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Everything posted by Gunny

  1. OK I had to spread the word on this place, Crazy Vapors. Now I know what actual good, no great juice tastes like! My daughter who is in the Navy found this store in the town she is currently stationed at, in Augusta Georgia. When she came home on leave she brought with her some of their juice, and it was fantastic! So much better then all the others I had tried. I couldn't believe the difference! This juice has clean, true flavors. When I vape the Sweet Strawberry, I actually know I'm vaping Sweet Strawberry, and the Juicy Fruit, like juicy fruit gum, wow it's the BEST, my hands down favorite! Oh and Papaya, love it, it tastes like Papaya! I have ordered from them twice now and his quick service is also the best! Now you want to talk price? Hello, this is the place for that too! Try $45.99- $49.99 for an eGO CE4 900 passthrough starter kit, or an eGO cone passthrough starter kit! Even the cool ones with the designs carved into the batteries. Need some parts? CE4+ clearomizers for $3.99 and replacement coil heads, $1.75 I am just so happy with this store I had to spread the word! Check them out on facebook and their website for yourself. http://www.facebook.com/CrazyVapors http://www.crazyvapors.com/
  2. Mine have a blue light. Got them from eastmall but there is no picture on their site. I had to email them and ask if they still sold them when I ordered my last joye 510's. The gal there told me they had them they just weren't on the new site. They're working now again so I'm happy
  3. They're pretty cheap joye 510 passthroughs, Not sure the voltage... Someone else told me to move it around till it worked and let me hit it and then tape it in place, and that seems to have done the trick.
  4. OK thanks, I'll give that a try. One more thing before I try and take this apart, it isn't like they don't even light up anymore, they all still flash. When you push the button they keep flashing like the batteries do when they are dead. Sometimes they will then stop flashing and light up like normal and let me get a couple hits but then start flashing again and not work...
  5. I was wondering if passthroughs can be fixed when they stop working. I have 5, now duds, laying around now for my 510. My last quit today and I'm not very happy when vaping off a battery. Thinking of nothing but smoking a cigarette now. Anyway 2 of them quit working couple days after getting them and the others quit after a couple months. Was wondering if there is a way to fix them, or are they just shot after a little while??
  6. Wondering if anyone has tried the epipe? Thinking of buying one for my dad for his birthday. If you tried one, did you like it? Which one did you get? Are they all auto, or do they make a manual? Thanks for any advise.
  7. I've been vaping the joye 510 for over a year now and I love it. I mainly vape with a pass-through off my computer. Is there a tank I can get for my joye 510? I was looking at a Dual Coil 510 Tank 3.5 ML but I am not sure if this is for my joye 510? This is what I was looking at Dual Coil 510 Tank 3.5 ML Does this work with my joye 510 battery and/or with my pass-through? If not is there some other tank that would work with what I have? A tank uses a cartomizer not an atomizer, right??
  8. Hi all, wanting to try and make my own e-juice. Is this the right VG product to use went making your own liquid? Is it supposed to be a skin protectant like this says it is?? Also any suggestions about where to get flavors? What about the flavors they use and sell at cake supply stores? They are food flavorings...
  9. This is how I feel about jerseyvapes.com They took my money and totally blew me off!!! I'm so pissed, and I had actually liked their juice till they did this crap! Take my money and send me no order and don't answer my phone calls and emails. Don't anyone else loose their money to them! Why don't they just call me???!!!
  10. Well it's now the 28th and still no order and they still haven't returned my calls or my emails! AHHHHHH!!!! I just got ripped off!!!!!
