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Everything posted by Luv2Vapor

  1. You know what the more I use these and now that I got my new cartridges today from the same company and they turned out to be 901 atomized cartridges I'm not worried about it. This company sends the products out fast. My first shipment was sent out the day I ordered it. The cartridge flavors and their juices are good and the passthrough works good. I'm just going to order more of these, because these prices are great. I'm very happy with this company.
  2. My husband and I went through a carton of cigarettes each per week @ $50.00 per carton, that amounts to $400.00 per month. So actually this turns out to be cheaper. But it is difficult to find the right one for each person because everyone used to smoke differently. Some took big drags some little ones, some smoke to the filter and some take 3 drags and put it out. I guess the more we read and try them the more we'll know what works best for each person.
  3. Vacker 1229, Haha! Yes you're right it's a male atomizer and female battery. But the site I got them at is selling the new models too, so I don't know what these exactly are but they work great. LOL go figure. I hope someone has them or I'll just have to buy the rest of the stock to keep using them. But you know both of my super minis are that way the atomizers are male and batteries are female. They are wider than this 901 so I can't interchange them. Got my super minis and 901's(?) at different sights. So I don't know I just must find the strange ones.
  4. I tried to buy the atomizers but when I went to add to my cart they weren't available, that's my problem. I'll try again but I think when they're gone they're gone for good. But as cheap as the device is maybe I should just buy a bunch.
  5. By the way I can't find any numbers on the battery or atomizer and I used a magnifying glass. But then maybe I'll see if someone with better eyes can find them, if I find them I'll post them. Thanks again for all the help.
  6. Vacker1229, That's the one exactly same ad same site. I got one with USB passthrough and one regular. I'm thinking of ordering about 5 more if they'll remain available and that'll give me back ups. But you were so helpful. I love this thing beats my 2 super minis by a mile and the prices were great. Hope they don't sell out before I get atleast 2 more in the silver color. They just suit me perfectly. Thanks everybody for all the help!
  7. yeah I think it's some sort of 901 and I love it, it's lightweight, easy to refill cartridges, and easy draw. I will look into parts from dietsmokes cause I'm interested in some of their other products, especially the camoflaged ones when they become available.
  8. But it is not a dse
  9. The battery is 66 unless you add the rounded light then it's 69mm. The cartridge is all one piece. The atomizer has 4 holes and the mesh is recessed. The box says electronic cigarette smoking anywhere. The cartridges that came with it say testing cartridges and work very good. There is no serial number that I can find on battery. The charger number is JKY303. It was sold as an EM 901 close out.
  10. I purchased two EM901’s from V4L at close out prices. I love this model. My problem is I want to buy spare atomizers and batteries to keep these going for a long time but I’m not sure which ones would be compatible. Since I bought these at close out I can’t order the parts from them do you know of what model parts are compatible and where I can buy them at? This device(EM901) is awsome it draws so easy and is light weight, plus I love it’s looks got them in the metallic blue and one with the usb passthrough. I want to make it my main device. It’s a modified 901 model. Any compatible replacement parts, anywhere? Thanks, Luv2Vapor
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