhere in one of those little lemon containers ) works amazingly well. I add just one drop for a 3ml bottle and it works great. If the flavours are giving you grief, and I know a neighbor, and myself have had the same issues as you before, you should look into making your own juice.
  2. Thanks for the pics jeff. yea that's the "washer-style I'm looking at when I gaze down inside. The vendor I got them from is remedying the situation and getting rid of them. Offered to give me my money back if I wanted it...all seems to be ok in the world again...( taking long thick puff)...Yes..everything is ok.
  3. Thanks all! I got my first batch of materials for making my own juice. I can hardly believe how good these attys are working now, dripping to no less. Unthinkable before, but this juice is the easiest vaping juice I've ever used. I've never had any juice give me so many good hits {10-15} for just three small drops like this does either. I couldn't be more happy if I was a barren woman who just gave birth to twins...these attys just got saved from the garbage.
  4. I just ordered some new 510 atomizers, and they are wayyyy different inside. Instead of the metal mesh surrounding the parameter inside the atty, its what looks like a metal washer instead. The opening down there is now really small, and if I drip, the pressure from putting my tip on actually makes it squirt ( yes squirt ) the juice out the back of the atty. I have had to use cartridges for this reason. I dont like carts. Has anyone else seen these attys. I just bought a crap ton of them and found them all to be this new "washer-style". Definitely unhappy with them.
  5. Thank you. I'll start there.
  6. Has anyone here ever used capella flavorings at http://capellaflavordrops.com/ I just placed an order for some and was wondering if anyone else has used them and what they think. I know it varies depending on the flavour your using and personal taste, but what would be a good (in general) amount of flavouring to use per 10ml of juice?
  7. Currently using a 510, and have gotten a couple of neighbors one as well. One guy only has one lung and smoked profusely. The other was a woman neighbor I was sleeping with and wanted to get her to love me. The neighbor with one lung has called me a number of times to tell me I saved his life. The woman I mentioned did begin loving me special....Thank you Joye510!!
  8. Thank you.. I thought that might be the case with Johnson Creek's extra throat hit, but it reads "preservative" after the citric acid...tricky,tricky. I did some digging on Glycerol, which is something else Johnson Creek uses, and found that its a preservative/sweetener; however, it is also supposed to be thick as syrup which makes me leary about using it. Perhaps if I use any I will have to use the "Vacker1229" vodka trick. I read about that else where as well. Thank You All For The Support!!!!
  9. I would like to know how to give my e-juice a little more kick; anyone have any suggestions? Also, has anyone here ever used Glycerol as a sweetener?
  10. I'm currently working on a web site for selling e-cigs; so far I'm thinking of mainly selling Joye510, and DSE901(and their accessories). I am open for finding out what products or brands the Vapor Talk community would like to see however, so let me know. If something is mentioned enough times, I'll definitely look into including it.
  11. I have used four different kinds of e-cigs, and the Joye 510 is the one I have stuck with the longest. After 5 atomizers I have discovered that not all the ats are created equal though; some take considerably less time to break in than others, and the ones that seem to take the longest never really make it to the same operating level as the quick starters. Even the ones that seem to lack a bit are still better than your average e-cig though, at least out out of the ones I've tried. I've been content to stay with the Joye 510 now for longer than any of the others, and that says something.
  12. If all the little mysteries inherent in all things didnt reveal themselves in concordance with a timely fashion, I would need Advil...Lots of Advil ; however, if I caught on to more things more quickly, I would be considered more intelligent, which in turn would get me more respect. (If I didnt live in the ghetto where such things are frowned upon that is.)
  13. The Janty Kissbox has left me a little mixed as well. On one hand, the vapor it produces is amazing, and a great throat hit accompanies that vapor like a smooth lover; however, the one thing that has me a little vexed about it is this: What I mention about the vapor and throat hit only seems to apply to it when using the carts. I have a DSE901b that I drip juice with, and the throat hit and vapor are great, but I take that same juice and drip it into the Janty Kissbox, and the throat hit is less, the vapor a bit less thick'n'rich, and my traditional 4 drops with the DSE901b dont go near as far. Its a GREAT e-cig when using the carts, but the dripping is a bit less satisfing with it. I have decided that I will use my Janty Kissbox while on the go, just load up a cart and take it with me in the handy-dandy carrying case, but I will still use my DSE901b while at home where I can drip without much hassle. While using the carts in the kissbox, the machine is a monster; the huge hits you effortlessly pull from its depths are something to behold, but if your looking for it to provide you with a dripping experience to match your favorites, you may be disapointed.
  14. I must have got the "new and improved Wild Cherry", because the last bottle I got from them was the Sweet Strawberry, and the flavour was as normally reported; only a shadow amongst the backdrop of a smooth vape. Now with the Wild Cherry I just got, the flavour is very intense..(And absolut Delish to I might add.) I sent them an email recommending that they create a small tin to carry a small dropper bottle of juice and some accessories. ( No e-cig case I have ever seen has a spot for such things.) They promptly sent me an email stating that it will be brought up at the next meeting.
  15. Just ordered my Janty Kissbox from dietsmokes.com. Ordered at about 1:30 pm, and noticed I had an email saying that my order had been shipped by 3:30 pm...PARKS THE MAN!!!
  16. I bought my DSE901b from him. I placed the order at about 3:30 am Friday morning, and by 8:00 am it was shipped out already. I cant really say much about other customer service since I havent had to use it yet, (knocking on wood...hard) but I can say that my order was placed through and out the door faster than I ever would have expected. I'm definitely going to be going through him next week when I spend a lot of money on the Janty Kissbox Extended Kit...But since you mention it stringDancer, perhaps I should shoot him a line and make sure he has some spare batts lying around for them first.