  11. OK just wanted to put out an FYI so no one else has the same problems I'm having! It's with jerseyvapes, and first let me say I really liked their juices, I thought they were fabulous, but.... I now have to unfortunately say, do not order from them till they get whatever problems they are having fixed. I ordered my 2nd order from them July 11, Their website was acting funny and did not record my credit card expiration date so I sent them an email and told them about it and gave them the added info. They replied right away to my email and said thank you. Now I had ordered my order with priority shipping and checking it a few days later it had not been shipped. Well I contacted them about this and they replied right away and told me they had been undergoing some structural changes and apologized and gave me a code for free shipping on my next order and told me it would be sent out by the end of the week. That would have been by 7/15, ok, I was still happy. Unfortunately that never happened! I have checked my account on their site and it keeps listing my order as processing..... Well I sent them 2 more emails now and have gotten NO reply. I also called their customer service phone line and left 2 messages and no one has returned my calls. I am so frustrated and upset about this and now I find out that my daughter also ordered from them (on my glowing reviews) 2 days before I did and she has received nothing either and they aren't returning her emails either. I actually waited to bring this up on the forum because i didn't want to give bad reviews on them till I was sure about it, but now being the 25th with no return calls or emails with an explanation, well you do the math. I don't want to see anyone else ordering from them till my daughter and myself get things rectified with them. I'd hate to see more people out money and get nothing but a headache in return like me. I'm really hoping jerseyvapes will see this post and respond and let me know what is up and that my paid for juice will be on it's way to me ASAP and all will be forgiven and I will still order from them in the future. Like I said, I really liked their juice compared to others I tried! Oh and FYI, I'm now smoking regular cigarettes again because I'm out of juice!
  12. Just wondering if anyone has bought juice from jerseyvapes.com ? Did you like their juice? Did they get your order to you quickly? Do you know if they make their own juices with all US products? Anything you can think of and share would be great so I know if they're a good place to order from or not? Also if you have ordered from them do I need to order juice with a double shot for extra flavor? I would be ordering 100% VG.... Thanks!!
  13. I'm not sure I don't see it on the box anywhere...
  14. Well who knows if I was supposed to receive it as a free bee or if they sent it on accident. But the box for the kit doesn't list it as contents. All that is listed is there. I would guess it is set to the factory presets. By the box it doesn't appear it is to come with a disc. Maybe they made more than one kind...
  15. Now I just watched the youtube video and I looked inside my free bee starter kit box they sent and mine doesn't have a disc and the box contents doesn't list one...
  16. Sharon that is the 510 kits I bought, I bought 6 of them.
  17. It's this thing, and yes the whole starter kit Someone found it for me online and it it appears the kit goes for $46. -$49. had it been a normal looking ecig I would have known but this threw a Noobie like me for sure, lol.
  18. I know ha! I have 14, 20ml bottles of juice over here!! Well I will get some vg quite ricky tic and I will try mixing them too. So what is this free bee thing I got? lol The Revolution starter kit..
  19. Ok so i just got my order from eastmall, the order I placed before realizing my potential sensitivity to pg juice. So now I'm even more bummed having all this new juice to look at that it appears I can not smoke. Got 6 more 510 kits to just stare at till I order some vg juice from somewhere, 2 passthroughs and a pcc. Well that's not all!! First their order got here fast!! I was so surprised, heck I just ordered it on 4-12 and here's an even bigger shocker...... got something free!!! Don't know what it is but I didn't ask for it or pay for it!! But I love free stuff! I did go and check my account there and it isn't listed and no charge on my credit card so I guess it's free. Heck it isn't even listed on their site as an item they sell that I can find.... Now of course it's also a big bummer that here I am not knowing what it is, or what to do with it, and I can't do anything with it as I have no vg juice, lol. Oh well, so what is it guys?? A Revolution Starter Kit? It's a strange little box with a geisha woman pictured on it, 8 cartridges, and 1x usb cable? It's a mystery to me, lol. But I still love free stuff no matter what! haha
  20. Did you order with a credit card? If you did you can call your card company and dispute the charge and tell them why. A lot of times they will refund your money.
  21. I was wondering about that too. Was hoping I could eventually wean myself down to the 0mg and just have my ecig for habit reasons.... tho that's a little ways off for me, lol. Hopefully someday tho.
  22. Oh my... I just placed a pretty big order from China not a few days ago. Sure hope it doesn't get held up somewhere.
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