  17. Its hard to believe that you ran out of gear Chris. I had to go back to analogs for a couple of days before, and I couldn't believe how unsatisfying they were compared to my e-cig (full flavours even). Its funny because on that first day of e-smoking it seems to be the opposite, as your body adjusts to not getting that aphixation from the carbon monoxide to tell you when you are "done". Well, that and no longer getting my rat-poison, i'm sure that had somethnig to do with it to. Glad you enjoyed the guitar CHEERS TO GETTING GEAR, AND ROLLING IN E-JUICE ONCE AGAIN.
  18. I just got my DSE901b (same as DSE901, only its black )and omg, I had no idea e-smoking was this good. My first e-cig was a Smokeless Delite pen stlye; it was good enough to get me seriously into e-smoking, but not good enough to keep me with that brand. The DSE901 is 100* better than the smk/del kind. I am enjoying e-smoking like I never knew it could be. (even with the one hole atomizer) Maybe I just got lucky with my atomizer, but mine is only a one hole, and it has the smoothest draw, with consistent hits, and it produces insane amounts of vapor. P.S http://www.loudio.com/Music/Melorose.419079 (copy-paste into browser if link dont function.) This is a link to some music I made, after hearing the first one, if you want to listen to more, just click on my name. The first link is to a classical guitar peice I made with lots of ambiance backing it. Another is a piano piece I created, and added the ambient sounds of birds and wind. The third is a creepy piece I created using lots of different elements, (including the voice of Jigsaw, from the saw movies.) If any of you happen to listen to any, enjoy.
  19. My Smokeless Delite pen style had many problems, and neither dripping nor topping, soaking or carefully spoken obscenities worked to fix them. The people at smk/del are great at getting you free gear though, but in the end the best remedy was to get a different e-cig.
  20. Thank You for the prompt responce.
  21. I just got my second e-cig: A DSE901b. Its amazing, I get consistent full drags with enough vapor to fill a small club...One problem though, It did not come with a manual, and I need to know how long the charge should be left on for. I just ran my first battery dead, and when I put it on the charger, the light turned green after less than an hour. I know that cant be right for the amount of time necessary for a full charge. How long should I leave them on for?
  22. I have been dripping with the longest running atomizer that I've had, but I've also been letting it drain often. (putting the battery side up and not having on a tip so that any access juice drains down onto a tissue.) Good luck to you.
  23. Thank you for the sound advice. Everything that I have read about the Joy510 (a lot of reading), watched, and heard, has put it easily at the top for which mini I would want to buy. The only thing that makes my hackles rise a little considering everything that I have gone through with my current brand, Is the 14-day warranty offered by the Joy510, compared to the 6-month warranty offered for the Janty. Which I can only guess and say a lot of that has to do with the fact that there is that extra piece (switch) separating the battery and the atomizer. LOL it is huge though, that extra peice adds on to the size of what is already a big pen style, but at least its still smaller than another brand I have seen that looks almost like a giant Mag Flashlight. Thank you for the advice though Chris I definitely hold it in high regard concerning the e-cigs, and appreciate the great service that you provide us consumers.
  24. I am simply posting this for the sake of all those who would purchase from Smokeless Delite. Their batteries are $20 to replace, and their atomizers are $15, and both will only last about one month if your lucky. The good news is that they have a 30 day warranty, and I guess I have been lucky enough ( odd as that is ) to have had almost every piece of hardware received from them crap out after 2-5 weeks, thereby getting me free stuff more often than not, instead of needing to pay for replacements. I just had yet another battery start not supplying me with much of any power, and went to check on their web site for the cost to replace ( two others got replaced for free ) and was dumbfounded to find that they want $20 for one battery; that's $20 for a battery that in my experience wont even last much more than a month. As for The $15 dollar atomizers, so far the longest running one I have owned, (out of three) has lasted an astonishing 3 weeks, and soon will no longer get replaced for free if it somehow manages to pull through for another week. The free gear isnt worth this kind of headache, and the only reason that I am still even using it is because I wont be able to afford the "Janty Kissbox" from Dietsmokes for another week and a half. I dont think my current Smokeless Delite gear is going to last me that long though, and once again I'll be back to sucking on those stinky, rather unsatisfying, illness inducing, harbingers of doom: traditional ciggaretts. If I was still working construction, I could afford endless amounts of replacement parts on a near bi-weekly bases, but now that I am a broke college student, that's not possible. I could spend the $20 on a replacement battery instead of spending what would amount to be more on ciggaretts during my time of waiting to buy the better gear, but 2 of the 4 batteries that I have received where DOA, and I am hesitant to actually send them anymore money for what so far has been a 50% instant failure rate. My message to consumers on the fringe of buying from them..Don'T! My message to any Smokeless Delite personnel who may happen to read this...MAY MONKEYS FLY OUT OF YOUR BUTT, AND MORPH INTO TELETUBBIES THAT HAUNT YOU UNTIL YOU DIE..SLOWLY...WITH THEIR SMILING FACES LOOKING DOWN ON YOU, WAVING GOODBYE AS YOU SLOWLY FAD INTO OBLIVION... But thanks for all the free crap that wouldnt be worth buying.
  25. I think that dietsmokes.com is the way to go. I know of no other that offers a six month warranty, the others all seem to offer only 30 days ( and bielieve me, you will want that warrenty if you get the standurd 30 day ) If there is any other out there that offers a six month warrenty other than dietsmokes, I hope someone posts it here, cause I would like to know to.
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